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Alfonso E.M. edited this page Aug 20, 2013 · 9 revisions

Games Pit

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A (growing) collection of small games for children

I have a little son. I love it.

I have got a little Raspberry Pi. I love it too (in a different way, of course).

Thinking about both, I decided to make some simple games for him, using cheap and safe components: a (far enought) TV, a wireless mouse and keyboard and -of course- one of my Raspberry Pis.

To make many games quickly I choose my favourite language, Python, and started coding a little framework to avoid repeating boring tasks (loading images and sounds, printing things on the screen, waiting for keypresses...)

So Games Pit is an assortment of little games (including a launcher) and an easy to learn framework to create new games.

My son, testing some games


You will need:

  • A computer: a Raspberry PI with a TV could become a great and cheap videoconsole, but you can use a netbook, desktop or whatever. Keyboard and/or mouse are useful to enjoy all the features :-)
  • Python (tested in 2.7)
  • Pygame and ConfigObj libraries
  • Install pygame and Configobj if they are not already in your system
 apt-get install python-pygame python-configobj
  • Edit gamespit.conf (in gamespit directory) to set the games full screen and deactivate debug mode (I use to upload it with these settings on)
  • Get into Games Pit directory and run it:
  • Quit Games Pit main menu pressing '''Left Shift''' + '''ESC''' (child-proof)

More Info

If you like coding, you can make your own minigames (Making New Games) using Games Pit framework. It is really easy.

If you are a teacher, you can use Games Pit to teach programming: Games Pit for Teachers.

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