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At the end of this tutorial we're going to have a basic version of the Academic Earth Plugin. This plugin plays videos from

Since this tutorial is meant to cover the usage of kodiswift, we will not be covering HTML scraping. It makes sense to partition your scraping code into a separate module from your addon's core functionality. In this example, we're going to use a scraping library for academic earth that I already have written.

Creating the Plugin Structure

The first step is to create your working directory for your addon. Since this can be repetitive, kodiswift provides a script which will create the necessary files and folders for you. So we'll do just that:

(kodiswift)jon@lenovo tmp  $ kodiswift create

    kodiswift - A micro-framework for creating Kodi plugins.
    [email protected]

    I'm going to ask you a few questions to get this project started.
    What is your plugin name? : Academic Earth Tutorial
    Enter your plugin id. []:
    Enter parent folder (where to create project) [/tmp]:
    Enter provider name : Jonathan Beluch (jbel)
    Projects successfully created in /tmp/

If you cd into the created directory, you should see the familiar addon structure, including, addon.xml, resourcres directory, etc.

Setup for this Tutorial

To make this tutorial go a bit smoother, we're going to use some existing code which handles the scraping of the Academic Earth website. Download this file and extract it to resources/lib/.

$ cd resources/lib
$ wget
$ tar -xvzf academicearth.tgz
$ rm academicearth.tgz

We should now have an academicearth directory in our lib directory.

Since our api library requires the use of BeautifulSoup, we'll need to add this as a depenency to our addon.xml file.

If you open the addon.xml file, you'll notice that kodiswift is already in your dependencies:

<import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.0" />
<import addon="script.module.kodiswift" version="0.0.7" />

We'll add BeautifulSoup right after those lines:

<import addon="script.module.beautifulsoup" version="3.0.8" />

The last step is to install BeautifulSoup locally, so we can run our addon on the command line.:

$ pip install BeautifulSoup

Creating our Plugin's Main Menu

Let's modify the the index function, to look like this:

def main_menu():
 items = [
     {'label': 'Show Subjects', 'path': plugin.url_for('show_subjects')}
 return items

The main_menu function is going to be our default view. Take note that is has the route of /. The first time the addon is launched, there will be no state information, so the requested URL will match '/'.

If you were to run the plugin now, you'd see an exception about a view not being found. This is because we are specifying a view name of 'show_subjects' but we don't have a view with that name! So let's create a stub for that view.

def show_subjects():

So now we have a basic plugin with two views. Keep in mind as we go along, that we can always run the plugin from the command line.:

$ kodiswift run 2>/dev/null
 #  Label    Path
 [0] Subjects (plugin://

Creating the Subjects View

Now let's add some logic to our show_subjects function.

def show_subjects():
    api = AcademicEarth()
    subjects = api.get_subjects()

    items = [{
        'path': plugin.url_for('show_subject_info', url=subject.url),
    } for subject in subjects]

    sorted_items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: item['label'])
    return sorted_items

You can see that we are going to be using our Academic Earth api module here. So we need to import the class before we instantiate it: from resources.lib.academicearth.api import AcademicEarth.

The call to get_subjects returns a list of Subject objects with various attributes that we can access.

So our code simply loops over the subjects and creates a dictionary for each subject. These simple dictionaries will be converted by kodiswift into proper list items and then displayed by Kodi. The two mandatory keys are label, which is the text to display for the item, and path, which is the URL to follow when the item is selected.

Here, if the user selects a subject list item, we want to send them to the show_subject_info function. Notice we are also passing a keyword argument to the url_for method. This is the main way that we can pass information between successive invocations of the addon. By default, Kodi addons are stateless, each time a user clicks on an item the addon is executed, it does some work and then exits. To keep track of what the user was doing, we need to encode the information in the url. kodiswift handles the url encoding as long as you pass the arguments to url_for.

The last lines of code in our view simply sort the list of dictionaries based on the label and then return the list.

The last step we need to take before running our addon is to stub out the show_subject_info view.

def show_subject_info(url):

Note that since we are passing a url argument to url_for, we need to ensure our view can handle the argument. This involves creating a placeholder in the url, <url> and then ensuring our view takes a single argument, url. kodiswift will attempt to match incoming URLs against the list of routes. If it finds a match, it will convert any instances of <var_name> to variables and then call the view with those variables. See :ref:`routing` for more detailed information about routing.

Now let's run our plugin in interactive mode (for the sake of brevity I've replaces a lot of entries in the example output with ...):

$ kodiswift run interactive 2>/dev/null
 #  Label    Path
[0] Subjects (plugin://
Choose an item or "q" to quit: 0

 #   Label                    Path
[ 0] ..                       (plugin://
[ 1] ACT                      (plugin://
[ 2] Accounting               (plugin://
[ 3] Algebra                  (plugin://
[ 4] Anthropology             (plugin://
[ 5] Applied CompSci          (plugin://
[ 6] Architecture             (plugin://
[67] Visualization & Graphics (plugin://
Choose an item or "q" to quit:

The first output we see is our main menu. Then we are prompted for an item to select (only 1 available in this case). When we select Subjects, we are then routed to our show_subjects view.

Adding Code to show_subject_info

Let's add some logic to our show_subject_info view:

def show_subject_info(url):
    subject = Subject.from_url(url)

    courses = [{
        'path': plugin.url_for('show_course_info', url=course.url),
    } for course in]

    lectures = [{
        'label': 'Lecture: %s' %,
        'path': plugin.url_for('play_lecture', url=lecture.url),
        'is_playable': True,
    } for lecture in subject.lectures]

    by_label = itemgetter('label')
    items = sorted(courses, key=by_label) + sorted(lectures, key=by_label)
    return items

Most of this should look very similar to our code for show subjects. This time however, we have two different types of Academic Earth content to handle, courses and lectures. We want courses to route to show_course_info, which will list all of the lectures for the course. Lectures, however, are simply videos, so we want these list items to play a video when the user selects one. We are going to route lectures to play_lecture.

A new concept in this view is the is_playable item. By default, list items in kodiswift are not playable. This means that Kodi expects the list item to point back to an addon and will not attempt to play a video (or audio) for the given URL. When you are finally ready for Kodi to play a video, a special flag must be set. kodiswift handles this for you, all you need to do is remember to set the is_playable flag to True.

There is another new concept in this view as well. Typically, if you tell Kodi that a URL is playable, you will pass a direct URL to a resource such as an mp4 file. In this case, we have to do more scraping in order to figure out the URL for the particular video the user selects. So our playable URL actually calls back into our addon, which will then make use of plugin.set_resolved_url().

Adding the show_course_info and play_lecture views

Let's add the following code to complete our addon:

def show_course_info(url):
    course = Course.from_url(url)
    lectures = [{
        'label': 'Lecture: %s' %,
        'path': plugin.url_for('play_lecture', url=lecture.url),
        'is_playable': True,
    } for lecture in course.lectures]

    return sorted(lectures, key=itemgetter('label'))

def play_lecture(url):
    lecture = Lecture.from_url(url)
    url = 'plugin://' % lecture.youtube_id'Playing url: %s' % url)

The show_course_info view should look pretty familiar at this point. We are just listing the lectures for the given course url.

The play_lecture view introduces some new concepts however. Remember that we told Kodi that our lecture items were playable. Since we gave a URL which pointed to our addon, we now have to use plugin.set_resolved_url(url). This communicates to Kodi, that this is the real url that we want to play.

We are introducing one more layer of indirection here however. Since all of the content on Academic Earth is hosted on youtube, our addon would normally require lots of extra code just to parse URLs out of youtube. However, the youtube addon conveniently does all of that! So, we will actually set the playable URL to point to the youtube plugin, which will then provide Kodi with the actual playable URL. Sounds a bit complicated, but it makes addons much simpler in the end. Our addon simply deals with parsing the Academic Earth website, and leaves anything youtube specific to the youtube addon.

The last step is now to add youtube as a dependency for our addon. Let's edit the addon.xml again and add youtube:

<import addon="" version="3.1.0" />


We're finished! You should be able to navigate your addon using the command line. You should also be able to test your addon directly in Kodi. I personally like to use symlinks to test my addons. On linux, you could do something like this:

$ cd ~/.xbmc/addons
$ ln -s ~/Code/

Note that you'll also have to install the kodiswift Kodi distribution. The easiest way is to install one of the addons listed on the :ref:`poweredby` page. Since they all require kodiswift as a dependency, it will automatically be installed. The other option is to download the newest released version from this page and unzip it in your addons directory.