Following A Month of Flutter by Abraham Williams
- Day one: Create the App
- code, Day two: Continuous Integration - Setup Travis CI
- code, Day three: Continuous Linting (using Flutter analysis options)
- code, Day four: Upgrading to latest version of flutter (already running v1.0.0)
- code, Day five: Initial Theme
- code, Day six: No content widget (used illustration a day at the park from unDraw)
- code, Day seven: A list of posts
- code, Day eight: Extract post item widget
- code, Day nine: Post model and mock data
- code, Day ten: Render with StreamBuilder
- code, Day eleven: Stream transforms and failing tests
- code, Day twelve: (interlude) Introduce Faker
- code, Day thirteen: Rendering images from network
- Day fourteen: Authentication
- Day fifteen: Configure Firebase Auth for Sign in with Google on Android
- Day sixteen: Configure Firebase Auth for Sign in with Google on iOS
- Day seventeen: Sign in with Google
- Day eighteen: Mocking Firebase Auth in tests
- Day nineteen: Welcome message
- Day twenty: Navigate to User registration
- Day twenty one: User registration form
- Day twenty three: Testing forms
- Day twenty four: Setting up Firestore
- Day twenty five: Some icons
- Day twenty six: Firestore rules tests
- Day twenty seven: Firestore create user rules and tests
- Day twenty eight: Save users to Firestore
- Day twenty nine: Refactoring of user registration (using reactive scoped model)
- Day thirty: Some animation
- Day thirty one: Conclusion