No longer maintained.
When a Spot Instance is about to terminate there is a 2 minute window before the termination actually happens. SeeSpot is a utility for AWS Spot instances that handles the health check. If used with an AWS ELB it also handles cleanup of the instance when a Spot Termination notice is sent.
seespot -health-port=8686 -health-path=/health -app-health="https://localhost:8080/health" -cleanup-task=/path/to/
$ seespot -help
Usage of ./seespot:
-app-health string
Application health check (default "")
-cleanup-task string
Script to run upon termination
-health-path string
Default health path the Load Balancer hits (default "/health")
-health-port string
Default health port to use with Load Balancers (default ":8686")
This should be run within an upstart or systemd unit file.
SeeSpot watches for a termination notification every 5 seconds and upon notification closes off the health check on the application and initiates the cleanup tasks. If no termination notice is found then it continues to run.
This provides the following:
- Make sure there are not new connections being made while the instance is going down.
- Take care of removing machine from ELBs via the health check.
- Take care of the Application health check.
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