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Small Exponent

Code to factor and exploit the cipher text or private key based off small exponent used with RSA. Seen a challenge in picoCTF

Usage for

Generate public and private key from p and q from factored n and small e:

python ./ --n 631371953793368771804570727896887140714495090919073481680274581226742748040342637

Use FactorDB instead of SymPy:

python ./ --n 631371953793368771804570727896887140714495090919073481680274581226742748040342637 --use_factor_db

Generate a JWT with the private key with payload (hardcoded):

python ./ --n 631371953793368771804570727896887140714495090919073481680274581226742748040342637 --jwt

Mind your Ps and Qs

In RSA, a small e value can be problematic, but what about N? Can you decrypt this? values

Decrypt my super sick RSA:
c: 421345306292040663864066688931456845278496274597031632020995583473619804626233684
n: 631371953793368771804570727896887140714495090919073481680274581226742748040342637
e: 65537

Semi-Prime: Numbers whose factors are prime numbers. Factors of semi prime 21 is 1, 3 7, 21. The product of two semi primes is always a semi prime.

RSA works by generating two prime numbers denoted as p and q.

  1. Calculate the product by multiply them together:
    1. $p*q = n$
    2. $7*19 = 133$
  2. Calculate the Totient:
    1. $(p-1)*(q-1) = t$
    2. $6*18 = 108$
  3. Select a Public Key, denoted as e:
    1. Must be a prime.
    2. Must be less than the totient.
    3. Must NOT be a factor of the totient.
      1. This can be determined by taking the totient and taking the modulus of it with the public key: $(p-1)*(q-1)\mod e$
      2. If you get a 0 then it's a factor of e. If e was 3 it wouldn't work, but 5 would.
  4. Select a Private Key, denoted as d:
    1. Product of d and e, divided by t must result in a remainder of 1: $(d*e) \mod t = 1$

Once we have these values we can encrypt and decrypt a message. Where m is plaintext message and c is ciphertext.

  • Encryption:
    • $m^{e}\mod n = c$
  • Decryption:
    • $ciphertext^{d} \mod n = m$

Determine if number is prime:

def first_prime_factor(n):
    if n & 1 == 0:
        return 2
    d = 3
    while d * d <= n:
        if n % d == 0:
            return d
        d = d + 2
    return n

def is_prime(n):
    return first_prime_factor == n

import sympy

You can use this site to factor the product (n) to find p and q:

Straight up decode using:

The inverse function:

Interesting to note that the textbook algorithm for RSA generates the same ciphertext because since there is no random number used.,is%20the%20only%20practical%20choice.


Just some code to exploit RSA with small exponent used for CTFs







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