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Voicenter API Web-service SDK including all what you need for IVR, Popup , Cdr2CRM and more.

Running the project

For Running the server, run a script with the following logic :

    const VoicenterWebSDK = require("voicenter-web-sdk");

    const vcSDK = new VoicenterWebSDK({host:'',port:3000});


this will start a web service that will serve and interact with the different Web API's that Voicenter offers to its customers. more information can be found in: [] The final path of this service will be entered into the "mini-external-url" found in the layer settings tab.


A call for a TestLogic Call logic controller will look like this:

Reloading settings

and call with reload=true will make the server reload the call logic without the need for a server restart.

Example for a Call Logic

A simple Call Logic module should look the following example and should be located inside a TestLogic.js file in the root of the project:

    module.exports = async function (call) {
	    call.SetParam("foo",call.GetParam("foo")+" World");

Call Logic parameters:

Call logic are function that the server is executing for each IVR call request. the function will be getting the call object with the following parameters and functions:

Parameter List:

Parameter name description value for example
Did DID number that the call was received on (Incoming number). 031234567
CallerID Called ID is the number of the current caller calling the DID number 0512345678
CallID Voicenter unique ID of a call. Can be used for state purposes (also referred to as IVR_UNIQUE_ID) 76f4hsd4li45m7ergrtg4562456yt
DTMF If the caller was requested to enter some digits over the phone - the input will be passed in this parameter. *In case the caller did not enter any value (did not make any dial action and timeout has been reached), the default value will always be “0”. 2
LayerID The current layer ID in the IVR that the request is sent from. 1
PreviousLayerID If the call was passed to the layer from another layer, the previous layer will be shown here. 0

Methods List :

1. call.Do(callLogicName)

Description: Executes different call logics. callLogicName: String name of a .js file (without the suffix ".js"), located in the main project folder - to be used to process the request.

2. call.Say(SayOptions)

Description: Executes the Say action. SayOptions: An object received by the Say function - allowing Voicenter IVR to announce the values its getting, such as audio file names, numbers, digits or dates - by the order they are received.

	 "Language" :"EN"

SayData - can contain any of the following options.

Voicenter IVR will announce it in the order its received:

  1. Recording - A full file name to play.
  2. Number- A number to announce ("101" will be announced as "one hundred and one").
  3. Digits - Digits to announce ("13" will be announced as "one tree" and not as "thirteen").
  4. Date - a date to announce.

Other parameters:

NextLayer - the Next Layer in Voicenter IVR to redirect the call to after playing the Say command. Language- The current language of the current caller to the IVR.

3. call.GoToLayer(GoToLayerOptions)

Description: Allows forwarding the caller to another IVR layer in Voicenter IVRs. GoToLayerOptions:


are is a valid example:

call.GoToLayer({NextLayer:22,callerName:"John Doe"})

4. call.Dial(Targets,DialOptions,call)

Description: Allows forwarding the caller to call external phone number or Voicenter Extensions .

  1. Targets - List of destinations to call (phone or Voicenter Extensions).
  2. DialOptions- Options Dial configuration .
  3. call - call object for internal use , Dynamic callerID for example .
call.Dial("0523574321",{"Recording":true ,"Duration":1800,"Ring":60,"NextVo":666,"CallerID":"0722776772","CallerName":"Voicenter Api Team"},call)


call.Dial(["0523574321","0722776772"],{"Recording":true ,"Duration":1800,"Ring":60,"NextVo":666,"CallerID":"0722776772","CallerName":"Voicenter Api Team"},call)


call.Dial([{"Target":"0523574321","Type":"PHONE"}],{"Recording":true ,"Duration":1800,"Ring":60,"NextVo":666,"CallerID":"0722776772","CallerName":"Voicenter Api Team"},call)

Description: Mandetory action - to finilized the process of the current request and send back the calculated answer back to Voicenter IVR system.

Example for a CDR Logic

module.exports = async function (cdr) {


CDR Logic parameters:

CDR logic are function that the server is executing for each CDR request. the function will be getting the cdr object with the following parameters:

Parameter List:

Parameter name description value for example
caller caller is the caller’s phone number. 0512345678
target target the destination of the call Can be a phone number or the exten- sion SIP code. 0512345678
time time the time that that the call was made in Epoch time. 1615895784
duration the duration of the call(seconds). This duration does not include the ringing duration only the actual time of the conversation that was made. 33
ivruniqueid the ID code of the specific call. 76f4hsd4li45m7ergrtg4562456yt
type the type of Call. For example: if it is an incoming/outgoing call? There are several call types. Incoming Call
status status is what happened with the specific call? There are several call statuses. ANSWER
targetextension the extension SIP code that answered to the incoming call. AAPINFzL
callerextension the extension SIP code that the call was dialed from. AAPINFzL
did the origin phone number that the caller called to. 0722776772
queueid If the call was directed to a queue service, it displays the queue code ID. 12345
queuename If the call was directed to a queue service, it displays the queue name. Service Queue
record it is URL link to the call recording. http://starkey-cen-trex-recordings.s3.amazonaws
price the total price of the call in ILS cents (Agorot). 7
dialtime the ringing duration of the call(seconds). Not include the actual conversation duration. 23
representative_name the Voicenter user name that the specific call was associated with. Walter Melon
representa-tive_code the Voicenter user ID code that the specific call was associated with. 9996
targetexten-sion_name the Voicenter extension name that answered to the specific call. Walter Melon
callerexten-sion_name the Voicenter extension name that this specific call was made from. Walter Melon
target_country the country name that this outgoing call was made to. Israel
caller_country the country name that this incoming call was made from. Israel
seconds_wait-ing_in_queue will only be sent in the json CDR, if the specific called was directed to a queue. 5
Origi-nalIvrUniqueID will only be sent in the json CDR, if the specific called was related to another call. 201809131730110122APIAPIAPI-API

Example for a PopUp Logic

module.exports = async function (popUp) {

  popUp.Result.STATUS = "OK";
  popUp.Result.URL = "" +;
  popUp.Result.COMPANY = "Voicenter Dev Team";
  popUp.Result.CLIENTNAME = "Israel Israeli";
  popUp.Result.TOTAL = 1;


CDR Logic parameters:

CDR logic are function that the server is executing for each CDR request. the function will be getting the cdr object with the following parameters:

Parameter List:

Parameter name description value for example
phone The caller caller-ID. 0722776772
ivrid The call unique identifier code. 202010111sdsd3684752bcb3d
extenUser In which extension the call is currently ringing. The value sent is the extension’s SIP code(the extension unique identifier). SIPSIPl
did To which DID the caller call to? Relevant to incoming calls. 0722776773
statusCall The current state of the call. For incoming calls - "Ringing" – the call is currently ringing at the extension. For outgoing calls – "Dialing". Ringing

Respose parameter List:

Parameter name description value for example
STATUS Only accepts "OK". Any other value will indicate that there was an error on the client side. OK
URL A link to the caller’s contact details page out of your business information software(CRM).
CLIENTNAME The caller’s name out of your CRM. John Doe
TOTAL How many results were found in your CRM. 1
COMPANY The caller’s company name out of your CRM. Voicenter

Methods List :

1. popUp.Done()

Description: Send popUp respons to client's application.
