Improve both the brevity and clarity of your model mapping code.
JSON provides a simple and performant interface for accessing and creating serialized data.
This library exposes an API with minimal surface area.
API summary
```swift // Creating a JSON instance (static) static func JSON.Parser.parse(_ buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer, options: JSON.Parser.Option = []) throws -> JSON static func JSON.Parser.parse(_ data: [UTF8.CodeUnit], options: JSON.Parser.Option = []) throws -> JSON static func JSON.Parser.parse(_ data: Data, options: JSON.Parser.Option = []) throws -> JSON static func JSON.Parser.parse(_ string: String, options: JSON.Parser.Option = []) throws -> JSON// Serializing a JSON instance static func JSON.Serializer.serialize(_ json: JSON, options: JSON.Serializer.Option = []) throws -> String static func JSON.Serializer.serialize<O: TextOutputStream>(_ json: JSON, to stream: inout O, options: JSON.Serializer.Option) throws func JSON.serialized(options: JSON.Serializer.Option = []) throws -> String
// Accessing JSON
func JSON.get<T: JSONInitializable>(_ field: String, default
: String?) -> T
func JSON.get<T: JSONInitializable>(_ field: String, default
: T? = nil) throws -> T?
func JSON.get<T: JSONInitializable>(_ field: String, default
: [T]? = nil) throws -> [T]
var JSON.object: [String: JSON]? var JSON.array: [JSON]? var JSON.string: String? var Int? var JSON.bool: Bool? var JSON.double: Double?
var JSON.isObject: Bool var JSON.isArray: Bool var JSON.isString: Bool var JSON.isInt: Bool var JSON.isBool: Bool var JSON.isDouble: Bool
protocol JSONInitializable { init(json: JSON) throws }
protocol JSONRepresentable { func encoded() -> JSON }
For deserialization the `get` method is generic and initializes the result type with `init(json: JSON) throws` or throws an error indicative of what went wrong. Because this generic method is constraint to any type that conforms to `JSONInitializable` it is possible to extract your own complex nested models by just calling `get`.
Furthermore there are overloads to the `get` method that allow the initialization of `Optional` and `RawRepresentable` types when their `Wrapped` and `RawValue`s are conformant to `JSONInitialable`. This means the majority of your simple `RawRepresentable` enum's can be initialized without needing to create an explicit initializer.
Similarly on the model serialization side the `encoded` method is the single point of call. It is automatically called by the initializers for `ExpressibleByArrayLiteral` & `ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral`. This makes declaring JSON instances extremely simple.
# Examples
- [Samples]( Catered examples using real API's
- [Commandline application]( for accessing JSON when scripting
<summary>Example Usage</summary>
"status": "online",
"last_active": 1481873354,
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "janesmith",
"name": "Jane Smith",
"dob": 805852800,
"accepted_terms": true
enum State: String { case online, offline }
struct User {
var status: Status
var lastActive: Date
var name: String
var email: String
var dob: Date
var acceptedTerms: Bool
var friends: [String]
var avatarUrl: URL?
extension User: JSONInitializable {
init(json: JSON) throws {
status = try json.get("status")
lastActive = try json.get("last_active")
name = try json.get("name")
email = try json.get("email")
dob = try json.get("dob")
acceptedTerms = try json.get("accepted_terms")
friends = try json.get("friends")
avatarUrl = try json.get("avatar_url")
extension User: JSONRepresentable {
func encoded() -> JSON {
"status": status,
"name": name,
"email": email,
"dob": dob,
"accepted_terms": acceptedTerms,
"friends": friends.encoded(),
"avatar_url": avatarUrl.encoded()
Coming soon!
github "vdka/json"
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 16),