Project of the group AAD1, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Project started in September, 2013. Project completed the 12th December, 2013.
Official git repository:
Official videos:
- Test communication using USB wire between computer and Arduino. Battery (9V) for the motor shield (ONLY!) and Android phone application using sockets. See on Youtube
- Test control, move, accelerate/decelerate, turn, take photo and video stream. See on Youtube
- Test in real environment without wire, completely remotely by Android application. See on Youtube
To clone the project on your computer:
git clone "Wifi controlled car"
Will create the directory Wifi controlled car in the project folder with all the sources. (And documentation)
If you want to have more information, you can also read the thread on the Arduino forum:
If you have questions, create an issue, here: ISSUES
Source code, documentation and all documents on the GIT repository are free for personal/teaching usage.