Neural network basics
Mini-Project: Implement a feedforward neural network
Mini-Project: Implement gradient descent in Tensorflow to train a logistic regression model
Theory and practice
Mini-Project: Build and train a neural network in Tensorflow to predict Higgs boson
Image processing
What is MNIST? What is CIFAR?
Loading images and converting them to numpy
What is Keras? Creating a basic model, Callbacks, saving/loading a model, changing optimizer, loss (30 minutes)
Mini-Project: Train a feed forward NN on MNIST/CIFAR10 with Keras
Preprocessing images: Scaling
Mini-Project: Train a feed forward NN on MNIST/CIFAR10 with Keras with scaling
Preprocessing images: Data augmentation and generators with Keras
Mini-Project: Train a feed forward NN on MNIST/CIFAR10 using data augmentation with Keras
Convolutional neural networks
Convolutional NN, Pooling
How to build a CNN in Keras
Mini-Project: Train CNN on MNIST/CIFAR10