A location tracker for devices of the privacy-conscious. Using P2P technology to ensure no central authority has access to anything and strong encryption Stores encrypted device information in a peer-to-peer blockchain to prevent snooping by anyone; private investigators, Google, and the NSA included.
- monitors status and ensures running properly
- hides in background and stays invisible
- cloak traffic as coming from something else?
- registers message in blockchain periodically
- every 5 minutes?
- use diffs
- keep messages small
- reject messages if no new data; add timestamp and empty message
- calculate if it's about to be over the data limit and drop a message, if so, put the latest data in for those lost values as well
- this client just has a basic api for control, via key-based commands. so you send a binary command to it, encrypted using the computer's pub key and signed using the controller private key
- runs completely in browser
- local storage for data
- give private key and unlock to start using
- lastpass model
- password to unlock account
- send encrypted bundle (keys) to client
- hash password + salt to unlock encrypted bundle
- use password to unlock bundle