#Shinobi salutes you! Hello, this is DIEMPI (you can read it as D.M.P , sounds cool right?),just like Jason Derulo I'm riding solo. This is my first hackathon and I hope to give my best for it!
==== ###DIEMPI
My name is Didier Gabiam also known as DIEMPI , more developer than designer, high tech lover, sushi and chocolate adorer. When I'm not coding I'm might be doing the other thing I love doing: DJ'ing and I'm pretty good at that. I finally decided to do hackathons because I need to practice and learn to improve my skills, so let's do this!
I work with PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS. I have some C++ and Turbo Pascal left in the back of my mind from some pasts courses but I don't think that I'll use them here(well we never know...), I got PHPStorm ready, my mind ready, let's get ready for the rumbleeeee!!