Use this file to exercise the GitHub portions of the OpenHW Group workflow
Parts of the OpenHW Group workflow are modeled after Vincent Driessen's git branching model. When you first register as a member of OpenHW, you can use this file to safely test whether you have the appropriate GitHub contributor priviledges for this repo. Try this:
- Fork the repository:
- Clone repository:
git clone[your_github_username]/core-v-verif
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature' -s
- Push feature branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
When all of that works, you are ready to make contributions to the OpenHW Group CORE-V projects.
If you are new to git, or unfamiliar with using branches and pull-requests, have a look at our Git Cheat Sheet.
Extra marks for creativity and wit.
Git merge, Take 2 ! And Take 3 ! And Take 4 !
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|| || || || -- Jay Thaler
__|\_/|__ __|\_/|__ -- David Poulin
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