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Releases: SteveGilham/altcover

Fukurou series release 11

20 Dec 14:43
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  • [API, Fake Helper API] Deprecate the DotNet.TestOptions.WithImportModule and .WithGetVersion extension methods in favour of the otherwise identical DotNet.TestOptions.WithAltCoverImportModule and .WithAltCoverGetVersion; the obsolete name now just calls through to the preferred one.
  • [API] --showstatic[:[-|+|++]] (string ShowStatic default "-" in API, -ShowStatic string PowerShell) to reveal the code usually auto-filtered (e.g. auto-properties, somwe system generated types, structure comparison methods in F#...); either with coverage value -3 (option '+') which is highlighted in the Visualizer but treated as 0 by ReportGenerator, or the value '0' (option '++')
  • [API] --showGenerated (bool ShowGenerated default false in API, -ShowSGenerated PowerShell) to reveal the code marked by [CompilerGenerated] or [GeneratedCode] with coverage value -2which is highlighted in the Visualizer but treated as 0 by ReportGenerator
  • [Visualizer, BUGFIX] fix the sorting of method by name for NCover format
  • [Visualizer] group property get_ and set_, and event add_ and remove_, methods together, under an appropriate icon
  • [Visualizer] For F# modules containing only types, group the contents together under a module entry at class level, just as they would have been were the module to directly contain any functions
  • [Visualizer] Types that only contain an Invoke method and constructors are shown with an approriate icon, too.
  • [3rd Party] With the latest GTK#3 update, the GTK+ native libraries for win-x64 are no longer bundled into the nuget -- this seems to have been a transient behaviour in GtkSharp v3.22.25.49 only

Fukurou series release 10

08 Nov 18:59
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  • [Command-line and CLI tool] Rolling forwards with runtimeconfig.template.json -- it's not just for global tools : make all the executables .net core 3+ compatible.
    • this now packages the GTK# assemblies, and GTK+ native libraries for win-x64, for the .net core visualizer
    • also enable the build to execute on hosts with nothing before .net core 3 runtime
  • [API, Fake Helper API] Deprecate the DotNet.TestOptions.WithParameters extension method in favour of the otherwise identical DotNet.TestOptions.WithAltCoverParameters; the obsolete name now just calls through to the preferred one.
  • [Visualizer tool] Update GTK# for .net Core
  • [BUGFIX] In ConvertFrom-NCover, don't add classes for which there is no method coverage data. This mainly affects system generated classes implementation details, including ones actually called <PrivateImplementationDetails$...>...
  • In cobertura format output, including the ConvertTo-Cobertura cmdlet, truncate rates to 2 decimal places (equivalent to integral percentages used elsewhere)

Fukurou series release 9

31 Oct 15:57
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  • [FAKE Helper API] Fake >= 5.18.1 is required for this release (the work-round for FAKE issue #2412 has been removed)
  • [FAKE Helper API] Add this constraint as an explicit dependency
  • [API] Add Tool of String a literal alongside FilePath of String, which is expanded to a full path to TypeSafe.FilePath
  • [API] Add IncludeItem of Regex which represents a ?-prefix regex string to TypeSafe.FilterItem
  • Trap and log exceptions reported in Issue #71 as files <coverage report path>.<timestamp>.exn
  • Other housekeeping

Fukurou series release 8

23 Oct 18:17
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  • Filter out assemblies without the ILOnly bit set (i.e. pretty much anything C++/CLI, even with the deprecated /clr:pure compiler flag set)
  • [FAKE Helper API] Fake >= 5.18.0 is required for this release
  • [FAKE Helper API] Deprecate AltCover_Fake.DotNet.Testing.AltCover.ToolType in favour of Fake.DotNet.ToolType in the AltCover_Fake.DotNet.Testing.AltCover.Params record structure.
  • [FAKE Helper API] Helper functions in AltCover_Fake.DotNet.Testing.AltCover
    • splitCommandLine: string -> string list for breaking up composed command lines e.g. from Fake.DotNet.Testing.NUnit3.buildArgs or ``Fake.DotNet.Testing.XUnit2.buildArgs`
    • buildDotNetTestCommandLine: (DotNet.TestOptions -> DotNet.TestOptions) -> string -> (string * string list) taking the arguments for DotNet.test and returning the dotnet path and the rest of the command line
    • runWithMono: string option -> Params -> 'a to execute the Params using the path to the Mono executable if it's a FAKE-style full framework tool on Windows (equivalent to the deprecated AltCover.ToolType.Mono)
    • Params.WithToolType: Fake.DotNet.ToolType -> Params Setting the new tool type using this member is the preferred forward-compatible way to do this

Fukurou series release 7 respin

30 Sep 13:44
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  • [BUGFIX] Issue #74 -- Strip unwanted dependencies from released code.
  • Generally, move to .net core 3.0 for build (many other changes in process only)
  • With the F# 4.7 compiler, static linking FSharp.Core into the recorder has been fixed, and has been adopted
  • In .net core 3.0 release, dotnet build no longer does a dotnet publish to the output directory
  • Issues #68 and #73 and their fixes are now moot; in particular, FSharp.Core no longer needs to be auto-excluded from instrumentation in the .net core tool any more than in the Framework tool; nor does that assembly need to be copied if otherwise absent.

[DEPRECATED] Fukurou series release 7

30 Sep 08:41
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  • Generally, move to .net core 3.0 for build (many other changes in process only)
  • With the F# 4.7 compiler, static linking FSharp.Core into the recorder has been fixed, and has been adopted
  • In .net core 3.0 release, dotnet build no longer does a dotnet publish to the output directory
  • Issues #68 and #73 and their fixes are now moot; in particular, FSharp.Core no longer needs to be auto-excluded from instrumentation in the .net core tool any more than in the Framework tool; nor does that assembly need to be copied if otherwise absent.

Fukurou series release 6

22 Sep 17:06
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  • [BUGFIX] #Issue73 In .net core 3.0 preview and RC, dotnet build does a dotnet publish to the output directory, including FSharp.Core in F# projects. Automatically exclude that file from instrumentation by the .net core tool to avoid mutually recursive calls between the recorder assembly and FSharp.Core that cause a stack overflow. This is not required for the Framework/Mono tool as that static links its dependency. I've not found a way to static-link FSharp.Core in the .net core world that doesn't fail with errors.
  • [BUGFIX] For --visibleBranches, fix up C# loops, and the path numbering for decompiled switch/match logic

Fukurou series release 5

18 Sep 14:40
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  • [BUGFIX] Finish wiring up /p:AltCoverLocalSource support
  • [BUGFIX] Fix failure when input/output directories were specified with a trailing separator character
  • [HACK] mitigate Issue #71 by simply ignoring null module identifiers.
  • [API] -v|--visibleBranches option (bool VisibleBranches default false in API, -VisibleBranches PowerShell flag) to simplify the reporting of switch or match cases where the compiler produces a tangle of if/else branches that give surprising results in a ReportGenerator output (e.g. null taking a different branch to a default case than a non-null value as per Issue 72)
  • Use a leading ? as a negator for filter matches e.g. ?(a|b) means "exclude anything that doesn't match a or match b", or ?MyApp means exclude anything that doesn't contain MyApp; no valid .net regex begins with this so it's backwards compatible. Between this and the previous release's --localSource (now fully supported) option, the need to resort to cumbersome constructs involving negative lookahead regexes should be reduced.

Fukurou series release 4

01 Sep 14:14
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6.1.708 (Fukurou series release 4)

  • [BUGFIX] reinstate the PowerShell Core (pwsh) Invoke-AltCover support for strongnaming.
  • [API] -l|--localSource option (bool LocalSource default false in API, -LocalSource PowerShell flag) to ignore .pdb files that refer to source files not present on the current computer (test is if the first file found exists or not, and assumes that this is all-or-nothing, and assume no coincidences in naming).

Fukurou series release 3

27 Aug 12:24
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  • [BUGFIX] in the case of multiple output folders, properly weave the AltCover recorder assembly dependency into all dotnet projects, not just the first.
  • [BUGFIX] when using the dotnet version of the tools, and when a suitable FSharp.Core package is present in the nuget cache, it is not necessary to copy one from the AltCover deployment to the output folder for a dotnet project
  • [BUGFIX] create the directory to hold the report file if it does not already exist
  • Use Mono.Cecil 0.11 for strongnaming in dotnet, removing the local reimplementation of assembly writing with strongnaming.