Through this guide you gonna learn how to enable auto compounding with StakeLab using CLI and the Authz module.
Note that this is only for users managing their assets with a Ledger device.
- Linux Machine 20.4+
- Install few packages:
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install build-essential git ufw curl jq unzip lz4 aria2 -y
wget -c && rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.19.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm -rf go1.19.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bash_profile && . $HOME/.bash_profile
- Now, obviously grab your Ledger device and open the Cosmos application
Note that if you don't have one, you should buy one to start managing your assets in a secure way, just here
Asset Mantle
Band Protocol
Cosmos Hub
Dig Chain
Fetch Ai
Gravity Bridge
Ki Chain
git clone restake_akash && cd restake_akash && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
akash keys add akash --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "akash" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
akash tx authz grant akash1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2pznsc0 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from akash --ledger --chain-id akashnet-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.024999999999999998uakt --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
akash tx authz revoke akash1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2pznsc0 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from akash --ledger --chain-id akashnet-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.024999999999999998uakt --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_assetmantle && cd restake_assetmantle && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
mantleNode keys add assetmantle --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "assetmantle" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
mantleNode tx authz grant mantle1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2ja9j7l generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from assetmantle --ledger --chain-id mantle-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025umntl --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
mantleNode tx authz revoke mantle1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2ja9j7l /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from assetmantle --ledger --chain-id mantle-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025umntl --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_bandchain && cd restake_bandchain && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
bandd keys add bandprotocol --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "bandprotocol" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
bandd tx authz grant band1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan24k74ea generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from bandprotocol --ledger --chain-id laozi-mainnet --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.024999999999999998uband --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
bandd tx authz revoke band1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan24k74ea /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from bandprotocol --ledger --chain-id laozi-mainnet --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.024999999999999998uband --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_bitcanna && cd restake_bitcanna && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
bcnad keys add bitcanna --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "bitcanna" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
bcnad tx authz grant bcna1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2kfwkf8 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from bitcanna --ledger --chain-id bitcanna-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.001ubcna --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
bcnad tx authz revoke bcna1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2kfwkf8 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from bitcanna --ledger --chain-id bitcanna-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.001ubcna --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_bitsong && cd restake_bitsong && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
bitsongd keys add bitsong --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "bitsong" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
bitsongd tx authz grant bitsong1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2qsvlr6 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from bitsong --ledger --chain-id bitsong-2b --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ubtsg --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
bitsongd tx authz revoke bitsong1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2qsvlr6 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from bitsong --ledger --chain-id bitsong-2b --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ubtsg --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_cerberus && cd restake_cerberus && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
cerberusd keys add cerberus --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "cerberus" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
cerberusd tx authz grant cerberus1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2s77757 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from cerberus --ledger --chain-id cerberus-chain-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025ucrbrus --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
cerberusd tx authz revoke cerberus1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2s77757 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from cerberus --ledger --chain-id cerberus-chain-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025ucrbrus --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_shentu && cd restake_shentu && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
certik keys add certik --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "certik" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
certik tx authz grant certik1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2t3zqq7 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from certik --ledger --chain-id shentu-2.2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.024999999999999998uctk --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
certik tx authz revoke certik1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2t3zqq7 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from certik --ledger --chain-id shentu-2.2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.024999999999999998uctk --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_chihuahua && cd restake_chihuahua && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
chihuahuad keys add chihuahua --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "chihuahua" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
chihuahuad tx authz grant chihuahua1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan20vneqh generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from chihuahua --ledger --chain-id chihuahua-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 1uhuahua --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
chihuahuad tx authz revoke chihuahua1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan20vneqh /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from chihuahua --ledger --chain-id chihuahua-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 1uhuahua --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_cosmoshub && cd restake_cosmoshub && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
gaiad keys add cosmoshub --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "cosmoshub" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
gaiad tx authz grant cosmos1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2ve7hp4 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from cosmoshub --ledger --chain-id cosmoshub-4 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025uatom --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
gaiad tx authz revoke cosmos1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2ve7hp4 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from cosmoshub --ledger --chain-id cosmoshub-4 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025uatom --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_crescent && cd restake_crescent && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
crescentd keys add crescent --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "crescent" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
crescentd tx authz grant cre1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2g3dj5c generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from crescent --ledger --chain-id crescent-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025ucre --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
crescentd tx authz revoke cre1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2g3dj5c /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from crescent --ledger --chain-id crescent-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025ucre --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_desmos && cd restake_desmos && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
desmos keys add desmos --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "desmos" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
desmos tx authz grant desmos1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2cpn8kd generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from desmos --ledger --chain-id desmos-mainnet --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.001udsm --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
desmos tx authz revoke desmos1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2cpn8kd /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from desmos --ledger --chain-id desmos-mainnet --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.001udsm --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_dig && cd restake_dig && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
digd keys add digchain --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "digchain" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
digd tx authz grant dig1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan25dhurw generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from digchain --ledger --chain-id dig-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.01udig --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
digd tx authz revoke dig1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan25dhurw /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from digchain --ledger --chain-id dig-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.01udig --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_evmos && cd restake_evmos && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
evmosd keys add evmos --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "evmos" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
evmosd tx authz grant evmos175l97fdm2a6x5xp82psec52elzu8nsl7dmc7an generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from evmos --ledger --chain-id evmos_9001-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 25000000000.0000aevmos --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
evmosd tx authz revoke evmos175l97fdm2a6x5xp82psec52elzu8nsl7dmc7an /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from evmos --ledger --chain-id evmos_9001-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 25000000000.0000aevmos --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_fetchhub && cd restake_fetchhub && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
fetchd keys add fetchai --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "fetchai" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
fetchd tx authz grant fetch1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2lyhnrz generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from fetchai --ledger --chain-id fetchhub-4 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 5000afet --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
fetchd tx authz revoke fetch1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2lyhnrz /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from fetchai --ledger --chain-id fetchhub-4 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 5000afet --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_gravitybridge && cd restake_gravitybride && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
gravity keys add gravitybridge --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "gravitybridge" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
gravity tx authz grant gravity1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2gfv0ya generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from gravitybridge --ledger --chain-id gravity-bridge-3 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025ugraviton --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
gravity tx authz revoke gravity1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2gfv0ya /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from gravitybridge --ledger --chain-id gravity-bridge-3 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025ugraviton --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_idep && cd restake_idep && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
idep keys add idep --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "idep" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
idep tx authz grant idep1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2degr8u generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from idep --ledger --chain-id Antora --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250idep --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
idep tx authz revoke idep1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2degr8u /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from idep --ledger --chain-id Antora --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250idep --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_injective && cd restake_injective && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
injectived keys add injective --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "injective" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
injectived tx authz grant inj1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2xsfnnd generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from injective --ledger --chain-id injective-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 25000000000.0000inj --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
injectived tx authz revoke inj1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2xsfnnd /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from injective --ledger --chain-id injective-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 25000000000.0000inj --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_juno && cd restake_juno && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
junod keys add juno --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "juno" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
junod tx authz grant juno1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan26tavxf generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from juno --ledger --chain-id juno-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025ujuno --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
junod tx authz revoke juno1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan26tavxf /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from juno --ledger --chain-id juno-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025ujuno --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_kava && cd restake_kava && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
kava keys add kava --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "kava" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
kava tx authz grant kava1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2sv22hj generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from kava --ledger --chain-id kava_2222-10 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.00008ukava --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
kava tx authz revoke kava1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2sv22hj /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from kava --ledger --chain-id kava_2222-10 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.00008ukava --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_kichain && cd restake_kichain && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
kid keys add kichain --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "kichain" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
kid tx authz grant ki1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2a50c9p generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from kichain --ledger --chain-id kichain-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025uxki --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
kid tx authz revoke ki1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2a50c9p /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from kichain --ledger --chain-id kichain-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025uxki --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_kujira && cd restake_kujira && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
kujirad keys add kujira --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "kujira" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
kujirad tx authz grant kujira1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2a3u0vl generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from kujira --ledger --chain-id kaiyo-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ukuji --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
kujirad tx authz revoke kujira1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2a3u0vl /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from kujira --ledger --chain-id kaiyo-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ukuji --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_lumnetwork && cd restake_lumnetwork && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
lumd keys add lum --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "lum" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
lumd tx authz grant lum1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2enr75p generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from lum --ledger --chain-id lum-network-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ulum --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
lumd tx authz revoke lum1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2enr75p /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from lum --ledger --chain-id lum-network-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ulum --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_meme && cd restake_meme && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
memed keys add meme --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "meme" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
memed tx authz grant meme1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2jxgqxl generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from meme --ledger --chain-id meme-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025umeme --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
memed tx authz revoke meme1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2jxgqxl /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from meme --ledger --chain-id meme-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025umeme --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_omniflixhub && cd restake_omniflixhub && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
omniflixhubd keys add omniflix --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "omniflix" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
omniflixhubd tx authz grant omniflix1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2380wkt generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from omniflix --ledger --chain-id omniflixhub-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250uflix --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
omniflixhubd tx authz revoke omniflix1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2380wkt /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from omniflix --ledger --chain-id omniflixhub-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250uflix --gas-adjustment 1.5
No Authz support yet.
git clone restake_osmosis && cd restake_osmosis && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
osmosisd keys add osmosis --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "osmosis" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
osmosisd tx authz grant osmo1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2yzd8h8 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from osmosis --ledger --chain-id osmosis-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025uosmo --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
osmosisd tx authz revoke osmo1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2yzd8h8 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from osmosis --ledger --chain-id osmosis-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025uosmo --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_passage && cd restake_passage && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
passage keys add passage --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "passage" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
passage tx authz grant pasg1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan20p8dv2 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from passage --ledger --chain-id passage-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250upasg --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
passage tx authz revoke pasg1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan20p8dv2 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from passage --ledger --chain-id passage-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250upasg --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_persistence && cd restake_persistence && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
persistenceCore keys add persistence --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "persistence" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
persistenceCore tx authz grant persistence1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2z4cy03 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from persistence --ledger --chain-id core-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250uxprt --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
persistenceCore tx authz revoke persistence1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2z4cy03 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from persistence --ledger --chain-id core-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250uxprt --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_rebus && cd restake_rebus && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
rebusd keys add rebus --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "rebus" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
rebusd tx authz grant rebus1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2anaz4r generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from rebus --ledger --chain-id reb_1111-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 25000000000.0000arebus --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
rebusd tx authz revoke rebus1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2anaz4r /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from rebus --ledger --chain-id reb_1111-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 25000000000.0000arebus --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_regen && cd restake_regen && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
regen keys add regen --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "regen" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
regen tx authz grant regen1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2nm4th3 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from regen --ledger --chain-id regen-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.03uregen --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
regen tx authz revoke regen1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2nm4th3 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from regen --ledger --chain-id regen-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.03uregen --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_rizon && cd restake_rizon && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
rizond keys add rizon --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "rizon" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
rizond tx authz grant rizon1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan20yzxdd generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from rizon --ledger --chain-id titan-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0001uatolo --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
rizond tx authz revoke rizon1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan20yzxdd /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from rizon --ledger --chain-id titan-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0001uatolo --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_secretnetwork && cd restake_secretnetwork && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
secretd keys add secret --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "secret" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
secretd tx authz grant secret1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2wu27uf generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from secret --ledger --chain-id secret-4 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025uscrt --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
secretd tx authz revoke secret1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2wu27uf /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from secret --ledger --chain-id secret-4 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.025uscrt --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_sentinel && cd restake_sentinel && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
sentinelhub keys add sentinel --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "sentinel" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
sentinelhub tx authz grant sent1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2hzgw96 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from sentinel --ledger --chain-id sentinelhub-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.02udvpn --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
sentinelhub tx authz revoke sent1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2hzgw96 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from sentinel --ledger --chain-id sentinelhub-2 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.02udvpn --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_sifchain && cd restake_sifchain && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
sifnoded keys add sifchain --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "sifchain" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
sifnoded tx authz grant sif1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2fy3pw7 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from sifchain --ledger --chain-id sifchain-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 1500000000000rowan --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
sifnoded tx authz revoke sif1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2fy3pw7 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from sifchain --ledger --chain-id sifchain-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 1500000000000rowan --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_sommelier && cd restake_sommelier && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
sommelier keys add sommelier --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "sommelier" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
sommelier tx authz grant somm1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2q93msl generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from sommelier --ledger --chain-id sommelier-3 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250usomm --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
sommelier tx authz revoke somm1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2q93msl /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from sommelier --ledger --chain-id sommelier-3 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250usomm --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_stargaze && cd restake_stargaze && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
starsd keys add stargaze --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "stargaze" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
starsd tx authz grant stars1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2c9f22y generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from stargaze --ledger --chain-id stargaze-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ustars --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
starsd tx authz revoke stars1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2c9f22y /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from stargaze --ledger --chain-id stargaze-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250ustars --gas-adjustment 1.5
git clone restake_teritori && cd restake_teritori && make install
You should already have the Cosmos application open, if not, open it! Then run:
teritorid keys add teritori --ledger
It will generate your address under the wallet name "teritori" to make it easier to remember using the chain name.
Now we will enable StakeLab to auto-compound:
teritorid tx authz grant tori1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2wdf769 generic --msg-type /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from teritori --ledger --chain-id teritori-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250utori --gas-adjustment 1.5
If you want to stop the auto-compounding, one command to revoke the access:
teritorid tx authz revoke tori1mjq48r6435aewerpruwc8up3tz3rzan2wdf769 /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate --from teritori --ledger --chain-id teritori-1 --node --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0250utori --gas-adjustment 1.5