diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests.js b/test/specs/commonTests.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ae583bd65d..0000000000
--- a/test/specs/commonTests.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1086 +0,0 @@
-import faker from 'faker'
-import _ from 'lodash'
-import path from 'path'
-import React, { createElement, isValidElement } from 'react'
-import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
-import {
- createShorthand,
- numberToWord,
- SUI,
-} from 'src/lib'
-import { consoleUtil, sandbox, syntheticEvent } from 'test/utils'
-import * as semanticUIReact from 'semantic-ui-react'
-import Button from 'src/elements/Button'
-import Icon from 'src/elements/Icon'
-import Image from 'src/elements/Image'
-import Label from 'src/elements/Label'
-const commonTestHelpers = (testName, Component) => {
- const throwError = msg => {
- throw new Error(`${testName}: ${msg} \n Component: ${Component && Component.name}`)
- }
- const assertRequired = (required, description) => {
- return required || throwError(`Required ${description}, got: ${required} (${typeof required})`)
- }
- return {
- throwError,
- assertRequired,
- }
-const componentCtx = require.context(
- '../../src/',
- true,
- /(addons|collections|elements|modules|views).\w+.(?!index)\w+.js/
-const componentInfo = componentCtx.keys().map(key => {
- const Component = componentCtx(key).default
- const componentType = typeof Component
- const { throwError } = commonTestHelpers('componentInfo', Component)
- if (componentType !== 'function') {
- throwError([
- `${key} is not properly exported.`,
- `Components should export a class or function, got: ${componentType}.`,
- ].join(' '))
- }
- const { _meta, prototype } = Component
- if (!_meta) {
- throwError([
- 'Component is missing a static _meta object property. This should help identify it:',
- `Rendered:\n${ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup()}`,
- ].join('\n'))
- }
- const constructorName = prototype.constructor.name
- const filePath = key
- const filename = path.basename(key)
- const filenameWithoutExt = path.basename(key, '.js')
- const subComponentName = _.has(_meta, 'parent') && _.has(_meta, 'name')
- ? _meta.name.replace(_meta.parent, '')
- : null
- // name of the component, sub component, or plural parent for sub component groups
- const componentClassName = (
- META.isChild(Component)
- ? subComponentName.replace(/Group$/, `${_meta.parent}s`)
- : _meta.name
- ).toLowerCase()
- return {
- _meta,
- Component,
- constructorName,
- componentClassName,
- subComponentName,
- filePath,
- filename,
- filenameWithoutExt,
- }
- * Assert Component conforms to guidelines that are applicable to all components.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component A component that should conform.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.eventTargets={}] Map of events and the child component to target.
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render Component without errors or warnings.
- */
-export const isConformant = (Component, options = {}) => {
- const { eventTargets = {}, requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { throwError } = commonTestHelpers('isConformant', Component)
- // tests depend on Component constructor names, enforce them
- if (!Component.prototype.constructor.name) {
- throwError([
- 'Component is not a named function. This should help identify it:',
- `static _meta = ${JSON.stringify(Component._meta, null, 2)}`,
- `Rendered:\n${ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup()}`,
- ].join('\n'))
- }
- // extract componentInfo for this component
- const {
- _meta,
- constructorName,
- componentClassName,
- filenameWithoutExt,
- } = _.find(componentInfo, i => i.constructorName === Component.prototype.constructor.name)
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Class and file name
- // ----------------------------------------
- it(`constructor name matches filename "${constructorName}"`, () => {
- constructorName.should.equal(filenameWithoutExt)
- })
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Is exported or private
- // ----------------------------------------
- // detect components like: semanticUIReact.H1
- const isTopLevelAPIProp = _.has(semanticUIReact, constructorName)
- // detect sub components like: semanticUIReact.Form.Field (ie FormField component)
- // Build a path by following _meta.parents to the root:
- // ['Form', 'FormField', 'FormTextArea']
- let apiPath = []
- let meta = _meta
- while (meta) {
- apiPath.unshift(meta.name)
- meta = _.get(semanticUIReact, [meta.parent, '_meta'])
- }
- // Remove parent name from paths:
- // ['Form', 'Field', 'TextArea']
- apiPath = apiPath.reduce((acc, next) => (
- [...acc, next.replace(acc.join(''), '')]
- ), [])
- // find the apiPath in the semanticUIReact object
- const isSubComponent = _.isFunction(_.get(semanticUIReact, apiPath))
- if (META.isPrivate(constructorName)) {
- it('is not exported as a component nor sub component', () => {
- expect(isTopLevelAPIProp).to.equal(
- false,
- `"${constructorName}" is private (starts with "_").` +
- ' It cannot be exposed on the top level API'
- )
- expect(isSubComponent).to.equal(
- false,
- `"${constructorName}" is private (starts with "_").` +
- ' It cannot be a static prop of another component (sub-component)'
- )
- })
- } else {
- // require all components to be exported at the top level
- it('is exported at the top level', () => {
- expect(isTopLevelAPIProp).to.equal(true, [
- `"${constructorName}" must be exported at top level.`,
- 'Export it in `src/index.js`.',
- ].join(' '))
- })
- }
- if (_meta.parent) {
- it('is a static component on its parent', () => {
- expect(isSubComponent).to.equal(
- true,
- `\`${constructorName}\` is a child component (has a _meta.parent).` +
- ` It must be a static prop of its parent \`${_meta.parent}\``
- )
- })
- }
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Props
- // ----------------------------------------
- it('spreads user props', () => {
- // JSX does not render custom html attributes so we prefix them with data-*.
- // https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/jsx-gotchas.html#custom-html-attributes
- const props = {
- [`data-${_.kebabCase(faker.hacker.noun())}`]: faker.hacker.verb(),
- }
- // descendants() accepts an enzyme
- // props should be spread on some descendant
- // we find the descendant with spread props via a matching props object selector
- // we do not test Component for props, of course they exist as we are spreading them
- shallow()
- .should.have.descendants(props)
- })
- describe('"as" prop (common)', () => {
- it('renders the component as HTML tags or passes "as" to the next component', () => {
- // silence element nesting warnings
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- const tags = ['a', 'em', 'div', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'i', 'p', 'span', 'strong']
- try {
- tags.forEach((tag) => {
- shallow()
- .should.have.tagName(tag)
- })
- } catch (err) {
- tags.forEach((tag) => {
- const wrapper = shallow()
- wrapper.type().should.not.equal(Component)
- wrapper.should.have.prop('as', tag)
- })
- }
- })
- it('renders as a functional component or passes "as" to the next component', () => {
- const MyComponent = () => null
- try {
- shallow()
- .type()
- .should.equal(MyComponent)
- } catch (err) {
- const wrapper = shallow()
- wrapper.type().should.not.equal(Component)
- wrapper.should.have.prop('as', MyComponent)
- }
- })
- it('renders as a ReactClass or passes "as" to the next component', () => {
- class MyComponent extends React.Component {
- render() {
- return
- }
- }
- try {
- shallow()
- .type()
- .should.equal(MyComponent)
- } catch (err) {
- const wrapper = shallow()
- wrapper.type().should.not.equal(Component)
- wrapper.should.have.prop('as', MyComponent)
- }
- })
- it('passes extra props to the component it is renders as', () => {
- const MyComponent = () => null
- shallow()
- .should.have.descendants('[data-extra-prop="foo"]')
- })
- })
- describe('handles props', () => {
- it('defines handled props in Component.handledProps', () => {
- Component.should.have.any.keys('handledProps')
- Component.handledProps.should.be.an('array')
- })
- it('Component.handledProps includes all handled props', () => {
- const computedProps = _.union(
- Component.autoControlledProps,
- _.keys(Component.defaultProps),
- _.keys(Component.propTypes),
- )
- const expectedProps = _.uniq(computedProps).sort()
- Component.handledProps.should.to.deep.equal(expectedProps,
- 'It seems that not all props were defined in Component.handledProps, you need to check that they are equal ' +
- 'to the union of Component.autoControlledProps and keys of Component.defaultProps and Component.propTypes'
- )
- })
- })
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Events
- // ----------------------------------------
- it('handles events transparently', () => {
- // Events should be handled transparently, working just as they would in vanilla React.
- // Example, both of these handler()s should be called with the same event:
- //
- //
- //
- //
- // This test catches the case where a developer forgot to call the event prop
- // after handling it internally. It also catch cases where the synthetic event was not passed back.
- _.each(syntheticEvent.types, ({ eventShape, listeners }) => {
- _.each(listeners, listenerName => {
- // onKeyDown => keyDown
- const eventName = _.camelCase(listenerName.replace('on', ''))
- // onKeyDown => handleKeyDown
- const handlerName = _.camelCase(listenerName.replace('on', 'handle'))
- const handlerSpy = sandbox.spy()
- const props = {
- ...requiredProps,
- [listenerName]: handlerSpy,
- 'data-simulate-event-here': true,
- }
- const wrapper = shallow()
- const eventTarget = eventTargets[listenerName]
- ? wrapper.find(eventTargets[listenerName])
- : wrapper.find('[data-simulate-event-here]')
- eventTarget.simulate(eventName, eventShape)
- // give event listeners opportunity to cleanup
- if (wrapper.instance() && wrapper.instance().componentWillUnmount) {
- wrapper.instance().componentWillUnmount()
- }
- //
- // ^ was not called once on "blur"
- const leftPad = ' '.repeat(constructorName.length + listenerName.length + 3)
- handlerSpy.calledOnce.should.equal(true,
- `<${constructorName} ${listenerName}={${handlerName}} />\n` +
- `${leftPad} ^ was not called once on "${eventName}".` +
- 'You may need to hoist your event handlers up to the root element.\n'
- )
- let expectedArgs = [eventShape]
- let errorMessage = 'was not called with (event)'
- if (_.has(Component.propTypes, listenerName)) {
- expectedArgs = [eventShape, props]
- errorMessage = 'was not called with (event, data)'
- }
- // Components should return the event first, then any data
- handlerSpy.calledWithMatch(...expectedArgs).should.equal(true,
- `<${constructorName} ${listenerName}={${handlerName}} />\n` +
- `${leftPad} ^ ${errorMessage}\n` +
- 'It was called with args:\n' +
- JSON.stringify(handlerSpy.args, null, 2)
- )
- })
- })
- })
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Defines _meta
- // ----------------------------------------
- describe('_meta', () => {
- it('is a static object prop', () => {
- expect(_meta).to.be.an('object')
- })
- describe('name', () => {
- it('is defined', () => {
- expect(_meta).to.have.any.keys('name')
- })
- it('matches the filename', () => {
- expect(_meta.name).to.equal(filenameWithoutExt)
- })
- })
- if (_.has(_meta, 'parent')) {
- describe('parent', () => {
- it('matches some component name', () => {
- expect(_.map(semanticUIReact, c => c.prototype.constructor.name)).to.contain(_meta.parent)
- })
- })
- }
- describe('type', () => {
- it('is defined', () => {
- expect(_meta).to.have.any.keys('type')
- })
- it('is a META.TYPES value', () => {
- expect(_.values(META.TYPES)).to.contain(_meta.type)
- })
- })
- })
- // ----------------------------------------
- // Handles className
- // ----------------------------------------
- describe('className (common)', () => {
- it(`has the Semantic UI className "${componentClassName}"`, () => {
- const wrapper = render()
- // don't test components with no className at all (i.e. MessageItem)
- if (wrapper.prop('className')) {
- wrapper.should.have.className(componentClassName)
- }
- })
- it("applies user's className to root component", () => {
- const classes = faker.hacker.phrase()
- shallow()
- .should.have.className(classes)
- })
- it("user's className does not override the default classes", () => {
- const defaultClasses = shallow()
- .prop('className')
- if (!defaultClasses) return
- const userClasses = faker.hacker.verb()
- const mixedClasses = shallow()
- .prop('className')
- defaultClasses.split(' ').forEach((defaultClass) => {
- mixedClasses.should.include(defaultClass, [
- 'Make sure you are using the `getUnhandledProps` util to spread the `rest` props.',
- 'This may also be of help: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/transferring-props.html.',
- ].join(' '))
- })
- })
- })
- * Assert a component adds the Semantic UI "ui" className.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The Component.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- */
-export const hasUIClassName = (Component, options = {}) => {
- const { requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('hasUIClassName', Component)
- it('has the "ui" className', () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- shallow()
- .should.have.className('ui')
- })
- * Assert a component exposes other components as (static properties).
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The Component.
- * @param {React.Component[]} subComponents Array of components that should exist on Component.
- */
-export const hasSubComponents = (Component, subComponents) => {
- const staticValues = _.values(Component)
- _.each(subComponents, subComponent => {
- it(`has sub component ${subComponent._meta.name}`, () => {
- staticValues.should.contain(subComponent)
- })
- })
- * Assert a component renders children somewhere in the tree.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component A component that should render children.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- */
-export const rendersChildren = (Component, options = {}) => {
- const { requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('rendersChildren', Component)
- it('renders child text', () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- const text = faker.hacker.phrase()
- shallow(createElement(Component, requiredProps, text))
- .should.contain.text(text)
- })
- it('renders child components', () => {
- const child =
- shallow(createElement(Component, requiredProps, child))
- .should.contain(child)
- })
- it('renders child number with 0 value', () => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, requiredProps, 0))
- .should.contain.text('0')
- })
-// ----------------------------------------
-// className from prop
-// ----------------------------------------
-const _noDefaultClassNameFromProp = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
- const { defaultProps = {} } = Component
- const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
- // required props may include a prop that creates a className
- // if so, we cannot assert that it doesn't exist by default because it is required to exist
- // skip assertions for required props
- if (propKey in defaultProps) return
- if (propKey in requiredProps) return
- it('is not included in className when not defined', () => {
- const wrapper = shallow()
- wrapper.should.not.have.className(className)
- // ensure that none of the prop option values are in className
- // SUI classes ought to be built up using a declarative component API
- propValues.forEach(propValue => wrapper.should.not.have.className(propValue.toString()))
- })
-const _noClassNameFromBoolProps = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
- const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
- _.each([true, false], bool => it(`does not add any className when ${bool}`, () => {
- // silence propType warnings
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- const wrapper = shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: bool }))
- wrapper.should.not.have.className(className)
- wrapper.should.not.have.className('true')
- wrapper.should.not.have.className('false')
- propValues.forEach(propVal => wrapper.should.not.have.className(propVal.toString()))
- }))
-const _classNamePropValueBeforePropName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
- const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
- propValues.forEach(propVal => {
- it(`adds "${propVal} ${className}" to className`, () => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: propVal }))
- .should.have.className(`${propVal} ${className}`)
- })
- })
- * Assert a Component correctly implements a shorthand create method.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- */
-export const implementsCreateMethod = (Component) => {
- const name = Component._meta.name
- describe('create shorthand method (common)', () => {
- it('is a static method', () => {
- Component.should.have.any.keys('create')
- Component.create.should.be.a('function')
- })
- it(`creates a ${name} from a string`, () => {
- isValidElement(Component.create('foo'))
- .should.equal(true)
- })
- it(`creates a ${name} from a number`, () => {
- isValidElement(Component.create(123))
- .should.equal(true)
- })
- it(`creates a ${name} from a number 0`, () => {
- isValidElement(Component.create(0))
- .should.equal(true)
- })
- it(`creates a ${name} from a props object`, () => {
- isValidElement(Component.create({ 'data-foo': 'bar' }))
- .should.equal(true)
- })
- it(`creates a ${name} from an array`, () => {
- // not all components support array shorthand, suppress warnings
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- isValidElement(Component.create(['foo', 123, { 'data-foo': 'bar' }]))
- .should.equal(true)
- })
- it(`creates a ${name} from an element`, () => {
- isValidElement(Component.create())
- .should.equal(true)
- })
- it('returns null when passed null', () => {
- expect(Component.create(null))
- .to.equal(null)
- })
- it('returns null when passed undefined', () => {
- expect(Component.create(undefined))
- .to.equal(null)
- })
- it('returns null when passed true', () => {
- expect(Component.create(true))
- .to.equal(null)
- })
- it('returns null when passed false', () => {
- expect(Component.create(false))
- .to.equal(null)
- })
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements a width prop.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {array} [widths] Array of possible widths.
- * @param {object} [options={}]
- * @param {string} [options.propKey] The prop name that accepts a width value.
- * @param {string} [options.widthClass] The className that follows the wordToNumber className.
- * Examples: one WIDE column, two COLUMN grid, three [none] fields, etc.
- * @param {boolean} [options.canEqual=true] Whether or not to test 'equal width' usage.
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- */
-export const implementsWidthProp = (Component, widths = SUI.WIDTHS, options = {}) => {
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('implementsWidthProp', Component)
- const { canEqual = true, propKey, requiredProps, widthClass } = options
- const propValues = canEqual ? [...widths, 'equal'] : widths
- describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- _noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- it('adds numberToWord value to className', () => {
- widths.forEach(width => {
- const expectClass = widthClass ? `${numberToWord(width)} ${widthClass}` : numberToWord(width)
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: width }))
- .should.have.className(expectClass)
- })
- })
- if (canEqual) {
- it('adds "equal width" to className', () => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: 'equal' }))
- .should.have.className('equal width')
- })
- }
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements a shorthand prop.
- *
- * @param {function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {object} options
- * @param {string} options.propKey The name of the shorthand prop.
- * @param {string|function} options.ShorthandComponent The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
- * @param {function} options.mapValueToProps A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
- * @param {Object} [options.alwaysPresent] Whether or not the shorthand exists by default
- */
-export const implementsShorthandProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('implementsShorthandProp', Component)
- const {
- propKey,
- ShorthandComponent,
- mapValueToProps,
- requiredProps = {},
- shorthandDefaultProps = {},
- alwaysPresent,
- } = options
- describe(`${propKey} shorthand prop (common)`, () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- assertRequired(_.isPlainObject(options), 'an `options` object')
- assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
- assertRequired(ShorthandComponent, 'a `ShorthandComponent`')
- const name = typeof ShorthandComponent === 'string'
- ? ShorthandComponent
- : _.get(ShorthandComponent, '_meta.name') || ShorthandComponent.displayName || ShorthandComponent.name
- const assertValidShorthand = (value) => {
- const renderedShorthand = createShorthand(ShorthandComponent, mapValueToProps, value, shorthandDefaultProps)
- const element = createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: value })
- shallow(element).should.contain(renderedShorthand)
- }
- if (alwaysPresent || Component.defaultProps && Component.defaultProps[propKey]) {
- it(`has default ${name} when not defined`, () => {
- shallow()
- .should.have.descendants(name)
- })
- } else {
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, [], options)
- it(`has no ${name} when not defined`, () => {
- shallow()
- .should.not.have.descendants(name)
- })
- }
- if (!alwaysPresent) {
- it(`has no ${name} when null`, () => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: null }))
- .should.not.have.descendants(ShorthandComponent)
- })
- }
- it(`renders a ${name} from strings`, () => {
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- assertValidShorthand('string')
- })
- it(`renders a ${name} from numbers`, () => {
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- assertValidShorthand(123)
- })
- // the Input maps shorthand to `type`
- // React uses the default prop ('text') in place of type={0}
- if (propKey !== 'input') {
- it(`renders a ${name} from number 0`, () => {
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- assertValidShorthand(0)
- })
- }
- it(`renders a ${name} from a props object`, () => {
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- assertValidShorthand(mapValueToProps('foo'))
- })
- it(`renders a ${name} from elements`, () => {
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- assertValidShorthand()
- })
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements a Button shorthand prop.
- *
- * @param {function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {object} [options={}]
- * @param {string} [options.propKey='button'] The name of the shorthand prop.
- * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
- * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
- */
-export const implementsButtonProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
- const opts = {
- propKey: 'button',
- ShorthandComponent: Button,
- mapValueToProps: val => ({ content: val }),
- requiredProps: {},
- shorthandDefaultProps: {},
- ...options,
- }
- implementsShorthandProp(Component, opts)
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements an Icon shorthand prop.
- *
- * @param {function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {object} [options={}]
- * @param {string} [options.propKey='icon'] The name of the shorthand prop.
- * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
- * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
- */
-export const implementsIconProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
- implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
- propKey: 'icon',
- ShorthandComponent: Icon,
- mapValueToProps: val => ({ name: val }),
- requiredProps: {},
- shorthandDefaultProps: {},
- ...options,
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements an HTML input shorthand prop.
- *
- * @param {function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {object} [options={}]
- * @param {string} [options.propKey='icon'] The name of the shorthand prop.
- * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
- * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
- */
-export const implementsHTMLInputProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
- implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
- propKey: 'input',
- ShorthandComponent: 'input',
- mapValueToProps: val => ({ type: val }),
- requiredProps: {},
- shorthandDefaultProps: {},
- ...options,
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements an HTML label shorthand prop.
- *
- * @param {function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {object} [options={}]
- * @param {string} [options.propKey='icon'] The name of the shorthand prop.
- * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
- * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
- */
-export const implementsHTMLLabelProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
- implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
- propKey: 'label',
- ShorthandComponent: 'label',
- mapValueToProps: val => ({ children: val }),
- requiredProps: {},
- shorthandDefaultProps: {},
- ...options,
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements a Label shorthand prop.
- *
- * @param {function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {object} [options={}]
- * @param {string} [options.propKey='label'] The name of the shorthand prop.
- * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
- * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
- */
-export const implementsLabelProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
- implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
- propKey: 'label',
- ShorthandComponent: Label,
- mapValueToProps: val => ({ content: val }),
- requiredProps: {},
- shorthandDefaultProps: {},
- ...options,
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements an Image shorthand prop.
- *
- * @param {function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {object} [options={}]
- * @param {string} [options.propKey='image'] The name of the shorthand prop.
- * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
- * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
- */
-export const implementsImageProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
- implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
- propKey: 'image',
- ShorthandComponent: Image,
- mapValueToProps: val => ({ src: val }),
- requiredProps: {},
- shorthandDefaultProps: {},
- ...options,
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements the "only" prop.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- */
-export const implementsOnlyProp = Component => {
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('propKeyAndValueToClassName', Component)
- const propValues = SUI.VISIBILITY
- describe('only (common)', () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, 'only', propValues)
- _noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, 'only', propValues)
- propValues.forEach(propVal => {
- it(`adds "${propVal} only" to className`, () => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { only: propVal })).should.have.className(`${propVal} only`)
- })
- })
- it('adds all possible values to className', () => {
- const className = propValues.map(prop => `${prop} only`).join(' ')
- const propValue = propValues.join(' ')
- shallow(createElement(Component, { only: propValue })).should.have.className(className)
- })
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements the "textAlign" prop.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {array} [alignments] Array of possible alignment positions.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- */
-export const implementsTextAlignProp = (Component, alignments = SUI.TEXT_ALIGNMENTS, options = {}) => {
- const { requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('implementsTextAlignProp', Component)
- describe('aligned (common)', () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, 'textAlign', alignments, options)
- _noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, 'textAlign', alignments, options)
- alignments.forEach(propVal => {
- if (propVal === 'justified') {
- it('adds "justified" without "aligned" to className', () => {
- shallow()
- .should.have.className('justified')
- shallow()
- .should.not.have.className('aligned')
- })
- } else {
- it(`adds "${propVal} aligned" to className`, () => {
- shallow()
- .should.have.className(`${propVal} ${'aligned'}`)
- })
- }
- })
- })
- * Assert that a Component correctly implements the "verticalAlign" prop.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {array} [alignments] Array of possible alignment positions.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- */
-export const implementsVerticalAlignProp = (Component, alignments = SUI.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENTS, options = {}) => {
- const { requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('implementsVerticalAlignProp', Component)
- describe('verticalAlign (common)', () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, 'verticalAlign', alignments, options)
- _noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, 'verticalAlign', alignments, options)
- alignments.forEach(propVal => {
- it(`adds "${propVal} aligned" to className`, () => {
- shallow()
- .should.have.className(`${propVal} ${'aligned'}`)
- })
- })
- })
- * Assert that only a Component prop's name is converted to className.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {String} propKey A props key.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
- */
-export const propKeyOnlyToClassName = (Component, propKey, options = {}) => {
- const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('propKeyOnlyToClassName', Component)
- describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, [], options)
- it('adds prop name to className', () => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: true }))
- .should.have.className(className)
- })
- it('does not add prop value to className', () => {
- // silence propType warnings
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- const value = 'foo-bar-baz'
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: value }))
- .should.not.have.className(value)
- })
- })
- * Assert that only a Component prop's value is converted to className.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {String} propKey A props key.
- * @param {array} propValues Array of possible props values.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
- */
-export const propValueOnlyToClassName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
- const { requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('propValueOnlyToClassName', Component)
- describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- _noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- it('adds prop value to className', () => {
- propValues.forEach(propValue => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: propValue }))
- .should.have.className(propValue)
- })
- })
- it('does not add prop name to className', () => {
- // silence propType warnings
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- propValues.forEach(propValue => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: propValue }))
- .should.not.have.className(propKey)
- })
- })
- })
- * Assert that a Component prop's name and value are required to create a className.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {String} propKey A props key.
- * @param {array} propValues Array of possible values of prop.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
- */
-export const propKeyAndValueToClassName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('propKeyAndValueToClassName', Component)
- describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- _noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- _classNamePropValueBeforePropName(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- })
- * Assert that a Component prop name or value convert to a className.
- * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
- * @param {String} propKey A props key.
- * @param {array} propValues Array of possible values of prop.
- * @param {Object} [options={}]
- * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
- * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
- */
-export const propKeyOrValueAndKeyToClassName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
- const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
- const { assertRequired } = commonTestHelpers('propKeyOrValueAndKeyToClassName', Component)
- describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
- assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
- assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
- _noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- _classNamePropValueBeforePropName(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
- beforeEach(() => {
- // silence propType warnings
- consoleUtil.disableOnce()
- })
- it('adds only the name to className when true', () => {
- shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: true }))
- .should.have.className(className)
- })
- it('adds no className when false', () => {
- const wrapper = shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: false }))
- wrapper.should.not.have.className(className)
- wrapper.should.not.have.className('true')
- wrapper.should.not.have.className('false')
- _.each(propValues, propVal => {
- wrapper.should.not.have.className(propVal)
- })
- })
- })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/classNameHelpers.js b/test/specs/commonTests/classNameHelpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..558c016f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/classNameHelpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import React, { createElement } from 'react'
+import { consoleUtil } from 'test/utils'
+export const classNamePropValueBeforePropName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
+ const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
+ propValues.forEach(propVal => {
+ it(`adds "${propVal} ${className}" to className`, () => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: propVal }))
+ .should.have.className(`${propVal} ${className}`)
+ })
+ })
+export const noClassNameFromBoolProps = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
+ const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
+ _.each([true, false], bool => it(`does not add any className when ${bool}`, () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ const wrapper = shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: bool }))
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className(className)
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className('true')
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className('false')
+ propValues.forEach(propVal => wrapper.should.not.have.className(propVal.toString()))
+ }))
+export const noDefaultClassNameFromProp = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
+ const { defaultProps = {} } = Component
+ const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
+ // required props may include a prop that creates a className
+ // if so, we cannot assert that it doesn't exist by default because it is required to exist
+ // skip assertions for required props
+ if (propKey in defaultProps) return
+ if (propKey in requiredProps) return
+ it('is not included in className when not defined', () => {
+ const wrapper = shallow()
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className(className)
+ // ensure that none of the prop option values are in className
+ // SUI classes ought to be built up using a declarative component API
+ propValues.forEach(propValue => wrapper.should.not.have.className(propValue.toString()))
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/commonHelpers.js b/test/specs/commonTests/commonHelpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ef57ac9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/commonHelpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+export default (testName, Component) => {
+ const throwError = msg => {
+ throw new Error(`${testName}: ${msg} \n Component: ${Component && Component.name}`)
+ }
+ const assertRequired = (required, description) => {
+ return required || throwError(`Required ${description}, got: ${required} (${typeof required})`)
+ }
+ return {
+ assertRequired,
+ throwError,
+ }
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/componentInfo.js b/test/specs/commonTests/componentInfo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b47cbe41d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/componentInfo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import path from 'path'
+import React from 'react'
+import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
+import { META } from 'src/lib'
+import helpers from './commonHelpers'
+const componentCtx = require.context(
+ '../../../src/',
+ true,
+ /(addons|collections|elements|modules|views).\w+.(?!index)\w+.js/
+const componentInfo = componentCtx.keys().map(key => {
+ const Component = componentCtx(key).default
+ const componentType = typeof Component
+ const { throwError } = helpers('componentInfo', Component)
+ if (componentType !== 'function') {
+ throwError([
+ `${key} is not properly exported.`,
+ `Components should export a class or function, got: ${componentType}.`,
+ ].join(' '))
+ }
+ const { _meta, prototype } = Component
+ if (!_meta) {
+ throwError([
+ 'Component is missing a static _meta object property. This should help identify it:',
+ `Rendered:\n${ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup()}`,
+ ].join('\n'))
+ }
+ const constructorName = prototype.constructor.name
+ const filePath = key
+ const filename = path.basename(key)
+ const filenameWithoutExt = path.basename(key, '.js')
+ const subComponentName = _.has(_meta, 'parent') && _.has(_meta, 'name')
+ ? _meta.name.replace(_meta.parent, '')
+ : null
+ // name of the component, sub component, or plural parent for sub component groups
+ const componentClassName = (
+ META.isChild(Component)
+ ? subComponentName.replace(/Group$/, `${_meta.parent}s`)
+ : _meta.name
+ ).toLowerCase()
+ return {
+ _meta,
+ Component,
+ constructorName,
+ componentClassName,
+ subComponentName,
+ filePath,
+ filename,
+ filenameWithoutExt,
+ }
+export default componentInfo
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/hasSubComponents.js b/test/specs/commonTests/hasSubComponents.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d564d70440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/hasSubComponents.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import _ from 'lodash'
+ * Assert a component exposes other components as (static properties).
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The Component.
+ * @param {React.Component[]} subComponents Array of components that should exist on Component.
+ */
+export default (Component, subComponents) => {
+ const staticValues = _.values(Component)
+ _.each(subComponents, subComponent => {
+ it(`has sub component ${subComponent._meta.name}`, () => {
+ staticValues.should.contain(subComponent)
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/hasUIClassName.js b/test/specs/commonTests/hasUIClassName.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..102d4ff3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/hasUIClassName.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import helpers from './commonHelpers'
+ * Assert a component adds the Semantic UI "ui" className.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The Component.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ */
+export default (Component, options = {}) => {
+ const { requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('hasUIClassName', Component)
+ it('has the "ui" className', () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.className('ui')
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/implementsClassNameProps.js b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsClassNameProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8ed9d8e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsClassNameProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import { createElement } from 'react'
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import { consoleUtil } from 'test/utils'
+import {
+ classNamePropValueBeforePropName,
+ noClassNameFromBoolProps,
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp,
+} from './classNameHelpers'
+import helpers from './commonHelpers'
+ * Assert that a Component prop's name and value are required to create a className.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {String} propKey A props key.
+ * @param {array} propValues Array of possible values of prop.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
+ */
+export const propKeyAndValueToClassName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('propKeyAndValueToClassName', Component)
+ describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
+ classNamePropValueBeforePropName(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ })
+ * Assert that only a Component prop's name is converted to className.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {String} propKey A props key.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
+ */
+export const propKeyOnlyToClassName = (Component, propKey, options = {}) => {
+ const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('propKeyOnlyToClassName', Component)
+ describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, [], options)
+ it('adds prop name to className', () => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: true }))
+ .should.have.className(className)
+ })
+ it('does not add prop value to className', () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ const value = 'foo-bar-baz'
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: value }))
+ .should.not.have.className(value)
+ })
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component prop name or value convert to a className.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {String} propKey A props key.
+ * @param {array} propValues Array of possible values of prop.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
+ */
+export const propKeyOrValueAndKeyToClassName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
+ const { className = propKey, requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('propKeyOrValueAndKeyToClassName', Component)
+ describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ classNamePropValueBeforePropName(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ })
+ it('adds only the name to className when true', () => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: true }))
+ .should.have.className(className)
+ })
+ it('adds no className when false', () => {
+ const wrapper = shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: false }))
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className(className)
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className('true')
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className('false')
+ _.each(propValues, propVal => {
+ wrapper.should.not.have.className(propVal)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ * Assert that only a Component prop's value is converted to className.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {String} propKey A props key.
+ * @param {array} propValues Array of possible props values.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object} [options.className=propKey] The className to assert exists.
+ */
+export const propValueOnlyToClassName = (Component, propKey, propValues, options = {}) => {
+ const { requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('propValueOnlyToClassName', Component)
+ describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
+ noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ it('adds prop value to className', () => {
+ propValues.forEach(propValue => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: propValue }))
+ .should.have.className(propValue)
+ })
+ })
+ it('does not add prop name to className', () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ propValues.forEach(propValue => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: propValue }))
+ .should.not.have.className(propKey)
+ })
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/implementsCommonProps.js b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsCommonProps.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..084466d857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsCommonProps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+import React, { createElement } from 'react'
+import Button from 'src/elements/Button'
+import Icon from 'src/elements/Icon'
+import Image from 'src/elements/Image'
+import Label from 'src/elements/Label'
+import { numberToWord, SUI } from 'src/lib'
+import { implementsShorthandProp } from './'
+import { noClassNameFromBoolProps, noDefaultClassNameFromProp } from './classNameHelpers'
+import helpers from './commonHelpers'
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements a Button shorthand prop.
+ *
+ * @param {function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {object} [options={}]
+ * @param {string} [options.propKey='button'] The name of the shorthand prop.
+ * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
+ * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
+ */
+export const implementsButtonProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
+ implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
+ propKey: 'button',
+ ShorthandComponent: Button,
+ mapValueToProps: val => ({ content: val }),
+ requiredProps: {},
+ shorthandDefaultProps: {},
+ ...options,
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements an HTML input shorthand prop.
+ *
+ * @param {function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {object} [options={}]
+ * @param {string} [options.propKey='icon'] The name of the shorthand prop.
+ * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
+ * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
+ */
+export const implementsHTMLInputProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
+ implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
+ propKey: 'input',
+ ShorthandComponent: 'input',
+ mapValueToProps: val => ({ type: val }),
+ requiredProps: {},
+ shorthandDefaultProps: {},
+ ...options,
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements an HTML label shorthand prop.
+ *
+ * @param {function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {object} [options={}]
+ * @param {string} [options.propKey='icon'] The name of the shorthand prop.
+ * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
+ * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
+ */
+export const implementsHTMLLabelProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
+ implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
+ propKey: 'label',
+ ShorthandComponent: 'label',
+ mapValueToProps: val => ({ children: val }),
+ requiredProps: {},
+ shorthandDefaultProps: {},
+ ...options,
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements an Icon shorthand prop.
+ *
+ * @param {function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {object} [options={}]
+ * @param {string} [options.propKey='icon'] The name of the shorthand prop.
+ * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
+ * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
+ */
+export const implementsIconProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
+ implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
+ propKey: 'icon',
+ ShorthandComponent: Icon,
+ mapValueToProps: val => ({ name: val }),
+ requiredProps: {},
+ shorthandDefaultProps: {},
+ ...options,
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements an Image shorthand prop.
+ *
+ * @param {function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {object} [options={}]
+ * @param {string} [options.propKey='image'] The name of the shorthand prop.
+ * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
+ * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
+ */
+export const implementsImageProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
+ implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
+ propKey: 'image',
+ ShorthandComponent: Image,
+ mapValueToProps: val => ({ src: val }),
+ requiredProps: {},
+ shorthandDefaultProps: {},
+ ...options,
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements a Label shorthand prop.
+ *
+ * @param {function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {object} [options={}]
+ * @param {string} [options.propKey='label'] The name of the shorthand prop.
+ * @param {string|function} [options.ShorthandComponent] The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
+ * @param {function} [options.mapValueToProps] A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
+ */
+export const implementsLabelProp = (Component, options = {}) => {
+ implementsShorthandProp(Component, {
+ propKey: 'label',
+ ShorthandComponent: Label,
+ mapValueToProps: val => ({ content: val }),
+ requiredProps: {},
+ shorthandDefaultProps: {},
+ ...options,
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements the "only" prop.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ */
+export const implementsOnlyProp = Component => {
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('propKeyAndValueToClassName', Component)
+ const propValues = SUI.VISIBILITY
+ describe('only (common)', () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, 'only', propValues)
+ noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, 'only', propValues)
+ propValues.forEach(propVal => {
+ it(`adds "${propVal} only" to className`, () => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { only: propVal })).should.have.className(`${propVal} only`)
+ })
+ })
+ it('adds all possible values to className', () => {
+ const className = propValues.map(prop => `${prop} only`).join(' ')
+ const propValue = propValues.join(' ')
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { only: propValue })).should.have.className(className)
+ })
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements the "textAlign" prop.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {array} [alignments] Array of possible alignment positions.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ */
+export const implementsTextAlignProp = (Component, alignments = SUI.TEXT_ALIGNMENTS, options = {}) => {
+ const { requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('implementsTextAlignProp', Component)
+ describe('aligned (common)', () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, 'textAlign', alignments, options)
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, 'textAlign', alignments, options)
+ alignments.forEach(propVal => {
+ if (propVal === 'justified') {
+ it('adds "justified" without "aligned" to className', () => {
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.className('justified')
+ shallow()
+ .should.not.have.className('aligned')
+ })
+ } else {
+ it(`adds "${propVal} aligned" to className`, () => {
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.className(`${propVal} ${'aligned'}`)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements the "verticalAlign" prop.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {array} [alignments] Array of possible alignment positions.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ */
+export const implementsVerticalAlignProp = (Component, alignments = SUI.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENTS, options = {}) => {
+ const { requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('implementsVerticalAlignProp', Component)
+ describe('verticalAlign (common)', () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, 'verticalAlign', alignments, options)
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, 'verticalAlign', alignments, options)
+ alignments.forEach(propVal => {
+ it(`adds "${propVal} aligned" to className`, () => {
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.className(`${propVal} ${'aligned'}`)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements a width prop.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {array} [widths] Array of possible widths.
+ * @param {object} [options={}]
+ * @param {string} [options.propKey] The prop name that accepts a width value.
+ * @param {string} [options.widthClass] The className that follows the wordToNumber className.
+ * Examples: one WIDE column, two COLUMN grid, three [none] fields, etc.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.canEqual=true] Whether or not to test 'equal width' usage.
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ */
+export const implementsWidthProp = (Component, widths = SUI.WIDTHS, options = {}) => {
+ const {
+ canEqual = true,
+ propKey,
+ requiredProps,
+ widthClass,
+ } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('implementsWidthProp', Component)
+ const propValues = canEqual ? [...widths, 'equal'] : widths
+ describe(`${propKey} (common)`, () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ noClassNameFromBoolProps(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, propValues, options)
+ it('adds numberToWord value to className', () => {
+ widths.forEach(width => {
+ const expectClass = widthClass ? `${numberToWord(width)} ${widthClass}` : numberToWord(width)
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: width }))
+ .should.have.className(expectClass)
+ })
+ })
+ if (canEqual) {
+ it('adds "equal width" to className', () => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: 'equal' }))
+ .should.have.className('equal width')
+ })
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/implementsCreateMethod.js b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsCreateMethod.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b74951bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsCreateMethod.js
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import React, { isValidElement } from 'react'
+import { consoleUtil } from 'test/utils'
+ * Assert a Component correctly implements a shorthand create method.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component The component to test.
+ */
+export default (Component) => {
+ const { name } = Component._meta
+ describe('create shorthand method (common)', () => {
+ it('is a static method', () => {
+ Component.should.have.any.keys('create')
+ Component.create.should.be.a('function')
+ })
+ it(`creates a ${name} from a string`, () => {
+ isValidElement(Component.create('foo'))
+ .should.equal(true)
+ })
+ it(`creates a ${name} from a number`, () => {
+ isValidElement(Component.create(123))
+ .should.equal(true)
+ })
+ it(`creates a ${name} from a number 0`, () => {
+ isValidElement(Component.create(0))
+ .should.equal(true)
+ })
+ it(`creates a ${name} from a props object`, () => {
+ isValidElement(Component.create({ 'data-foo': 'bar' }))
+ .should.equal(true)
+ })
+ it(`creates a ${name} from an array`, () => {
+ // not all components support array shorthand, suppress warnings
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ isValidElement(Component.create(['foo', 123, { 'data-foo': 'bar' }]))
+ .should.equal(true)
+ })
+ it(`creates a ${name} from an element`, () => {
+ isValidElement(Component.create())
+ .should.equal(true)
+ })
+ it('returns null when passed null', () => {
+ expect(Component.create(null))
+ .to.equal(null)
+ })
+ it('returns null when passed undefined', () => {
+ expect(Component.create(undefined))
+ .to.equal(null)
+ })
+ it('returns null when passed true', () => {
+ expect(Component.create(true))
+ .to.equal(null)
+ })
+ it('returns null when passed false', () => {
+ expect(Component.create(false))
+ .to.equal(null)
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/implementsShorthandProp.js b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsShorthandProp.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e88fff43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/implementsShorthandProp.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import React, { createElement } from 'react'
+import { createShorthand } from 'src/lib'
+import { consoleUtil } from 'test/utils'
+import { noDefaultClassNameFromProp } from './classNameHelpers'
+import helpers from './commonHelpers'
+const shorthandComponentName = ShorthandComponent => {
+ if (typeof ShorthandComponent === 'string') return ShorthandComponent
+ return _.get(ShorthandComponent, '_meta.name') || ShorthandComponent.displayName || ShorthandComponent.name
+ * Assert that a Component correctly implements a shorthand prop.
+ *
+ * @param {function} Component The component to test.
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @param {string} options.propKey The name of the shorthand prop.
+ * @param {string|function} options.ShorthandComponent The component that should be rendered from the shorthand value.
+ * @param {function} options.mapValueToProps A function that maps a primitive value to the Component props
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ * @param {Object|function} [options.shorthandDefaultProps={}] Props required to render the shorthand component.
+ * @param {Object} [options.alwaysPresent] Whether or not the shorthand exists by default
+ */
+export default (Component, options = {}) => {
+ const {
+ alwaysPresent,
+ mapValueToProps,
+ propKey,
+ ShorthandComponent,
+ shorthandDefaultProps = {},
+ requiredProps = {},
+ } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('implementsShorthandProp', Component)
+ describe(`${propKey} shorthand prop (common)`, () => {
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ assertRequired(_.isPlainObject(options), 'an `options` object')
+ assertRequired(propKey, 'a `propKey`')
+ assertRequired(ShorthandComponent, 'a `ShorthandComponent`')
+ const name = shorthandComponentName(ShorthandComponent)
+ const assertValidShorthand = (value) => {
+ const renderedShorthand = createShorthand(ShorthandComponent, mapValueToProps, value, shorthandDefaultProps)
+ const element = createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: value })
+ shallow(element).should.contain(renderedShorthand)
+ }
+ if (alwaysPresent || Component.defaultProps && Component.defaultProps[propKey]) {
+ it(`has default ${name} when not defined`, () => {
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.descendants(name)
+ })
+ } else {
+ noDefaultClassNameFromProp(Component, propKey, [], options)
+ it(`has no ${name} when not defined`, () => {
+ shallow()
+ .should.not.have.descendants(name)
+ })
+ }
+ if (!alwaysPresent) {
+ it(`has no ${name} when null`, () => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, { ...requiredProps, [propKey]: null }))
+ .should.not.have.descendants(ShorthandComponent)
+ })
+ }
+ it(`renders a ${name} from strings`, () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ assertValidShorthand('string')
+ })
+ it(`renders a ${name} from numbers`, () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ assertValidShorthand(123)
+ })
+ // the Input maps shorthand to `type`
+ // React uses the default prop ('text') in place of type={0}
+ if (propKey !== 'input') {
+ it(`renders a ${name} from number 0`, () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ assertValidShorthand(0)
+ })
+ }
+ it(`renders a ${name} from a props object`, () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ assertValidShorthand(mapValueToProps('foo'))
+ })
+ it(`renders a ${name} from elements`, () => {
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ assertValidShorthand()
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/index.js b/test/specs/commonTests/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0327a628ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+export hasSubComponents from './hasSubComponents'
+export hasUIClassName from './hasUIClassName'
+export * from './implementsClassNameProps'
+export * from './implementsCommonProps'
+export implementsCreateMethod from './implementsCreateMethod'
+export implementsShorthandProp from './implementsShorthandProp'
+export isConformant from './isConformant'
+export rendersChildren from './rendersChildren'
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/isConformant.js b/test/specs/commonTests/isConformant.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc71c1ffa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/isConformant.js
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+import faker from 'faker'
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import React from 'react'
+import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
+import * as semanticUIReact from 'semantic-ui-react'
+import { META } from 'src/lib'
+import helpers from './commonHelpers'
+import componentInfo from './componentInfo'
+import { consoleUtil, sandbox, syntheticEvent } from 'test/utils'
+ * Assert Component conforms to guidelines that are applicable to all components.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component A component that should conform.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.eventTargets={}] Map of events and the child component to target.
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render Component without errors or warnings.
+ */
+export default (Component, options = {}) => {
+ const { eventTargets = {}, requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { throwError } = helpers('isConformant', Component)
+ // tests depend on Component constructor names, enforce them
+ if (!Component.prototype.constructor.name) {
+ throwError([
+ 'Component is not a named function. This should help identify it:',
+ `static _meta = ${JSON.stringify(Component._meta, null, 2)}`,
+ `Rendered:\n${ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup()}`,
+ ].join('\n'))
+ }
+ // extract componentInfo for this component
+ const {
+ _meta,
+ constructorName,
+ componentClassName,
+ filenameWithoutExt,
+ } = _.find(componentInfo, i => i.constructorName === Component.prototype.constructor.name)
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Class and file name
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ it(`constructor name matches filename "${constructorName}"`, () => {
+ constructorName.should.equal(filenameWithoutExt)
+ })
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Is exported or private
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // detect components like: semanticUIReact.H1
+ const isTopLevelAPIProp = _.has(semanticUIReact, constructorName)
+ // detect sub components like: semanticUIReact.Form.Field (ie FormField component)
+ // Build a path by following _meta.parents to the root:
+ // ['Form', 'FormField', 'FormTextArea']
+ let apiPath = []
+ let meta = _meta
+ while (meta) {
+ apiPath.unshift(meta.name)
+ meta = _.get(semanticUIReact, [meta.parent, '_meta'])
+ }
+ // Remove parent name from paths:
+ // ['Form', 'Field', 'TextArea']
+ apiPath = apiPath.reduce((acc, next) => (
+ [...acc, next.replace(acc.join(''), '')]
+ ), [])
+ // find the apiPath in the semanticUIReact object
+ const isSubComponent = _.isFunction(_.get(semanticUIReact, apiPath))
+ if (META.isPrivate(constructorName)) {
+ it('is not exported as a component nor sub component', () => {
+ expect(isTopLevelAPIProp).to.equal(
+ false,
+ `"${constructorName}" is private (starts with "_").` +
+ ' It cannot be exposed on the top level API'
+ )
+ expect(isSubComponent).to.equal(
+ false,
+ `"${constructorName}" is private (starts with "_").` +
+ ' It cannot be a static prop of another component (sub-component)'
+ )
+ })
+ } else {
+ // require all components to be exported at the top level
+ it('is exported at the top level', () => {
+ expect(isTopLevelAPIProp).to.equal(true, [
+ `"${constructorName}" must be exported at top level.`,
+ 'Export it in `src/index.js`.',
+ ].join(' '))
+ })
+ }
+ if (_meta.parent) {
+ it('is a static component on its parent', () => {
+ expect(isSubComponent).to.equal(
+ true,
+ `\`${constructorName}\` is a child component (has a _meta.parent).` +
+ ` It must be a static prop of its parent \`${_meta.parent}\``
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Props
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ it('spreads user props', () => {
+ // JSX does not render custom html attributes so we prefix them with data-*.
+ // https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/jsx-gotchas.html#custom-html-attributes
+ const props = {
+ [`data-${_.kebabCase(faker.hacker.noun())}`]: faker.hacker.verb(),
+ }
+ // descendants() accepts an enzyme
+ // props should be spread on some descendant
+ // we find the descendant with spread props via a matching props object selector
+ // we do not test Component for props, of course they exist as we are spreading them
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.descendants(props)
+ })
+ describe('"as" prop (common)', () => {
+ it('renders the component as HTML tags or passes "as" to the next component', () => {
+ // silence element nesting warnings
+ consoleUtil.disableOnce()
+ const tags = ['a', 'em', 'div', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'i', 'p', 'span', 'strong']
+ try {
+ tags.forEach((tag) => {
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.tagName(tag)
+ })
+ } catch (err) {
+ tags.forEach((tag) => {
+ const wrapper = shallow()
+ wrapper.type().should.not.equal(Component)
+ wrapper.should.have.prop('as', tag)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ it('renders as a functional component or passes "as" to the next component', () => {
+ const MyComponent = () => null
+ try {
+ shallow()
+ .type()
+ .should.equal(MyComponent)
+ } catch (err) {
+ const wrapper = shallow()
+ wrapper.type().should.not.equal(Component)
+ wrapper.should.have.prop('as', MyComponent)
+ }
+ })
+ it('renders as a ReactClass or passes "as" to the next component', () => {
+ class MyComponent extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ shallow()
+ .type()
+ .should.equal(MyComponent)
+ } catch (err) {
+ const wrapper = shallow()
+ wrapper.type().should.not.equal(Component)
+ wrapper.should.have.prop('as', MyComponent)
+ }
+ })
+ it('passes extra props to the component it is renders as', () => {
+ const MyComponent = () => null
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.descendants('[data-extra-prop="foo"]')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('handles props', () => {
+ it('defines handled props in Component.handledProps', () => {
+ Component.should.have.any.keys('handledProps')
+ Component.handledProps.should.be.an('array')
+ })
+ it('Component.handledProps includes all handled props', () => {
+ const computedProps = _.union(
+ Component.autoControlledProps,
+ _.keys(Component.defaultProps),
+ _.keys(Component.propTypes),
+ )
+ const expectedProps = _.uniq(computedProps).sort()
+ Component.handledProps.should.to.deep.equal(expectedProps,
+ 'It seems that not all props were defined in Component.handledProps, you need to check that they are equal ' +
+ 'to the union of Component.autoControlledProps and keys of Component.defaultProps and Component.propTypes'
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Events
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ it('handles events transparently', () => {
+ // Events should be handled transparently, working just as they would in vanilla React.
+ // Example, both of these handler()s should be called with the same event:
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // This test catches the case where a developer forgot to call the event prop
+ // after handling it internally. It also catch cases where the synthetic event was not passed back.
+ _.each(syntheticEvent.types, ({ eventShape, listeners }) => {
+ _.each(listeners, listenerName => {
+ // onKeyDown => keyDown
+ const eventName = _.camelCase(listenerName.replace('on', ''))
+ // onKeyDown => handleKeyDown
+ const handlerName = _.camelCase(listenerName.replace('on', 'handle'))
+ const handlerSpy = sandbox.spy()
+ const props = {
+ ...requiredProps,
+ [listenerName]: handlerSpy,
+ 'data-simulate-event-here': true,
+ }
+ const wrapper = shallow()
+ const eventTarget = eventTargets[listenerName]
+ ? wrapper.find(eventTargets[listenerName])
+ : wrapper.find('[data-simulate-event-here]')
+ eventTarget.simulate(eventName, eventShape)
+ // give event listeners opportunity to cleanup
+ if (wrapper.instance() && wrapper.instance().componentWillUnmount) {
+ wrapper.instance().componentWillUnmount()
+ }
+ //
+ // ^ was not called once on "blur"
+ const leftPad = ' '.repeat(constructorName.length + listenerName.length + 3)
+ handlerSpy.calledOnce.should.equal(true,
+ `<${constructorName} ${listenerName}={${handlerName}} />\n` +
+ `${leftPad} ^ was not called once on "${eventName}".` +
+ 'You may need to hoist your event handlers up to the root element.\n'
+ )
+ let expectedArgs = [eventShape]
+ let errorMessage = 'was not called with (event)'
+ if (_.has(Component.propTypes, listenerName)) {
+ expectedArgs = [eventShape, props]
+ errorMessage = 'was not called with (event, data)'
+ }
+ // Components should return the event first, then any data
+ handlerSpy.calledWithMatch(...expectedArgs).should.equal(true,
+ `<${constructorName} ${listenerName}={${handlerName}} />\n` +
+ `${leftPad} ^ ${errorMessage}\n` +
+ 'It was called with args:\n' +
+ JSON.stringify(handlerSpy.args, null, 2)
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Defines _meta
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ describe('_meta', () => {
+ it('is a static object prop', () => {
+ expect(_meta).to.be.an('object')
+ })
+ describe('name', () => {
+ it('is defined', () => {
+ expect(_meta).to.have.any.keys('name')
+ })
+ it('matches the filename', () => {
+ expect(_meta.name).to.equal(filenameWithoutExt)
+ })
+ })
+ if (_.has(_meta, 'parent')) {
+ describe('parent', () => {
+ it('matches some component name', () => {
+ expect(_.map(semanticUIReact, c => c.prototype.constructor.name)).to.contain(_meta.parent)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ describe('type', () => {
+ it('is defined', () => {
+ expect(_meta).to.have.any.keys('type')
+ })
+ it('is a META.TYPES value', () => {
+ expect(_.values(META.TYPES)).to.contain(_meta.type)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Handles className
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ describe('className (common)', () => {
+ it(`has the Semantic UI className "${componentClassName}"`, () => {
+ const wrapper = render()
+ // don't test components with no className at all (i.e. MessageItem)
+ if (wrapper.prop('className')) {
+ wrapper.should.have.className(componentClassName)
+ }
+ })
+ it("applies user's className to root component", () => {
+ const classes = faker.hacker.phrase()
+ shallow()
+ .should.have.className(classes)
+ })
+ it("user's className does not override the default classes", () => {
+ const defaultClasses = shallow()
+ .prop('className')
+ if (!defaultClasses) return
+ const userClasses = faker.hacker.verb()
+ const mixedClasses = shallow()
+ .prop('className')
+ defaultClasses.split(' ').forEach((defaultClass) => {
+ mixedClasses.should.include(defaultClass, [
+ 'Make sure you are using the `getUnhandledProps` util to spread the `rest` props.',
+ 'This may also be of help: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/transferring-props.html.',
+ ].join(' '))
+ })
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/specs/commonTests/rendersChildren.js b/test/specs/commonTests/rendersChildren.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..047eb580ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/specs/commonTests/rendersChildren.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import faker from 'faker'
+import React, { createElement } from 'react'
+import helpers from './commonHelpers'
+ * Assert a component renders children somewhere in the tree.
+ * @param {React.Component|Function} Component A component that should render children.
+ * @param {Object} [options={}]
+ * @param {Object} [options.requiredProps={}] Props required to render the component.
+ */
+export default (Component, options = {}) => {
+ const { requiredProps = {} } = options
+ const { assertRequired } = helpers('rendersChildren', Component)
+ assertRequired(Component, 'a `Component`')
+ it('renders child text', () => {
+ const text = faker.hacker.phrase()
+ shallow(createElement(Component, requiredProps, text))
+ .should.contain.text(text)
+ })
+ it('renders child components', () => {
+ const child =
+ shallow(createElement(Component, requiredProps, child))
+ .should.contain(child)
+ })
+ it('renders child number with 0 value', () => {
+ shallow(createElement(Component, requiredProps, 0))
+ .should.contain.text('0')
+ })