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+### 📖 Information
+ - This application is a Spring Boot application demonstrating rate limiting with Redis for user management operations.
+ -
+ Explanation:
+ - UserController: The API endpoint for managing user information. It includes methods to handle creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting user data. This controller interacts with the UserService to perform these operations.
+ - UserService: Contains the business logic for user management. It performs CRUD operations on the User entity and interacts with the RateLimiterService to apply rate limiting rules.
+ - RateLimiterService: Utilizes Redis to track and enforce rate limiting rules. It ensures that the number of requests made by a user does not exceed the specified limit within a given time window.
+ - UserRepository: Extends Spring Data JPA's JpaRepository, providing methods for performing database operations on user entities. This layer abstracts the data access operations, making it easier to manage user data.
+ - Redis Configuration: Redis is configured as a cache to store rate limiting data. This configuration ensures high performance and scalability in tracking and enforcing rate limits.
+ - Validation: The application uses Hibernate Validator for validating user input. This ensures that the data passed to the API endpoints is in the correct format and adheres to the defined constraints.
+ - Exception Handling: Custom exception handling mechanisms are implemented to manage various error scenarios, such as user not found, email already exists, and rate limit exceeded.
+### Explore Rest APIs
+ Method |
+ Url |
+ Description |
+ Request Body |
+ Header |
+ Valid Path Variable |
+ Request Param |
+ No Path Variable |
+ POST |
+ /api/v1/users/save |
+ Create a new user |
+ CreateUserRequest |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ GET |
+ /api/v1/users/{id} |
+ Retrieve a user by ID |
+ |
+ |
+ {id} - Valid UUID |
+ |
+ |
+ PUT |
+ /api/v1/users/{id} |
+ Update an existing user |
+ UpdateUserRequest |
+ |
+ {id} - Valid UUID |
+ |
+ |
+ /api/v1/users/{id} |
+ Delete a user by ID |
+ |
+ |
+ {id} - Valid UUID |
+ |
+ |
+ GET |
+ /api/v1/users |
+ Retrieve a paginated list of users |
+ UserPagingRequest |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+### Technologies
+- Java 21
+- Spring Boot 3.0
+- Restful API
+- Lombok
+- Maven
+- Junit5
+- Mockito
+- Integration Tests
+- Docker
+- Docker Compose
+- CI/CD (Github Actions)
+- Postman
+- Spring Bean Validation
+### Postman
+Import postman collection under postman_collection folder
+### Prerequisites
+#### Define Variable in .env file
+- Maven or Docker
+### Docker Run
+The application can be built and run by the `Docker` engine. The `Dockerfile` has multistage build, so you do not need to build and run separately.
+Please follow directions shown below in order to build and run the application with Docker Compose file;
+$ cd ratelimiter
+$ docker-compose up -d
+If you change anything in the project and run it on Docker, you can also use this command shown below
+$ cd ratelimiter
+$ docker-compose up --build
+### Maven Run
+To build and run the application with `Maven`, please follow the directions shown below;
+$ cd ratelimiter
+$ docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
+$ mvn clean install
+$ mvn spring-boot:run
+### Docker Image Location
+### Screenshots
+Click here to show the screenshots of project
+ Figure 1
+ Figure 2
+ Figure 3
+ Figure 4
+ Figure 5
+ Figure 6
+ Figure 7
+ Figure 8
+### Contributors
+- [Sercan Noyan Germiyanoğlu](https://github.com/Rapter1990)
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