This is a react native implementation that works with gfycat reactions so that you can implement reactions into your react native apps. The core of it is very simple - we use react-native-video to display all the reactions from the API and give you a callback with the MP4 file that was selected by the user.
You can then choose what to do with the MP4 file. Most of the use cases will include sending the mp4 as a raw text and auto-resolving raw text to
This is an unofficial library and not officially endorsed by Gfycat.
This library requires you to have set up and linked react-native-video. If you have not set this up (and linked it using react-native link) this library will not work.
Make sure react-native-video is linked and installed in your project. It is not added as a dependency by design because it can only be linked once. You can do so at this link:
1: Install the module from npm
npm install react-native-gif-keyboard --save
2: Import the module at the top of your file
import GifKeyboard from 'react-native-gif-keyboard'
3: Use the module
callback={(url) => {
'Selected url for callback:',
{text: 'Ok', onPress: () => Console.log("canceled"), style: 'cancel'},
{cancelable: false}
style={{width:500, height: 800, backgroundColor:'#000'}}
GifKeyboard Features (✅=done, ❌=unsupported (feel free to PR), ⏱️=Workin' on it) | V1.0 |
Reactions | ✅ |
Stickers | ❌ |
Gaming | ❌ |
Trending | ❌ |
Authentication/user management | ❌ |
Search | ❌️ |
More custom styling options | ❌ |
Caching | ❌️ |
Animations | ❌️ |
Navigation | ❌ |