N-gram generation by tree or list
The program allows for a set of files with trees or lists to generate n-grams (unigrams, bigrams and 3-grams).
Also you can specify max distance between neighboring nodes (by default is 0). Max distance is max number of nodes, which can stand between n-grams nodes.
Max distance is specified here (for generating by tree) and here (for generating by list).
Bulding of n-grams on the tree occurs via depth-first search and storing the path of the walk. On the basis of the stored path, a set of n-grams is built at each node in which it contained.
Example of n-grams generation by tree (without intermediate nodes - max distance = 0):
Green color is 3-gram, orange is bigram and purple is unigrams.
It is Kotlin PSI tree (or CST - concrete syntax tree).
Tree format
Tree must be an array, which contains elements with two fields: type
and children
(not required).
Field type
is used by algorithm to generating n-grams.
N-gramms are generated from the list by simple walk (forEach) and storing of history walk (one and two previous elements).
Example of n-grams generation by list (without intermediate nodes - max distance = 0):
Green color is 3-gram, orange is bigram and purple is unigrams.
It is JVM inctruction list (parsed bytecode).
List format
List must be grouped list (array of arrays) of strings. Groups do not participate in the generation of n-grams and merge into one array.
Such a format was chosen for the initial task — to generate n-grams by a set of JVM-instructions grouped by methods.
"\u003cclinit\u003e": ["iconst_1","anewarray","dup","iconst_0","new","dup","ldc","invokestatic","ldc","ldc","invokespecial","invokestatic","checkcast","aastore","putstatic","new","dup","aconst_null","invokespecial","putstatic","return"],
"\u003cinit\u003e": ["aload_0","invokespecial","aload_0","new","dup","aload_0","invokespecial","checkcast","invokestatic","putfield","return"],
"setFirstRun": ["aload_0","iload_1","putfield","return"],
"getDefaultDPreference": ["aload_0","getfield","astore_1","getstatic","iconst_0","aaload","astore_2","aload_1","invokeinterface","checkcast","areturn"],
"getFirstRun": ["aload_0","getfield","ireturn"],
"onCreate": ["iconst_0","istore_1","aload_0","invokespecial","aload_0","invokestatic","astore_2","aload_2","ldc","invokestatic","aload_2","ldc","iconst_0","invokeinterface","bipush","if_icmpeq","iconst_1","istore_1","aload_0","iload_1","putfield","aload_0","getfield","ifeq","aload_0","invokestatic","astore_2","aload_2","ldc","invokestatic","aload_2","invokeinterface","ldc","bipush","invokeinterface","invokeinterface","getstatic","aload_0","invokevirtual","return"]
: path to folder with structure JSON files (trees or lists);-o
: path to folder, in which will be written files with generated n-grams;--tree
: whether to generate by tree;--list
: whether to generate by list.
To run program you must run main
function in main.kt
, not forgetting to set the program arguments.
Also you can run jar file (you can download from the release assets):
java -jar ./ngram-generator-0.1.1.jar -i ./trees -o ./trees_factorized --tree