All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Angular 16 support
- Silent mode
- Lib bump
- Angular 15 support
- Update to latest Angular 14 packages
- Update all packages to latest version except: typescript @types/node
- Update the lib to only support Angular ^15
- Update the demo app to Angular 15
- browserlistrc was removed
- environment files have been deleted
- angular.json was update to reflect that
- Explicit tslib version in the lib
- Removed demo app angular-google-tag-manager from the installed packages, it now use the one built locally
- Project structure to only have one package.json
- Fix on ReferenceError
- Angular 14 support
- use APP_INITIALIZER token to set config dynamically: mzuccaroli#135
- Bump dependencies
- Updated all dependencies to latest version, or close to latest
- Replaced tilde versioning with hat versioning (Tilde versioning of Angular is too strict #108)
- Exceptions to the above: zone.js still in version 0.x and typescript is a special case for the Angular compiler
- Removed tslint, as it no longer has any effect: executing npm run lint would state there was no linter installed
- Removed tsickle and the closure compiler option, as they do not support any Typescript above 4.3
- Updated build:prod script for Angular 13 standards
- package.json fix
- Angular 13 support
- Optional CSP nonce
- Typo fix
- Angular 12 support
- config parameter for custom gtm.js resource path
- Fix on first event push twice
- Angular 11 support
- Remove noscript iframe
- force use of https for google scripts
- support for Angular 10 strict mode
- for root support
- update to angular 10
- dependencies update
- readme update
- gtm_auth support
- gtm_preview support
- readme update
- update requirements to angular 8
- browser-globals dependency
- readme updated
- demo application
- public repo tag
- changelog file
- performed npm audit fix
- readme update
- First implementation