diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a127bac..5d103d3 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ inst/doc
index 3bb79a9..14bb175 100644
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Suggests:
PatientProfiles (>= 1.2.2),
- ggpubr,
+ ggpubr,
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ Suggests:
- tidyr
+ tidyr,
+ ggpol,
+ scales
Config/testthat/edition: 3
RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
diff --git a/inst/shiny/global.R b/inst/shiny/global.R
index 5789ca9..efebf7b 100644
--- a/inst/shiny/global.R
+++ b/inst/shiny/global.R
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ library(shinycssloaders)
# ensure minimum versions
rlang::check_installed("omopgenerics", version = "0.4")
@@ -43,8 +44,8 @@ plotComparedLsc <- function(lsc, cohorts, imputeMissings, colour = NULL, facet =
plot_data <- lsc |>
filter(group_level %in% c(cohorts
)) |>
- filter(estimate_name == "percentage") |>
- omopgenerics::addSettings() |>
+ filter(estimate_name == "percentage") |>
+ omopgenerics::addSettings() |>
select(database = cdm_name,
cohort_name = group_level,
@@ -53,16 +54,16 @@ plotComparedLsc <- function(lsc, cohorts, imputeMissings, colour = NULL, facet =
table = table_name,
percentage = estimate_value) |>
mutate(percentage = if_else(percentage == "-",
- NA, percentage)) |>
- mutate(percentage = as.numeric(percentage)) |>
+ NA, percentage)) |>
+ mutate(percentage = as.numeric(percentage)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = cohort_name,
values_from = percentage)
- plot_data <- plot_data |>
+ plot_data <- plot_data |>
mutate(across(c(cohorts[1], cohorts[2]), ~if_else(is.na(.x), 0, .x)))
plot <- plot_data |>
ggplot(aes(text = paste("
Database:", database,
Concept:", variable_name,
@@ -85,3 +86,67 @@ plotComparedLsc <- function(lsc, cohorts, imputeMissings, colour = NULL, facet =
+plotAgeDistribution <- function(summarise_table, summarise_characteristics){
+ data <- summarise_table |>
+ filter(variable_name == "age") |>
+ pivot_wider(names_from = "estimate_name", values_from = "estimate_value") |>
+ mutate(density_x = as.numeric(density_x),
+ density_y = as.numeric(density_y)) |>
+ splitStrata() |>
+ mutate(density_y = if_else(sex == "Female", -density_y, density_y))
+ max_density <- max(data$density_y, na.rm = TRUE)
+ min_age <- (floor((data$density_x |> min())/5))*5
+ max_age <- (ceiling((data$density_x |> max())/5))*5
+ iqr <- dataFiltered$summarise_characteristics |>
+ filter(variable_name == "Age",
+ strata_level %in% c("Female","Male"),
+ estimate_name %in% c("q25", "median", "q75")) |>
+ mutate(estimate_value = as.numeric(estimate_value)) |>
+ left_join(
+ data |>
+ select("cdm_name", "strata_level" = "sex", "estimate_value" = "density_x", "density_y") |>
+ arrange(strata_level, estimate_value, density_y) |>
+ mutate(estimate_value_round = round(estimate_value)) |>
+ mutate(estimate_value_diff = estimate_value - estimate_value_round) |>
+ group_by(strata_level, estimate_value_round) |>
+ filter(estimate_value_diff == min(estimate_value_diff)) |>
+ select("cdm_name", "estimate_value" = "estimate_value_round", "density_y", "strata_level"),
+ by = c("estimate_value", "strata_level", "cdm_name")
+ ) |>
+ rename("sex" = "strata_level")
+ ggplot(data, aes(x = density_x, y = density_y, fill = sex)) +
+ geom_polygon() +
+ geom_segment(data = iqr[iqr$estimate_name == "median", ],
+ aes(x = estimate_value, y = 0, xend = estimate_value, yend = density_y),
+ linewidth = 1) +
+ geom_segment(data = iqr[iqr$estimate_name != "median", ],
+ aes(x = estimate_value, y = 0, xend = estimate_value, yend = density_y),
+ linetype = 2,
+ linewidth = 1) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) scales::label_percent()(abs(x)),
+ limits = c(-max_percentage*1.1, max_percentage*1.1)) +
+ theme_bw() +
+ theme(
+ axis.text.x = element_text(),
+ axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
+ panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey90"),
+ panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey90"),
+ legend.box = "horizontal",
+ axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
+ legend.position = "bottom",
+ legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
+ panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank()
+ ) +
+ scale_x_continuous(labels = c(as.character(seq(min_age,max_age-5,5)), paste0(max_age,"+")),
+ breaks = c(seq(min_age,max_age-5,5), max_age)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values = list("Male" = "#4682B4","Female" = "#003153")) +
+ facet_wrap(c("cdm_name", "group_level")) +
+ coord_flip(clip = "off") +
+ labs(subtitle = "The solid line represents the median, while the dotted lines indicate the interquartile range.")
diff --git a/inst/shiny/server.R b/inst/shiny/server.R
index d459780..fbb74df 100644
--- a/inst/shiny/server.R
+++ b/inst/shiny/server.R
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
selected = selected[[k]],
server = TRUE
inputId = names(choices)[k],
choices = choices[[k]],
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
if (is.null(dataFiltered$summarise_omop_snapshot)) {
validate("No snapshot in results")
) %>%
@@ -55,28 +55,28 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
# achilles_code_use -----
createOutputAchillesCodeUse <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$achilles_code_use)) {
validate("No achilles code use in results")
achillesFiltered <- dataFiltered$achilles_code_use |>
filterData("achilles_code_use", input)
if (nrow(achillesFiltered) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
header = input$achilles_code_use_header,
groupColumn = input$achilles_code_use_groupColumn,
hide = input$achilles_code_use_hide)
output$achilles_code_use_gt <- gt::render_gt({
@@ -86,25 +86,25 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
res <- dataFiltered$summarise_observation_period |>
filterData("summarise_observation_period", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$summarise_observation_period_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$summarise_observation_period_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
vars <- switch(pivot,
- "estimates" = "estimate_name",
- "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
+ "estimates" = "estimate_name",
+ "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -149,16 +149,16 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
## output 16 -----
createOutput16 <- shiny::reactive({
result <- dataFiltered$summarise_observation_period |>
filterData("summarise_observation_period", input)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
variableName = input$summarise_observation_period_ggplot2_16_variableName,
@@ -183,26 +183,26 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# cohort_code_use -----
## tidy cohort_code_use -----
getTidyDataCohortCodeUse <- shiny::reactive({
res <- dataFiltered$cohort_code_use |>
# pivot
pivot <- input$cohort_code_use_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
vars <- switch(pivot,
- "estimates" = "estimate_name",
- "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
+ "estimates" = "estimate_name",
+ "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
output$cohort_code_use_tidy <- DT::renderDT({
@@ -227,11 +227,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
result <- dataFiltered$cohort_code_use |>
filterData("cohort_code_use", input)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
header = input$cohort_code_use_gt_12_header,
@@ -256,33 +256,33 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
# summarise_cohort_attrition -----
## tidy summarise_cohort_attrition -----
getTidyDataSummariseCohortAttrition <- shiny::reactive({
res <- dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_attrition |>
filterData("summarise_cohort_attrition", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$summarise_cohort_attrition_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$summarise_cohort_attrition_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
vars <- switch(pivot,
- "estimates" = "estimate_name",
- "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
+ "estimates" = "estimate_name",
+ "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -305,11 +305,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
createOutput3 <- shiny::reactive({
result <- dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_attrition |>
filterData("summarise_cohort_attrition", input)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
header = input$summarise_cohort_attrition_gt_3_header,
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
## output 4 -----
createOutput4 <- shiny::reactive({
result <- dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_attrition |>
@@ -359,33 +359,33 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# summarise_cohort_overlap -----
## tidy summarise_cohort_overlap -----
getTidyDataSummariseCohortOverlap <- shiny::reactive({
res <- dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_overlap |>
filterData("summarise_cohort_overlap", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$summarise_cohort_overlap_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$summarise_cohort_overlap_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
vars <- switch(pivot,
- "estimates" = "estimate_name",
- "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
+ "estimates" = "estimate_name",
+ "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -409,14 +409,14 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
if (is.null(dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_overlap)) {
validate("No cohort overlap in results")
result <- dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_overlap |>
filterData("summarise_cohort_overlap", input)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
uniqueCombinations = input$summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_uniqueCombinations,
@@ -442,13 +442,13 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
## output 2 -----
createOutput2 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_overlap)) {
validate("No cohort overlap in results")
result <- dataFiltered$summarise_cohort_overlap |>
filterData("summarise_cohort_overlap", input)
@@ -474,33 +474,33 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# summarise_characteristics -----
## tidy summarise_characteristics -----
getTidyDataSummariseCharacteristics <- shiny::reactive({
res <- dataFiltered$summarise_characteristics |>
filterData("summarise_characteristics", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$summarise_characteristics_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$summarise_characteristics_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
vars <- switch(pivot,
- "estimates" = "estimate_name",
- "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
+ "estimates" = "estimate_name",
+ "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -521,11 +521,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
## output summarise_characteristics -----
## output 7 -----
createOutput7 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$summarise_characteristics)) {
validate("No summarised characteristics in results")
selectedCohorts <- c(
@@ -536,11 +536,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
} else {
selectedCohorts <- input$summarise_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name
result <- dataFiltered$summarise_characteristics |>
dplyr::filter(cdm_name %in% input$summarise_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name,
group_level %in% selectedCohorts)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
@@ -569,16 +569,16 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
## output 8 -----
createOutput8 <- shiny::reactive({
result <- dataFiltered$summarise_characteristics |>
filterData("summarise_characteristics", input)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
plotType = input$summarise_characteristics_ggplot2_8_plotType,
@@ -603,15 +603,16 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# summarise_large_scale_characteristics -----
## tidy summarise_large_scale_characteristics -----
getTidyDataSummariseLargeScaleCharacteristics <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$summarise_large_scale_characteristics)) {
validate("No large scale characteristics in results")
lsc_data <- dataFiltered$summarise_large_scale_characteristics |>
filter(!is.na(estimate_value)) |>
filter(estimate_value != "-") |>
@@ -620,11 +621,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
dplyr::filter(cdm_name %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name ) |>
dplyr::filter(group_level %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name) |>
dplyr::filter(variable_level %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window)
if (nrow(lsc_data) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
tidy(lsc_data) |>
mutate(concept = paste0(variable_name, " (",
concept_id, ")")) |>
@@ -632,11 +633,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_tidy <- DT::renderDT({
- getTidyDataSummariseLargeScaleCharacteristics() |>
+ getTidyDataSummariseLargeScaleCharacteristics() |>
options = list(scrollX = TRUE),
rownames = FALSE
@@ -652,28 +653,28 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
## output summarise_large_scale_characteristics -----
## output 0 -----
createOutput0 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$summarise_large_scale_characteristics)) {
validate("No large scale characteristics in results")
# if (input$top_n < 1) {
# validate("Top n must be between 1 and 100")
# }
# if (input$top_n > 100) {
# validate("Top n must be between 1 and 100")
# }
- lsc_data <- dataFiltered$summarise_large_scale_characteristics |>
- filter(!is.na(estimate_value)) |>
- filter(estimate_value != "-") |>
- visOmopResults::filterSettings(table_name %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_domain,
- analysis %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_settings_analysis) |>
+ lsc_data <- dataFiltered$summarise_large_scale_characteristics |>
+ filter(!is.na(estimate_value)) |>
+ filter(estimate_value != "-") |>
+ visOmopResults::filterSettings(table_name %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_domain,
+ analysis %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_settings_analysis) |>
dplyr::filter(cdm_name %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name ) |>
dplyr::filter(group_level %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name) |>
- dplyr::filter(variable_level %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window)
- CohortCharacteristics::tableLargeScaleCharacteristics(lsc_data |>
- arrange(desc(estimate_type),
+ dplyr::filter(variable_level %in% input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window)
+ CohortCharacteristics::tableLargeScaleCharacteristics(lsc_data |>
+ arrange(desc(estimate_type),
# ,
# topConcepts = input$top_n
@@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# header = input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_header,
# groupColumn = input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_group,
# hide = input$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_hide
- ) %>%
+ ) %>%
title = "Large scale characteristics",
subtitle = "Summary of all records from clinical tables within a time window"
@@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
heading.align = "left"
output$summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0 <- gt::render_gt({
@@ -701,33 +702,33 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
# incidence -----
## tidy incidence -----
getTidyDataIncidence <- shiny::reactive({
res <- dataFiltered$incidence |>
filterData("incidence", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$incidence_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$incidence_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
vars <- switch(pivot,
- "estimates" = "estimate_name",
- "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
+ "estimates" = "estimate_name",
+ "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -748,36 +749,36 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
## output incidence -----
incidenceFiltered <- shiny::reactive({
dataFiltered$incidence |>
- filter(cdm_name %in%
- input$incidence_grouping_cdm_name) |>
- filterGroup(outcome_cohort_name %in%
- input$incidence_grouping_outcome_cohort_name) |>
+ filter(cdm_name %in%
+ input$incidence_grouping_cdm_name) |>
+ filterGroup(outcome_cohort_name %in%
+ input$incidence_grouping_outcome_cohort_name) |>
filterSettings(denominator_age_group %in%
- input$incidence_settings_denominator_age_group,
- denominator_sex %in%
- input$incidence_settings_denominator_sex) |>
+ input$incidence_settings_denominator_age_group,
+ denominator_sex %in%
+ input$incidence_settings_denominator_sex) |>
filterAdditional(analysis_interval %in%
## output 18 -----
createOutput18 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$incidence)) {
validate("No incidence in results")
result <- incidenceFiltered()
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
# header = input$incidence_gt_18_header,
groupColumn = c("cdm_name", "outcome_cohort_name"),
- hide = "denominator_cohort_name",
+ hide = "denominator_cohort_name",
settingsColumns = c("denominator_age_group",
@@ -787,7 +788,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
subtitle = "Incidence rates estimated for outcomes of interest"
) %>%
- heading.align = "left"
+ heading.align = "left"
output$incidence_gt_18 <- gt::render_gt({
@@ -800,13 +801,13 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
## output 19 -----
createOutput19 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$incidence)) {
validate("No incidence in results")
result <- incidenceFiltered()
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
@@ -819,7 +820,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
ribbon = FALSE,
facet = input$incidence_ggplot2_19_facet,
colour = input$incidence_ggplot2_19_colour
- ) |>
+ ) |>
@@ -840,33 +841,33 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# incidence_attrition -----
## tidy incidence_attrition -----
getTidyDataIncidenceAttrition <- shiny::reactive({
res <- dataFiltered$incidence |>
filterData("incidence_attrition", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$incidence_attrition_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$incidence_attrition_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
vars <- switch(pivot,
- "estimates" = "estimate_name",
- "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
+ "estimates" = "estimate_name",
+ "estimates and variables" = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name")
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -887,18 +888,18 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
## output incidence_attrition -----
## output 22 -----
createOutput22 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$incidence_attrition)) {
validate("No incidence attrition in results")
result <- dataFiltered$incidence_attrition |>
filterData("incidence_attrition", input)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
header = input$incidence_attrition_gt_22_header,
@@ -923,20 +924,20 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
# prevalence -----
prevalenceFiltered <- shiny::reactive({
- dataFiltered$prevalence |>
- filter(cdm_name %in%
- input$prevalence_grouping_cdm_name) |>
- filterGroup(outcome_cohort_name %in%
- input$prevalence_grouping_outcome_cohort_name) |>
+ dataFiltered$prevalence |>
+ filter(cdm_name %in%
+ input$prevalence_grouping_cdm_name) |>
+ filterGroup(outcome_cohort_name %in%
+ input$prevalence_grouping_outcome_cohort_name) |>
filterSettings(denominator_age_group %in%
- input$prevalence_settings_denominator_age_group,
- denominator_sex %in%
- input$prevalence_settings_denominator_sex,
+ input$prevalence_settings_denominator_age_group,
+ denominator_sex %in%
+ input$prevalence_settings_denominator_sex,
analysis_interval %in%
- input$prevalence_settings_analysis_interval)
+ input$prevalence_settings_analysis_interval)
## tidy prevalence -----
@@ -944,14 +945,14 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
res <- dataFiltered$prevalence |>
filterData("prevalence", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$prevalence_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$prevalence_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
@@ -962,7 +963,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -986,13 +987,13 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
if (is.null(dataFiltered$prevalence)) {
validate("No prevalence in results")
result <- prevalenceFiltered()
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
# header = input$prevalence_gt_prev1_header,
@@ -1020,20 +1021,20 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
## output prev2 -----
createOutputprev2 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$prevalence)) {
validate("No prevalence in results")
result <- prevalenceFiltered()
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
x = input$prevalence_ggplot2_prev2_x,
@@ -1060,10 +1061,10 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# compare lsc ----
outputLSC <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$summarise_large_scale_characteristics)) {
@@ -1073,12 +1074,12 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
filter(variable_level %in% input$compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window) |>
filterSettings(table_name %in% input$compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_domain,
analysis %in% input$compare_large_scale_characteristics_settings_analysis)
output$gt_compare_lsc <- DT::renderDT({
lscFiltered <- outputLSC()
if (nrow(lscFiltered) == 0) {
validate("No results found for selected inputs")
@@ -1088,8 +1089,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
lsc <- lscFiltered |>
filter(group_level %in% c(target_cohort, comparator_cohort
)) |>
- filter(estimate_name == "percentage") |>
- omopgenerics::addSettings() |>
+ filter(estimate_name == "percentage") |>
+ omopgenerics::addSettings() |>
select(database = cdm_name,
cohort_name = group_level,
@@ -1098,13 +1099,13 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
table = table_name,
percentage = estimate_value) |>
mutate(percentage = if_else(percentage == "-",
- NA, percentage)) |>
- mutate(percentage = as.numeric(percentage)) |>
+ NA, percentage)) |>
+ mutate(percentage = as.numeric(percentage)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = cohort_name,
values_from = percentage)
- lsc <- lsc |>
+ lsc <- lsc |>
mutate(across(c(target_cohort, comparator_cohort), ~if_else(is.na(.x), 0, .x)))
@@ -1120,23 +1121,23 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
"Standardised mean difference" = smd)
round_cols <- c("Standardised mean difference",
DT::datatable(lsc, rownames= FALSE) %>%
formatRound(columns=c(round_cols), digits=2)
output$plotly_compare_lsc <- renderPlotly({
if (nrow(outputLSC()) == 0) {
validate("No data to plot")
plotComparedLsc(lsc = outputLSC(),
cohorts = c(input$compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_1,
@@ -1145,21 +1146,21 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
imputeMissings = input$compare_large_scale_characteristics_impute_missings
# orphan -----
## tidy orphan -----
getTidyDataSummariseCharacteristics <- shiny::reactive({
res <- dataFiltered$orphan |>
filterData("orphan", input) |>
# columns to eliminate
colsEliminate <- colnames(res)
colsEliminate <- colsEliminate[!colsEliminate %in% c(
input$orphan_tidy_columns, "variable_name", "variable_level",
"estimate_name", "estimate_type", "estimate_value"
# pivot
pivot <- input$orphan_tidy_pivot
if (pivot != "none") {
@@ -1170,7 +1171,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
res <- res |>
visOmopResults::pivotEstimates(pivotEstimatesBy = vars)
res |>
@@ -1191,34 +1192,34 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
## output orphan -----
## output 99 -----
createOutput99 <- shiny::reactive({
if (is.null(dataFiltered$prevalence)) {
validate("No orphan codes in results")
if (is.null(dataFiltered$orphan_code_use)) {
validate("No orphan codes in results")
result <- dataFiltered$orphan_code_use |>
dplyr::filter(cdm_name %in% input$orphan_grouping_cdm_name,
group_level %in% input$orphan_grouping_codelist_name)
- tbl <- CodelistGenerator::tableOrphanCodes(
+ tbl <- CodelistGenerator::tableOrphanCodes(
header = input$orphan_gt_99_header,
groupColumn = input$orphan_gt_99_groupColumn,
hide = input$orphan_gt_99_hide
- tbl %>%
+ tbl %>%
title = "Summary of orphan codes",
subtitle = "Orphan codes refer to concepts present in the database that are not in a codelist but are related to included codes."
) %>%
- tab_options(
- heading.align = "left"
- )
+ tab_options(
+ heading.align = "left"
+ )
output$orphan_gt_99 <- gt::render_gt({
@@ -1230,7 +1231,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
## unmapped codes -----
## output orphan -----
## output 99 -----
@@ -1238,7 +1239,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
if (is.null(dataFiltered$unmapped_codes)) {
validate("No unmapped codes in results")
dataFiltered$unmapped_codes |>
dplyr::filter(cdm_name %in% input$unmapped_grouping_cdm_name,
@@ -1265,7 +1266,42 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
gt::gtsave(data = obj, filename = file)
+ ## age distribution ----
+ ## output table ----
+ createAgePyramid <- shiny::reactive({
+ summarise_table <- dataFiltered$summarise_table |>
+ filter(cdm_name %in% input$summarise_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name,
+ group_level %in% input$summarise_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name)
+ summarise_characteristics <- dataFiltered$summarise_characteristics |>
+ filter(cdm_name %in% input$summarise_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name,
+ group_level %in% input$summarise_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name)
+ plotAgeDensity(summarise_table, summarise_characteristics)
+ })
+ output$plot_age_pyramid <- shiny::renderPlot({
+ createAgePyramid()
+ })
+ output$plot_age_pyramid_download <- shiny::downloadHandler(
+ filename = paste0("output_ggplot2_age_pyramid.", "png"),
+ content = function(file) {
+ obj <- createAgePyramid()
+ ggplot2::ggsave(
+ filename = file,
+ plot = obj,
+ width = as.numeric(input$plot_age_pyramid_download_width),
+ height = as.numeric(input$plot_age_pyramid_download_height),
+ units = input$plot_age_pyramid_download_units,
+ dpi = as.numeric(input$plot_age_pyramid_download_dpi)
+ )
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/inst/shiny/ui.R b/inst/shiny/ui.R
index fad519b..19deef3 100644
--- a/inst/shiny/ui.R
+++ b/inst/shiny/ui.R
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "pulse"),
# zephyr
title = "PhenotypeR",
title = "Background",
icon = shiny::icon("disease"),
shiny::includeMarkdown(path = "background.md")
# Database diagnostics -----
@@ -20,50 +20,50 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
title = "Snapshot",
icon = shiny::icon("clipboard-list"),
- bslib::card(
- full_screen = TRUE,
- bslib::card_header(
- bslib::popover(
- shiny::icon("download"),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_omop_snapshot_gt_17_download_type",
- label = "File type",
- selected = "docx",
- choices = c("docx", "png", "pdf", "html"),
- multiple = FALSE
- ),
- shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "summarise_omop_snapshot_gt_17_download", label = "Download")
- ),
- class = "text-end"
- ),
- gt::gt_output("summarise_omop_snapshot_gt_17") |> withSpinner()
- )
+ bslib::card(
+ full_screen = TRUE,
+ bslib::card_header(
+ bslib::popover(
+ shiny::icon("download"),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_omop_snapshot_gt_17_download_type",
+ label = "File type",
+ selected = "docx",
+ choices = c("docx", "png", "pdf", "html"),
+ multiple = FALSE
+ ),
+ shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "summarise_omop_snapshot_gt_17_download", label = "Download")
+ ),
+ class = "text-end"
+ ),
+ gt::gt_output("summarise_omop_snapshot_gt_17") |> withSpinner()
+ )
## observation periods -----
title = "Observation periods",
icon = shiny::icon("eye"),
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Table observation period",
- bslib::card(
- full_screen = TRUE,
- bslib::card_header(
- bslib::popover(
- shiny::icon("download"),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_observation_period_gt_15_download_type",
- label = "File type",
- selected = "docx",
- choices = c("docx", "png", "pdf", "html"),
- multiple = FALSE
- ),
- shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "summarise_observation_period_gt_15_download", label = "Download")
- ),
- class = "text-end"
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Table observation period",
+ bslib::card(
+ full_screen = TRUE,
+ bslib::card_header(
+ bslib::popover(
+ shiny::icon("download"),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_observation_period_gt_15_download_type",
+ label = "File type",
+ selected = "docx",
+ choices = c("docx", "png", "pdf", "html"),
+ multiple = FALSE
- gt::gt_output("summarise_observation_period_gt_15") |> withSpinner()
- )
- )
+ shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "summarise_observation_period_gt_15_download", label = "Download")
+ ),
+ class = "text-end"
+ ),
+ gt::gt_output("summarise_observation_period_gt_15") |> withSpinner()
+ )
+ )
# Codelist diagnostics -----
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
## unmapped concepts -----
# bslib::nav_panel(
# title = "Unmapped concepts",
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
# )
# )
# ),
## Orphan codes -----
title = "Orphan codes",
@@ -297,20 +297,20 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
gt::gt_output("orphan_gt_99") |> withSpinner()
# Cohort diagnostics -----
title = "Cohort diagnostics",
icon = shiny::icon("list"),
## Cohort code use -----
title = "Cohort code use",
icon = shiny::icon("chart-column"),
@@ -404,63 +404,40 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
## Cohort characteristics -----
- bslib::nav_panel(
+ bslib::nav_panel(
title = "Cohort characteristics",
icon = shiny::icon("users-gear"),
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
- bslib::accordion(
- bslib::accordion_panel(
- title = "Settings",
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name",
- label = "Database",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name",
- label = "Cohort name",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::prettyCheckbox(
- inputId = "summarise_characteristics_include_matched",
- label = "Show matched cohorts",
- value = FALSE)
- ),
- bslib::accordion_panel(
- title = "Table formatting",
- sortable::bucket_list(
- header = NULL,
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "none",
- labels = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
- input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_none"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "header",
- labels = c("cdm_name", "cohort_name"),
- input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_header"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "groupColumn",
- labels = NULL,
- input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_groupColumn"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "hide",
- labels = character(),
- input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_hide"
- )
- )
- )
- )
+ bslib::accordion(
+ bslib::accordion_panel(
+ title = "Settings",
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name",
+ label = "Database",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name",
+ label = "Cohort name",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::prettyCheckbox(
+ inputId = "summarise_characteristics_include_matched",
+ label = "Show matched cohorts",
+ value = FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ bslib::navset_card_tab(
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Table",
full_screen = TRUE,
@@ -477,62 +454,112 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
class = "text-end"
+ bslib::layout_sidebar(
+ sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
+ sortable::bucket_list(
+ header = NULL,
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "none",
+ labels = c("variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
+ input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_none"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "header",
+ labels = c("cdm_name", "cohort_name"),
+ input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_header"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "groupColumn",
+ labels = NULL,
+ input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_groupColumn"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "hide",
+ labels = character(),
+ input_id = "summarise_characteristics_gt_7_hide"
+ )
+ ),
+ position = "right"
+ ),
gt::gt_output("summarise_characteristics_gt_7") |> withSpinner()
+ )
+ ),
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Age distribution",
+ bslib::card(
+ full_screen = TRUE,
+ bslib::card_header(
+ bslib::popover(
+ shiny::icon("download"),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "plot_age_pyramid_download",
+ label = "File type",
+ selected = "png",
+ choices = c("docx", "png", "pdf", "html"),
+ multiple = FALSE
+ ),
+ shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "plot_age_pyramid_download", label = "Download")
+ ),
+ class = "text-end"
+ ),
+ shiny::plotOutput("plot_age_pyramid")
+ )
+ )
+ )
- ## Large scale characteristics -----
+ ## Large scale characteristics -----
title = "Large scale characteristics",
icon = shiny::icon("arrow-up-right-dots"),
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
- bslib::accordion(
- bslib::accordion_panel(
- title = "Settings",
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name",
- label = "Database",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name",
- label = "Cohort name",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = FALSE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_domain",
- label = "Domain",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = FALSE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window",
- label = "Time window",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = FALSE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_settings_analysis",
- label = "Concept type",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = FALSE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- )
- )
- )
+ bslib::accordion(
+ bslib::accordion_panel(
+ title = "Settings",
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name",
+ label = "Database",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_name",
+ label = "Cohort name",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_domain",
+ label = "Domain",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window",
+ label = "Time window",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_settings_analysis",
+ label = "Concept type",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ )
+ )
+ )
@@ -569,31 +596,31 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
- # numericInput("top_n", "Top n:", 10, min = 1, max = 100),
- sortable::bucket_list(
- header = NULL,
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "none",
- labels = c("concept_id", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name", "table_name", "type", "analysis"),
- input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_none"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "header",
- labels = "cdm_name",
- input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_header"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "group",
- labels = "cohort_name",
- input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_group"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "hide",
- labels = character(),
- input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_hide"
- )
- ),
- position = "right"
+ # numericInput("top_n", "Top n:", 10, min = 1, max = 100),
+ sortable::bucket_list(
+ header = NULL,
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "none",
+ labels = c("concept_id", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name", "table_name", "type", "analysis"),
+ input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_none"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "header",
+ labels = "cdm_name",
+ input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_header"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "group",
+ labels = "cohort_name",
+ input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_group"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "hide",
+ labels = character(),
+ input_id = "summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0_hide"
+ )
+ ),
+ position = "right"
gt::gt_output("summarise_large_scale_characteristics_gt_0") |> withSpinner()
@@ -602,167 +629,168 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
- ## Compare large scale characteristics -----
+ ## Compare large scale characteristics -----
title = "Compare large scale characteristics",
icon = shiny::icon("arrow-up-right-dots"),
- bslib::layout_sidebar(
- sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
- bslib::accordion(
- bslib::accordion_panel(
- title = "Settings",
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name",
- label = "Database",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_1",
- label = "Cohort 1",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = FALSE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_2",
- label = "Cohort 2",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = FALSE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window",
- label = "Time window",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_domain",
- label = "Domain",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_settings_analysis",
- label = "Concept type",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = FALSE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::prettyCheckbox(
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_impute_missings",
- label = "Impute missing values as 0",
- value = FALSE)
- )
+ bslib::layout_sidebar(
+ sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
+ bslib::accordion(
+ bslib::accordion_panel(
+ title = "Settings",
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cdm_name",
+ label = "Database",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_1",
+ label = "Cohort 1",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_cohort_2",
+ label = "Cohort 2",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_time_window",
+ label = "Time window",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_grouping_domain",
+ label = "Domain",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_settings_analysis",
+ label = "Concept type",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::prettyCheckbox(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_impute_missings",
+ label = "Impute missing values as 0",
+ value = FALSE)
+ )
title = "Table",
- bslib::card(
- full_screen = TRUE,
- DT::DTOutput("gt_compare_lsc") |> withSpinner()
- )
+ bslib::card(
+ full_screen = TRUE,
+ DT::DTOutput("gt_compare_lsc") |> withSpinner()
+ )
title = "Plot",
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- full_screen = TRUE,
- bslib::layout_sidebar(
- sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
+ bslib::card(
+ full_screen = TRUE,
+ bslib::layout_sidebar(
+ sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_colour_1",
+ label = "Colour",
+ selected = c("table"),
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ choices = c("table", "database", "time_window"),
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_facet_1",
+ label = "Facet",
+ selected = c("database"),
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ choices = c("table", "database", "time_window"),
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ position = "right"
+ ),
+ position = "right"
+ ),
+ plotly::plotlyOutput("plotly_compare_lsc") |> withSpinner()
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ ## Cohort overlap -----
+ bslib::nav_panel(
+ title = "Cohort overlap",
+ icon = shiny::icon("circle-half-stroke"),
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+ sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
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+ bslib::accordion_panel(
+ title = "Settings",
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- label = "Colour",
- selected = c("table"),
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_grouping_cdm_name",
+ label = "Database",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
multiple = TRUE,
- choices = c("table", "database", "time_window"),
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- inputId = "compare_large_scale_characteristics_facet_1",
- label = "Facet",
- selected = c("database"),
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_grouping_cohort_name_reference",
+ label = "Cohort name reference",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
multiple = TRUE,
- choices = c("table", "database", "time_window"),
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- position = "right"
- ),
- position = "right"
- ),
- plotly::plotlyOutput("plotly_compare_lsc") |> withSpinner()
- )
- )
- ))
- ),
- ## Cohort overlap -----
- bslib::nav_panel(
- title = "Cohort overlap",
- icon = shiny::icon("circle-half-stroke"),
- bslib::layout_sidebar(
- sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
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- bslib::accordion_panel(
- title = "Settings",
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- inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_grouping_cdm_name",
- label = "Database",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_grouping_cohort_name_reference",
- label = "Cohort name reference",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_grouping_cohort_name_comparator",
- label = "Cohort name comparator",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- )
- ),
- bslib::accordion_panel(
- title = "Variables",
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_variable_name",
- label = "Variable name",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- )
- ),
- bslib::accordion_panel(
- title = "Estimates",
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_estimate_name",
- label = "Estimate name",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- )
- )
- )
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_grouping_cohort_name_comparator",
+ label = "Cohort name comparator",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ )
+ ),
+ bslib::accordion_panel(
+ title = "Variables",
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_variable_name",
+ label = "Variable name",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ )
+ ),
+ bslib::accordion_panel(
+ title = "Estimates",
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_estimate_name",
+ label = "Estimate name",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ )
+ )
+ )
@@ -785,35 +813,35 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
- sortable::bucket_list(
- header = NULL,
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "none",
- labels = c("cohort_name_reference", "cohort_name_comparator", "estimate_name"),
- input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_none"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "header",
- labels = "variable_name",
- input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_header"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
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- input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_groupColumn"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "hide",
- labels = "variable_level",
- input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_hide"
- )
- ),
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- inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_uniqueCombinations",
- label = "uniqueCombinations",
- value = c(TRUE)
- ),
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+ sortable::bucket_list(
+ header = NULL,
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "none",
+ labels = c("cohort_name_reference", "cohort_name_comparator", "estimate_name"),
+ input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_none"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "header",
+ labels = "variable_name",
+ input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_header"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "groupColumn",
+ labels = "cdm_name",
+ input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_groupColumn"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "hide",
+ labels = "variable_level",
+ input_id = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_hide"
+ )
+ ),
+ shiny::checkboxInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1_uniqueCombinations",
+ label = "uniqueCombinations",
+ value = c(TRUE)
+ ),
+ position = "right"
gt::gt_output("summarise_cohort_overlap_gt_1") |> withSpinner()
@@ -855,20 +883,20 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
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- multiple = TRUE,
- choices = c("cdm_name", "cohort_name_reference", "cohort_name_comparator", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shiny::checkboxInput(
- inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_ggplot2_2_uniqueCombinations",
- label = "uniqueCombinations",
- value = c(TRUE)
- ),
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+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_ggplot2_2_facet",
+ label = "facet",
+ selected = c("cdm_name", "cohort_name_reference"),
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ choices = c("cdm_name", "cohort_name_reference", "cohort_name_comparator", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shiny::checkboxInput(
+ inputId = "summarise_cohort_overlap_ggplot2_2_uniqueCombinations",
+ label = "uniqueCombinations",
+ value = c(TRUE)
+ ),
+ position = "right"
@@ -878,7 +906,7 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
# Population diagnostics -----
title = "Population diagnostics",
@@ -889,51 +917,51 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
icon = shiny::icon("chart-line"),
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
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- title = "Settings",
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- inputId = "incidence_grouping_cdm_name",
- label = "Database",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "incidence_grouping_outcome_cohort_name",
- label = "Outcome cohort name",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "incidence_settings_analysis_interval",
- label = "Time interval",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "incidence_settings_denominator_age_group",
- label = "Denominator age group",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "incidence_settings_denominator_sex",
- label = "Denominator sex",
- choices = NULL,
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- )
- )
- )
+ bslib::accordion(
+ bslib::accordion_panel(
+ title = "Settings",
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_grouping_cdm_name",
+ label = "Database",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_grouping_outcome_cohort_name",
+ label = "Outcome cohort name",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_settings_analysis_interval",
+ label = "Time interval",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_settings_denominator_age_group",
+ label = "Denominator age group",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_settings_denominator_sex",
+ label = "Denominator sex",
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ )
+ )
+ )
@@ -956,30 +984,30 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
- sortable::bucket_list(
- header = NULL,
- sortable::add_rank_list(
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- input_id = "incidence_gt_18_none"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "header",
- labels = "estimate_name",
- input_id = "incidence_gt_18_header"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "groupColumn",
- labels = character(),
- input_id = "incidence_gt_18_groupColumn"
- ),
- sortable::add_rank_list(
- text = "hide",
- labels = character(),
- input_id = "incidence_gt_18_hide"
- )
- ),
- position = "right"
+ sortable::bucket_list(
+ header = NULL,
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "none",
+ labels = c("cdm_name", "denominator_cohort_name", "incidence_start_date", "incidence_end_date", "analysis_outcome_washout", "analysis_repeated_events", "analysis_interval", "analysis_complete_database_intervals", "denominator_age_group", "denominator_sex", "denominator_days_prior_observation", "denominator_start_date", "denominator_end_date", "denominator_time_at_risk", "denominator_target_cohort_name", "outcome_cohort_name", "variable_name", "variable_level"),
+ input_id = "incidence_gt_18_none"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "header",
+ labels = "estimate_name",
+ input_id = "incidence_gt_18_header"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "groupColumn",
+ labels = character(),
+ input_id = "incidence_gt_18_groupColumn"
+ ),
+ sortable::add_rank_list(
+ text = "hide",
+ labels = character(),
+ input_id = "incidence_gt_18_hide"
+ )
+ ),
+ position = "right"
gt::gt_output("incidence_gt_18") |> withSpinner()
@@ -1020,36 +1048,36 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
sidebar = bslib::sidebar(width = 400, open = "closed",
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- inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_x",
- label = "x",
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- multiple = FALSE,
- choices = c("cdm_name", "denominator_cohort_name", "incidence_start_date", "incidence_end_date", "analysis_outcome_washout", "analysis_repeated_events", "analysis_interval", "analysis_complete_database_intervals", "denominator_age_group", "denominator_sex", "denominator_days_prior_observation", "denominator_start_date", "denominator_end_date", "denominator_time_at_risk", "denominator_target_cohort_name", "outcome_cohort_name", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shiny::checkboxInput(
- inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_ribbon",
- label = "ribbon",
- value = c(FALSE)
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_facet",
- label = "facet",
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- choices = c("cdm_name", "denominator_cohort_name", "incidence_start_date", "incidence_end_date", "analysis_outcome_washout", "analysis_repeated_events", "analysis_interval", "analysis_complete_database_intervals", "denominator_age_group", "denominator_sex", "denominator_days_prior_observation", "denominator_start_date", "denominator_end_date", "denominator_time_at_risk", "denominator_target_cohort_name", "outcome_cohort_name", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
- inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_colour",
- label = "colour",
- selected = NULL,
- multiple = TRUE,
- choices = c("cdm_name", "denominator_cohort_name", "incidence_start_date", "incidence_end_date", "analysis_outcome_washout", "analysis_repeated_events", "analysis_interval", "analysis_complete_database_intervals", "denominator_age_group", "denominator_sex", "denominator_days_prior_observation", "denominator_start_date", "denominator_end_date", "denominator_time_at_risk", "denominator_target_cohort_name", "outcome_cohort_name", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
- options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
- ),
- position = "right"
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_x",
+ label = "x",
+ selected = "incidence_start_date",
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ choices = c("cdm_name", "denominator_cohort_name", "incidence_start_date", "incidence_end_date", "analysis_outcome_washout", "analysis_repeated_events", "analysis_interval", "analysis_complete_database_intervals", "denominator_age_group", "denominator_sex", "denominator_days_prior_observation", "denominator_start_date", "denominator_end_date", "denominator_time_at_risk", "denominator_target_cohort_name", "outcome_cohort_name", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shiny::checkboxInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_ribbon",
+ label = "ribbon",
+ value = c(FALSE)
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_facet",
+ label = "facet",
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ choices = c("cdm_name", "denominator_cohort_name", "incidence_start_date", "incidence_end_date", "analysis_outcome_washout", "analysis_repeated_events", "analysis_interval", "analysis_complete_database_intervals", "denominator_age_group", "denominator_sex", "denominator_days_prior_observation", "denominator_start_date", "denominator_end_date", "denominator_time_at_risk", "denominator_target_cohort_name", "outcome_cohort_name", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ shinyWidgets::pickerInput(
+ inputId = "incidence_ggplot2_19_colour",
+ label = "colour",
+ selected = NULL,
+ multiple = TRUE,
+ choices = c("cdm_name", "denominator_cohort_name", "incidence_start_date", "incidence_end_date", "analysis_outcome_washout", "analysis_repeated_events", "analysis_interval", "analysis_complete_database_intervals", "denominator_age_group", "denominator_sex", "denominator_days_prior_observation", "denominator_start_date", "denominator_end_date", "denominator_time_at_risk", "denominator_target_cohort_name", "outcome_cohort_name", "variable_name", "variable_level", "estimate_name"),
+ options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, size = 10, `selected-text-format` = "count > 3")
+ ),
+ position = "right"
@@ -1275,7 +1303,7 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
# )
# )
# )
## Prevalence -----
title = "Prevalence",
@@ -1668,8 +1696,8 @@ ui <- bslib::page_navbar(
# )
# )
# )
# end ------