An attempt to port unify as many of the many other fork's features as possible
Use this firmware at your own risk (entirely). There is absolutely no guarantee that it will work in any way shape or form on your radio(s), it may even brick your radio(s), in which case, you'd need to buy another radio. Anyway, have fun.
For improved/better firmware and new features, you can find the following repositories by other collaborators:
- (Check the branches)
- for Russian users
Many thanks to various people on Telegram for putting up with me during this effort and helping:
- OneOfEleven
- DualTachyon
- Joaquim
- Mikhail
- kamilsss655
- Andrej
- Manuel
- Adam Mnemonic
- egzumer
- Matoz
- ludwich66
- Chris
- sq5bpf
- Juan Antonio Aldea
- LolloDev5123
Please note that the Quansheng UV-Kx radios are not professional quality transceivers, their performance is strictly limited. The RX front end has no track-tuned band pass filtering at all, and so are wide band/wide open to any and all signals over a large frequency range.
Using the radio in high intensity RF environments will most likely make reception anything but easy (AM mode will suffer far more than FM ever will), the receiver simply doesn't have a great dynamic range, which results in distorted AM audio with stronger RX'ed signals. There is nothing more anyone can do in firmware/software to improve that, once the RX gain adjustment I do (AM fix) reaches the hardwares limit, your AM RX audio will be all but non-existent (just like Quansheng's firmware). On the other hand, FM RX audio will/should be fine.
But, they are nice toys for the price, fun to play with.
This is the least demanding option as you don't have to install enything on your computer. All you need is Github account.
- Go to
- Click green
button - Change tab from
- Click green
Create codespace on main
- Open
- Edit build options, save
changes - Run
in terminal window - Open folder
- Right click
- Click
, now you should have a firmware on your computer that you can proceed to flash on your radio. You can use online flasher
If you have docker installed you can use compile-with-docker.bat (Windows) or (Linux/Mac), the output files are created in compiled-firmware
folder. This method gives significantly smaller binaries, I've seen differences up to 1kb, so it can fit more functionalities this way. The challenge can be (or not) installing docker itself.
- Open windows command line and run:
winget install -e -h git.git Python.Python.3.8 GnuWin32.Make winget install -e -h Arm.GnuArmEmbeddedToolchain -v "10 2021.10"
- Close command line, open a new one and run:
pip install --user --upgrade pip pip install crcmod mkdir c:\projects & cd /D c:/projects git clone
- From now on you can build the firmware by going to
and runningwin_make.bat
or by running a command line:cd /D c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom win_make.bat
- To reset the repository and pull new changes run (!!! it will delete all your changes !!!):
cd /D c:\projects\uv-k5-firmware-custom git reset --hard & git clean -fd & git pull
I've left some notes in the win_make.bat file to maybe help with stuff.
arm-none-eabi GCC version 10.3.1 is recommended, which is the current version on Ubuntu 22.04.03 LTS. Other versions may generate a flash file that is too big. You can get an appropriate version from:
- Use the firmware.packed.bin file
Flashing with k5prog
- ./k5prog -F -YYY -b firmware.bin
- If you own a JLink or compatible device and want to use the Segger software, you can find a flash loader here
- If you want to use OpenOCD instead, you can use run "make flash" off this repo.
- The DP32G030 has flash masking to move the bootloader out of the way. Do not try to flash your own way outside of the above methods or risk losing your bootloader.
Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.