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117 lines (93 loc) · 3.13 KB

File metadata and controls

117 lines (93 loc) · 3.13 KB is now part of and in future will be suspended at all. So, this is almost complete rewrite of that library.


Auto applying

  1. add JS to the page
  2. add addtocalendar class to element in which you want to add calendar button
  3. add event parameters as a child of .addtocalendar



  • language is assumed as browser locale, but if it's not among predefined languages defaultLanguage will be used, i.e. en
  • calendars calendars to show. Is and array. Possible values are: iCalendar, googleCalendar, outlook, yahoo
  • translations key/value object containing translations. If some translation is missing default (en) will be used

Default keys are:

  • buttonText
  • iCalendar
  • googleCalendar
  • outlook
  • yahoo
Override Options
  1. via global vatiables atcOverrides
  2. via data-atc-* attributes


Options are applied in the following way: settings = Object.assign(default, global variable, data-atc-*)

Event Parameters

  • date_start in case it's passed via html element it should be in ISO 8601 format; otherwise it's passed as regular Date
  • date_end in case it's passed via html element it should be in ISO 8601 format; otherwise it's passed as regular Date
  • title
  • description
  • location



in this case plugin will automatically find .addtocalendar elements then will parse event and show it:

  1. Add JS
<script src="add-to-calendar.min.js" async></script>

or if you're using ES6:

import 'add-to-calendar';
  1. Add styles
<link href="add-to-calendar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="themes/blue.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  1. Place html
<span class="addtocalendar atc-style-blue">
  <var class="atc_event">
    <var class="atc_date_start">2018-09-05T12:00:00.000Z</var>
    <var class="atc_date_end">2018-09-05T18:00:00.000Z</var>
    <var class="atc_timezone">Europe/London</var>
    <var class="atc_title">Star Wars Day Party</var>
    <var class="atc_description">May the force be with you</var>
    <var class="atc_location">Tatooine</var>
    <var class="atc_organizer">Luke Skywalker</var>
    <var class="atc_organizer_email">[email protected]</var>

Manually (ES6)

  1. Install dependency
npm i @nicolai8/add-to-calendar
  1. Import method
import { createCalendar } from 'add-to-calendar';
  1. Call it with element, settings and eventParams
const element = document.getElementById('addToCalendarButton');
const settings = {
  language: 'jp',
const event = {
  title: 'Event title',
  date_start: new Date(),
  date_end: new Date(),
createCalendar(element, settings, event);

Browser Support

* IE11 (.ics is working via Blob) (requires `startsWith` polyfill)
* last 2 versions of major browsers


Built on top of with some updates to latest versions And also inspired by