Any contribution is more than welcome ❤️. Just fill an issue or a pull request and we will check ASAP!
Make sure you agree to contribute your code under
license -
If you are going to fix a bug, check that it's still exists and that you are working with the latest version of
library. -
Make sure that there is not someone working on the same issue. In this case you can provide support or suggestion in the issue.
If you have any question about the library fill an issue with the same criteria described in the previous step.
Please consider the following step to create a pull request which can be processed as quickly as possible
Install Git.
Create your account on Github.
Fork this repository.
Create your feature branch (under
branch). -
Choose a task for yourself. It could be a bugfix or some new code.
Add documentation (
) to your functions/methods if you are working on the Python version. Add comments about what you are doing in functions/methods if you are working on the C++ version. -
Add tests for your contributions
Pass ALL CI tests.
Submit a Pull Request into
(following the pull request template)
As soon as possible the authors will review your pull request, answering to your message.
Make sure you got credits at the end of merge: we have a lot of project to follow and we may forget to add your name to the list of
. Please, do not hesitate to remind us!