This project was developed with the aim of learning React JS and Laravel technologies
The airport manager provides basic functionalities for airport management, the main functionalities being the following:
- Airports CRUD
- Airlines CRUD
- Runaways CRUD
- Flights Crud
PS: This project was made only for the purpose of learning the ReactJS and Laravel technologies
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- MySQL 5.7
- Laravel 5.7 dependencies
- Composer >= 1.6.5
- npm >= 6.7.0
Clone and navigate to the root folder of this project
OS X & Linux:
composer install
- Create a database in MySQL
cp .env.example .env
Open the .env and set the database settings in the following fields:
DB_HOST = database Host
DB_DATABASE = database Name
DB_USERNAME = database user
DB_PASSWORD = database Password
sudo php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
npm install
npm run dev
If you want to run this project in production, open .env and set the values for the following fields:
APP_ENV = production
APP_DEBUG = false
php artisan serve