The mwsimple:generate:admincrud generates a very basic controller for a given entity located in a given bundle. This controller extend the default controller implements [paginator], [filter] and allows to perform the [five basic operations List, Show, New, Edit, Delete] on a model, allows rewriting actions and views.
This package was born inspired by jordillonch/CrudGeneratorBundle By Jordi Llonch
- This bundle extends SensioGeneratorBundle .
- Menu using KnpMenuBundle .
- Paginator using KnpPaginatorBundle .
- Filter using LexikFormFilterBundle .
- Form datetime type DatetimepickerBundle .
- Uploads files VichUploaderBundle .
- Text editor FOSCKEditorBundle .
- Image manipulation LiipImagineBundle .
- Twig Extensions TwigExtensions .
- Select 2 Entity select2entity-bundle .
- Symfony Collection symfony-collection .
- Alert Toastr toastr .
- Validator Js bootstrap-validator .
Gonzalo Alonso - [email protected]