ESP32 firmware, to transform an ESP32 Devkit into a CAN interface for slcan.
Fork of Bluetooth and display overhead was removed. Libraries used from
Thanks @mintynet and @nhatuan84 for the work!
Use Arduino SDK to upload the project file to the ESP32.
Connect your CAN tranceiver to your ESP32.
- GPIO4 -> CAN Tranceiver TX
- GPIO5 -> CAN Tranceiver RX
Also don't forget GND and 3.3V of course.
For sending and recieving packets in a basic manner, the interface can be used with a direct serial connection. For more complex tasks, the slcan drivers can be used, what makes the interface compatible with many other tools.
Use your favorite terminal emulator, such as picocom.
picocom -b 500000 /dev/ttyUSB0
Then type h<ENTER>
to view the help text.
Install can-utils (
sudo slcan_attach -f -s6 -o /dev/ttyUSB0
sudo slcand -o -c -s6 /dev/ttyUSB0 -S 500000
sudo ip link set slcan0 up
# Test if the interface is working
candump slcan0