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Voting APIs


The kyberDao contract primarily provides the following functionalities:

  • Creation and cancellation of campaigns by authorized personnel (namely, the daoOperator)
  • Voting for campaigns

For stakers and pool operators, the actions you will be interested in are:

  1. Viewing Campaign Details
  2. Voting for a campaign

The voting formula used for deciding the winning options of a campaign may also be of interest.

kyberDao Interface


kyberDao Contract


Creation and cancellation of campaigns

These actions can only be carried out by the daoOperator.

Campaign Types

There are currently 3 different types of campaigns:

  1. GENERAL: A generic campaign.
  2. NETWORK_FEE: The fee amount (in basis points) to be charged for every trade.
  3. FEE_HANDLER_BRR: Proportion of fees to be burnt, given to stakers as rewards, and given to reserves as rebates for liquidity contribution.

Note that there can only be a maximum of 1 campaign per epoch for the NETWORK_FEE and FEE_HANDLER_RR campaign types.

Voting Formula

The formula was designed to be simple enough such that it can be implemented on-chain, and is gas efficient for calculations. Hence, the "1 token 1 vote" idea is used for its simplicity. A quorum is also defined, in order for a winning option to be considered valid.

The quorum needed is linearly inversely proportional to the percentage of votes received for that campaign. In other words, fewer votes received, stricter quorum.

In the event that there is more than 1 winning option (ie. more than 1 option sharing the same no. of votes), the campaign is considered to not have a winner.

Quick Primer

A line can be expressed as Y = tX + C, where t is the gradient, and C shifts the line vertically up/down.


  • winningOption: Campaign option that received the most votes
  • totalVotes: Total amount of votes received for a campaign
  • votedPercentage: Percentage of votes (out of the total KNC supply at the time of the campaign)
  • minThreshold: Minimum percentage (out of all campaign votes) needed for the winning option to be valid


  1. We first find winningOption with a simple iteration through the votes received by each option.
  2. Calculate votedPercentage: totalVotes / total KNC supply at time of campaign
  3. minThreshold: -t * votedPercentage + C. t and C were determined by daoOperator upon campaign initialisation (to allow for flexibility). Rearranging this, we get minThreshold = C - t * votedPercentage
  4. If enough people have voted such that t * votedPercentage > C (ie. minThreshold < 0), then the quorum condition has been met, and we can consider winningOption to be valid.
  5. Otherwise, we have to check that winningOption >= minThreshold before considering it to be a valid winning option.

Public Dao Variables

  • MAX_EPOCH_CAMPAIGNS: Maximum number of campaigns that can be created in an epoch by daoOperator
  • MAX_CAMPAIGN_OPTIONS: Maximum number of options that a campaign can have
  • minCampaignDurationInSeconds: Minimum duration for a campaign
  • kncToken: The KNC token contract
  • staking: The staking contract
  • numberCampaigns: Number of campaigns in total, used to generate a unique ID for each campaign

Getting Current Epoch Number

Obtain the current epoch number of the Dao contract

function getCurrentEpochNumber() public view returns (uint)


// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our
let currentEpochNum = await kyberDao.getCurrentEpochNumber().call();

NETWORK_FEE Campaign Information

While this section is specific to the NETWORK_FEE campaign type, the other sections below are of relevance.


networkFeeCampaigns[epoch] = uint

NETWORK_FEE campaign ID number for a given epoch. Note that there can only be a maximum of 1 NETWORK_FEE campaign per epoch.


Get the NETWORK_FEE campaign ID number for epoch 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let epochNum = new BN(5);
let result = await kyberDao.methods.networkFeeCampaigns(epochNum).call();


Gets the network fee (in basis points) charged for trades, and the timestamp for which it expires.

function getLatestNetworkFeeData() public view returns(uint feeInBps, uint expiryTimestamp)


Parameter Type Description
feeInBps uint Network fee (in basis points) to be charged for trades
expiryTimestamp uint Time which the network fee becomes invalid


  • Unlike the getLatestNetworkFeeDataWithCache() function below, this is a view function, and does not cache the data


// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our
let result = await kyberDao.methods.getLatestNetworkFeeData().call();


In addition to reading the latest network fee data, it concludes the network fee campaign if necessary, thereby caching the data as well.

function getLatestNetworkFeeDataWithCache`() public returns(uint feeInBps, uint expiryTimestamp)


Parameter Type Description
feeInBps uint Network fee (in basis points) to be charged for trades
expiryTimestamp uint Time which the network fee becomes invalid


  • Unlike the getLatestNetworkFeeData() function above, the network fee data is cached as well.


// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our
let txData = kyberDao.methods.getLatestNetworkFeeDataWithCache().encodeABI();

let txReceipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
  from: USER_WALLET_ADDRESS, // obtained from web3 interface
  to: kyberDao.address,
  data: txData

FEE_HANDLER_BRR Campaign Information

While this section is specific to the FEE_HANDLER_BRR campaign type, the other sections below are of relevance.


brrCampaigns[epoch] = uint

FEE_HANDLER_BRR campaign ID number for a given epoch. Note that there can only be a maximum of 1 FEE_HANDLER_BRR campaign per epoch.


Get the FEE_HANDLER_BRR campaign ID number for epoch 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let epochNum = new BN(5);
let result = await kyberDao.methods.brrCampaigns(epochNum).call();


Gets the latest BRR distribution for the network fee, and the timestamp for which it expires.

function getLatestBRRData() public returns (uint burnInBps, uint rewardInBps, uint rebateInBps, uint epoch, uint expiryTimestamp)


Parameter Type Description
burnInBps uint Ratio (in basis points) of fees collected for burning KNC
rewardInBps uint Ratio (in basis points) of fees collected for staker rewards
rebateInBps uint Ratio (in basis points) of fees collected for reserve rebates
epoch uint Current epoch of Staking and Dao contracts
expiryTimestamp uint Timestamp for which BRR becomes invalid


  • epoch has the same value as calling getCurrentEpochNumber()
  • Unlike the getLatestBRRDataWithCache() function below, this is a view function, and does not cache the data


// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our
let result = await kyberDao.methods.getLatestBRRData().call();


In addition to reading the latest BRR data, it also concludes a BRR campaign if necessary, thereby caching the latest BRR data as well.

function getLatestBRRDataWithCache() public returns (uint burnInBps, uint rewardInBps, uint rebateInBps, uint epoch, uint expiryTimestamp)


Parameter Type Description
burnInBps uint Ratio (in basis points) of fees collected for burning KNC
rewardInBps uint Ratio (in basis points) of fees collected for staker rewards
rebateInBps uint Ratio (in basis points) of fees collected for reserve rebates
epoch uint Current epoch of Staking and Dao contracts
expiryTimestamp uint Timestamp for which BRR becomes invalid


  • epoch has the same value as calling getCurrentEpochNumber()
  • Unlike the getLatestBRRData() function above, this function caches the BRR data too.


// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our
let txData = kyberDao.methods.getLatestBRRDataWithCache().encodeABI();

let txReceipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
  from: USER_WALLET_ADDRESS, // obtained from web3 interface
  to: kyberDao.address,
  data: txData

Reading Campaign Information

This section details all the APIs related to fetching information about campaigns (including results).


Get a list of all existing campaigns of an epoch.

function getListCampaignIDs(uint256 epoch) external view returns (uint256[] memory campaignIDs)


Parameter Type Description
epoch uint256 epoch number

Returns: List of campaignIDs for given epoch.


Get the list of campaign IDs for current epoch.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let currentEpoch = await kyberDao.methods.getCurrentEpochNumber().call();
let result = await kyberDao.methods.campaignIDs(currentEpoch).call();


Get information about a campaign.

function getCampaignDetails(uint256 campaignID) external view returns ( CampaignType campaignType, uint256 startTimestamp, uint256 endTimestamp, uint256 totalKNCSupply, uint256 minPercentageInPrecision, uint256 cInPrecision, uint256 tInPrecision, bytes memory link, uint256[] memory options)


Parameter Type Description
campaignID uint256 campaign ID


Parameter Type Description
campaignType CampaignType One of the 3 campaign types
startTimestamp uint256 Starting time of the campaign
endTimestamp uint256 Ending time of the campaign
totalKNCSupply uint256 Total KNC supply at the time of campaign creation
minPercentageInPrecision uint256 Minimum percentage in precision for formula to conclude campaign
cInPrecision uint256 c value (in precision) for formula to conclude campaign
tInPrecision uint256 t value (in precision) for formula to conclude campaign
link bytes Additional information about this campaign. Typically a URL
options uint256[] List of vote options for the campaign


  • More information about the formula and its parameters minPercentageInPrecision, cInPrecision and tInPrecision can be found here


Get the details of campaign number 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let campaignNum = new BN(5);
let result = await kyberDao.methods.getCampaignDetails(campaignNum).call();


Get the vote counts for each option of a campaign, and the total vote count.

function getCampaignVoteCountData(uint256 campaignID) external view returns (uint256[] memory voteCounts, uint256 totalVoteCount)


Parameter Type Description
campaignID uint256 campaign ID


Parameter Type Description
voteCounts uint256[] List of vote counts per option
totalVoteCount uint256 Total vote count for the campaign


Get the campaign vote count data of campaign number 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let campaignNum = new BN(5);
let result = await kyberDao.methods.getCampaignVoteCountData(campaignNum).call();


Get the winning option and value of a campaign

function getCampaignWinningOptionAndValue(uint256 campaignID) public view returns (uint256 optionID, uint256 value)


Parameter Type Description
campaignID uint256 campaign ID


Parameter Type Description
optionID uint256 Winning option ID
value uint256 Winning option value

Note: Values (0,0) will be returned under the following circumstances:

  • Campaign does not exist
  • Campaign is still ongoing
  • Campaign has no winning option based on the formula (more than 1 winning option, insufficient votes, etc.)


Get the winning option and value of campaign number 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let campaignNum = new BN(5);
let result = await kyberDao.methods.getCampaignWinningOptionAndValue(campaignNum).call();

Voting for Campaigns

This section details all the APIs related to voting for a campaign, and staker-centric data related to campaign options and results.


numberVotes[stakerAddress][epoch] = uint

To determine the number of campaigns that a staker has voted for at a given epoch number.


Get number of campaigns staker has voted for in epoch 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let staker = "0x12340000000000000000000000000000deadbeef" // staker's address
let epochNum = new BN(5);
let result = await kyberDao.methods.numberVotes(staker, epochNum).call();


stakerVotedOption[stakerAddress][campID] = uint

To obtain the option number a staker voted on, for a campaign.


See which option staker has voted on, for campaign ID 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let staker = "0x12340000000000000000000000000000deadbeef" // staker's address
let campaignID = new BN(5);
let result = await kyberDao.methods.stakerVotedOption(staker, campaignID).call();


Vote for a campaign.

function vote(uint campaignID, uint256 option) public


Parameter Type Description
campaignID uint Campaign ID voting on
option uint Option number


Vote for option 3 for campaign ID 5.

// DISCLAIMER: Code snippets in this guide are just examples and you
// should always do your own testing. If you have questions, visit our

let campaignID = new BN(5);
let option = new BN(3);
let txData =, option).encodeABI();

let txReceipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
  to: kyberDao.address,
  data: txData