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Nanopore Workflows

Various commands for handling Nanopore data. alt text

Table of Contents


How data was produced etc.
We will use Illumina data in some instances throughout this tutorial (hybrid-assembly, polishing, and assessment). You'll want to run adapter trimming on the illumina reads prior to using them in any instance. IN addition, you will need an illumina-only assembly for the quality assessment of the nanopore assemblies. FOllow my main genome assembly tutorial to produce a high quality assembly and to determine information such as insert size and estimated genome size.

Sample Preperation and Sequencing

Recommended/standardized workflow -

alternative methods

multiplexing 24 max.

Example data

Here we provide some typical test data for nanopore analysis, lambda. Other examples datasets can be found in the SRA, see my other turorials to download this type of data.

# download a lambda dataset
wget -O lambda.tar.gz

Read processing

read processing flowchart for nanopore and illumina data


Basecalling is typically run automatically on the sequencing instrument. FOr example the GirdIOn will run the Guppy basecaller as soon as the fast5s are produced. Note that the Guppy installation prodices corrrupted fastqs right now, fix that. The minion may use a different one.

Manual: Alternative Tools: Albacore, DeepNano-blitz, minKNOW, Chiron, Bonito Comparison of base callers:

# basecalling with guppy
guppy_basecaller -i <inputdir> -s <output_dir> --flowcell FLO-MIN106 --kit SQK-LSK109 –fast5_out -r -t 15

Repair corrupted read files produced with guppy

The fastq files need to be decompressed for both methods. For my custom workflow, the column for the sort program must match up with the order the fastq was produced (the numbers in the filename). Be sure to test that this works properly.

Joes' custom method.

cd <fastq_directory>
ls *.fastq | sort -t'_' -k2 -n | xargs cat - > ../raw_reads.fastq
/mnt/lustre/hcgs/joseph7e/scripts/ <fastq_from_above> > <fixed.fastq>

Nanopore community way

pip install ont-fastq-deconcatenate
apt-get update && apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install ont-fastq-deconcatenate
fix_concatenated_fastqs -i <path_to_folder_of_fastqs>

Trim adapters with porechop

The porechop "check_reads" option removes the need to specify adapters. It will automatically check and detemrine which ones to remove.

porechop --check_reads 1000 -i raw_reads.fastq -o adapter_trimmed.fastq

Filter reads with filtlong

This step is optional. I did not run it through my first attempts.

filtlong --min_mean_q 80 --min_length 2000 <adapter_trimmed.fastq> > filtered.fq

Read Assessment with Nanoplot I usually run this on the raw reads and after any adapter/quality trimming. Run time ~ 2 hrs per 10 GB

NanoPlot --fastq <nanopore.fastq> --threads 24 -o <output-dir>

Assemblies overview

Assembly methodology for microbial genomes with Nanopore and/or Illumina data as a base

Nanopore only assembly


Reads > 1kb an genome size of 130MB

De Bruijn graph contigs were generated with Platanus

canu -d canu-assembly -p filt genomeSize=3.5m -nanopore-raw nanopore-reads.fastq


mkdir miniasm_assembly
cd miniasm_assembly
sbatch ~/ ../adapter_trimmed_reads.fastq

Illumina and Nanopore Hybrid Assembly

Hybrid Assembly w/ spades Run this as a normal spades job but specify the --nanopore reads. Note that with low coverage data I found that the nanopore data does not significantly improve the assembly.

sbatch /mnt/lustre/hcgs/joseph7e/scripts/GENOME_ASSEMBLY/ <illumna-forward> <illumina-reverse> <illumina-unpaired> <nanopore-reads> <sample-name>

Hybrid Assembly w/ Masurca

Genome Assembly Polishing

There are many routes you can take, and many programs to choose. We will be using three. An initial polishing of a nanopore assembly with annopore reads with racon. Further polishign using annopore reads with makon, and a final polishing of the assembly using illumina reads with pilon. You can do any combination of these tools, for example skip right to pilon. Try them all and compare the results!

Racon Minpolish nanopolish nextpolish pilon

Pipeline for genome assembly assessment, polishing, and merging

Racon and Medaka


Racon can be used as a polishing tool after the assembly with either Illumina data or data produced by third generation of sequencing. The type of data inputed is automatically detected.

Racon takes as input only three files: contigs in FASTA/FASTQ format, reads in FASTA/FASTQ format and overlaps/alignments between the reads and the contigs in MHAP/PAF/SAM format. Output is a set of polished contigs in FASTA format printed to stdout. All input files can be compressed with gzip (which will have impact on parsing time).

The medaka documentation advises to do four rounds with racon before polishing with medaka, since medaka has been trained with racon polished assemblies. We need to iterate all the steps four times.

# starting data

# index genome
bwa index $genome

# map ont reads to assembly
bwa mem -t 24 -x ont2d $genome $nanopore_reads > mapping-filteredONT.sam

# polish with racon and produce new consensus sequence
racon -m 8 -x -6 -g -8 -w 500 -t 24 $nanopore_reads mapping-filteredONT.sam <genome.fasta> > racon.fasta

# repeat (2)
bwa index racon.fasta
bwa mem -t 24 -x ont2d racon.fasta $nanopore_reads > mapping-filteredONT2.sam
racon -m 8 -x -6 -g -8 -w 500 -t 24 $nanopore_reads mapping-filteredONT2.sam racon.fasta > racon_round2.fasta

# repeat (3)
bwa index racon.fasta
bwa mem -t 24 -x ont2d racon2.fasta $nanopore_reads > mapping-filteredONT3.sam
racon -m 8 -x -6 -g -8 -w 500 -t 24 $nanopore_reads mapping-filteredONT3.sam racon2.fasta > racon_round3.fasta

# repeat (4)
bwa index racon.fasta
bwa mem -t 24 -x ont2d racon3.fasta $nanopore_reads > mapping-filteredONT4.sam
racon -m 8 -x -6 -g -8 -w 500 -t 24 $nanopore_reads mapping-filteredONT4.sam racon3.fasta > racon-round4.fasta

# clean up all the iterations



Here we will polish an assembly using Illumina reads. You can do this right away, or after the racon/medaka polishing.

Step 1: Map Illumina reads to Assembly/Read FASTA.

The script below outputs a lot of extra (useful) data. We only need the mapping file.

sbatch ~/scripts/ <reference.fasta> <forward_reads> <reverse_reads> <sample_name>
mkdir assembly_ploshing && cd assembly_polishing
mv ../bwa_mapping*/sorted_mapped.bam* ./

Step 2: Prepare genome chunks for array job.

grep ">" <assembly.fasta> \
| tr -d ">" \
| shuf \
| split -d -l 200 - genomechunk.
rename genomechunk.0 genomechunk. genomechunk.0*
mkdir pilon
mv genomechunk* pilon/

Step 3: Edit pilon script and run pilon

At this point you should be in a directory with four files. One mapping file with its index, a directory named pilon (which contains all genome chunk data), and a copy or symlink of your reference assembly.

# copy over generic slurm script
cp ~/scripts/nanopore_pilon.slurm pilon.slurm

You need to edit a few things in this script. #SBATCH --array=0-X%8 (change X to equal the number of genome chunks found in pilon dir. genome="YOUR GENOME FILE HERE" --frags "NAME OF MAPPING FILE HERE"

sbatch ./pilon.slurm

Step 4: View logs and concatenate polished genome

mkdir logs_pilon
mv *.log logs_pilon
cat pilon/*.fasta > polished_genome.fasta

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

Repeat the entire process on the newly polished genome. Then again and agin, until you're happy.

Scaffolding w/ LINKS

Note that this process requires a ton of memory. Maybe use a high memory node or used a reduced set of reads.

LINKS -f hybrid_assembly_fixed.fasta  -s <txt_file_with_nanopore_read_paths> -b <output_base>
sbatch ~/ <assembly> <nanopore_reads>

Assembly Assessment Scripts

Quast for contiguity, BUSCO for completness, BWA for quality and correctness. miniasm.fasta
~/scripts/ <assembly.fasta>

step 1.) map the reads to the assembly