This directory contains some example launch files and other configuration that can be used with the Gazebo simulator.
These are intended to serve as examples. Make copies to modify further for your own projects.
For more information about using Gazebo with ROS, start at, and also read the documentation at, especially
Note: The launch files add the "models" subdirectory found here to the
environment variables before
running Gazebo, so you can reference the example models there. If you want to
keep your own separate models directory, either use ~/.gazebo/models
, or
remove these <env ... />
tags and set GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH
in your shell. For example:
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:~/my_gazebo_models
You will need to structure your models directory as described in
An example roslaunch file that runs Gazebo with a simple empty world.
Use one of the "spawn" launch files (see below) to add robots. Specify an alternate
world via world
argument or modify the example world to add or change any of the objects (models) in the
world. Models can also be interactively added to a world from Gazebo: any models
found in ~/.gazebo/models, or installed on the system, or available from the website will be listed in the "Models" list on the left panel in the
Gazbeo client GUi.
An example roslaunch file that runs Gazebo with an
empty world (unless you specify a world
argument), then
spawns a P3AT robot. (Currently no sensors.)
You can then move the robot by publishing to the /cmd_vel
topic, either:
- Use rostopic
- Use rviz:
- Install
:- For ROS jade:
sudo apt-get install ros-jade-rviz-plugin-tutorials
- For ROS indigo:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rviz-plugin-tutorials
- For ROS jade:
- Run rviz
- Select Add Panel... from the Panels menu
- Select the teleop panel
- Enter
as the output topic of the teleop panel - Drag within the telop panel
- Install
An example launch file for spawning simulated robots from urdf files in gazebo if already running. specify arguments with roslaunch: urdf Path to URDF file name Name of robot, only used an label in GUI
In addition to creating the robot in Gazebo, a joint_state_publisher
and robot_state_publisher
are launched as well.
roslaunch spawn.launch urdf:=../description/urdf/pioneer-lx.urdf.xacro name:=pioneer-lx
If not specified, defaults to pioneer3dx robot model.
Other example launch files default to other robot models:
: Spawn a Pioneer 3-ATspawn-pioneer3dx.launch
: Spawn a Pioneer 3-DXspawn-pioneer-lx.launch
: Spawn a Pioneer LX etc.
These roslaunch files run Gazebo
in example environments defined by a heightmap. For the moon enivironment to work you
may need to copy the apollo11_landing_site_1000x1000
model to your ~/.gazebo/models
directory, especially for older versions of Gazebo. Note that gravity is moon-scale
in the moon environment, so behavior of the robot may be unusual.
This is just a copy of Gazebo's default "empty" world, containing only a plain ground plane.
An example Gazebo world file. Includes a few objects defined either in external
model SDF files (see models directory), or defined in the world file but
referencing 3D mesh model files from the models database. You can specify this
in the world
argument to some of the launch files, or you can use
. (Use the "spawn" launch files described
above to add robots to these worlds.)