Releases: Hacker0x01/react-datepicker
Releases · Hacker0x01/react-datepicker
- Incorrect dateFormatdefaults
- Fix adding range-start and range-end class in month range
- Fix/intl date parsing p+ tokens
- Vertically center the 'close icon' again
- Fix not working max and min date when change it manually
- Add range-start and range-end class in month range
- Format time select based on locale
- Fixed month aria-label date format
- Localization integration with the correct module
- Month picker minDate disabled state
- Fix manual changing time
- [Fixes SRR (window is not defined)] Correctly validates if window object exists
- Fix the time container whitespace issue
- Fixed type for example 'onBlur callbacks in console'
- refactor date_range example
- No multiline statements in cells
- Package upgrades
- Drastically decrease size of the bundles
- Month year picker
- Fix minify error in
bundle - Fix render-custom-day
- Locales without globals
- Make date parsing conform strictly to the date format
- Add time input variation
- Exposing onDayMouseEnter and onMonthMouseLeave callback
- Fix: onBlur firing twice, one without an event
- Remove hardcoded popper placement and get them from popper library
- Remove duplicate declaration of defaultprops in calendar component
- Fix issue #1337
- date-fns compatibility update for weekday formatting
- catch range errors when dates are invalid and instead return boolean
- Update locale example, clearify date-fns version
- Updating main field in package.json and fixing january test
- Removed Moment.js in favor of native Date objects
- Added setOpen as prop to week select function
- Upgrade test runner to use Firefox Headless
- Switch to newer Codecov package
- Fix blur events
- Add verification to time picker when shouldCloseOnSelect is false
- Added renderDayContents prop for custom day contents/day formatting
- Allow passing popperProps
- Add error emitter for user input errors
- remove extra div
- More convenient examples navigation