- Compliance
- Inventory / ERP
- Seed to sale
- Payment
- Vendor/contract management
- Accounting
- Maintenance
- Theft
- Sales
- Marketing
- Customizing off-the-shelf software
- Finding a good software vendor
- Hiring in-house developers
- Optimization
- Decision Making
- Vendor/contract management
- Decision Making
- Payment
- Compliance
- Decision-making
Knowing which way to go? What criteria should you use to measure your outcomes? How do you actually measure and make sense of your results?
- Isolate the solution that solves the biggest problem.
Data intelligence
- Is your "solution statement" the mirror-image of the "problem statement?"
We'll help you establish a decision-making framework, collect data about those decisions,
- Have you audited your communication to check that the solution doesn't pop-up first? (It comes AFTER the prbolem)
- Who is your target audience? What is the demographic?
- Now choose three people from that demographic as your target profiles.
- Narrow it down to one person.
- Speak to that person and get a list of problems (with regard to a product/service).
- Choose one problem and expand it
- Use that very same person to get feedback (so be aware that what you hear and what are saying may be different).
- List your target profile.
- List the main problem.
- List the main solution.
- Now test the trigger. Do you get the response: "What do you mean by that?" or "How do you do that?" If not, you need to rework your trigger. Start from the top again.
- Brainstorm all the possible objections to your product or service.
- Now list all the answers to all the objections.
- List the biggest objection and the answer.
- Steven Jung
- Roger Chinchilla
- Todd Fearn
- Peter Verrillo
- Brett Martin
Step 1: Get the testimonials
What was the obstacle that would have prevented you from buying this product/service?
What did you find as a result of buying this product/service?
What specific feature did you like most about this product/service?
What would be three other benefits about this product/service?
Would you recommend this product/service? If so, why?
Is there anything you'd like to add?
Step 2: Link the testimonials to each objection.
Obection 1:
Objection 2:
Objection 3:
Objection 4:
- Identify the obvious risk.
- Identify the hidden risk.
- Decide on your risk reversal
- Name the risk reversal for your product/service.
- Product/Service 1:
- Risk Reversal:
- Product/Service 2:
- Risk Reversal:
- Product/Service 3:
- Risk Reversal:
- Write down what you want to do in your business that's different from everyone else?
Built-to-last Hyper-nerds Clojure Data science Front-end Experience in Cannabis Pioneer of iOS/Android boom Idealists Craftsmen Arch Linux Open Source Vancouver Quality of life
List all the factors that could make your business unique.
Use "Weighted Ranking" to decide
Now list only one factor that is going to be your point of uniqueness.
Flesh out the uniqueness to create more clarity.
Does your uniqueness solve a problem for a specific audience?
Test your uniquenes to see that it is really unique.
List how you are going to propogate your uniuqeness
Website: Brochure: tasteful Promotional Material: Business Card: classic design Other: