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File metadata and controls

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FreeDB Protocols

This document contains the detail on the internal workings used in FreeDB libraries so you can port FreeDB into another programming language. It's strongly recommended to follow the recommendations (unless you have a very good reason to not follow them) to keep the procedure as uniform as possible to make the maintenance easier in the future.

Row Store

Row Store is a data structure that stores records as a sequence of rows (similar to RDBMS like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc).

Data Structure

The underlying format that we're going to use to store the data in Google Sheets is fairly simple. The sheet will have N + 1 columns where N is the number of columns that the client specified in the schema. The extra 1 column will be used to store _rid metadata (which will be explained later).

The first row will be used to store the column name of each column. The first column will be the _rid metadata column (which also has the _rid column name) and will be followed by the first column in the data schema, then followed by the second one, and so on. The next rows (second row and rows below that) will be used to store the records.

Suppose the client schema looks like this (written in PyFreeDB model):

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.StringField() # 1st column
    age = models.IntegerField() # 2nd column

and we have data below:

    Person(name="A", age=1), # 1st row
    Person(name="B", age=2), # 2nd row
    Person(name="C", age=3), # 3rd row
    Person(name="D", age=4)  # 4th row

Then the actual data that we store in Google Sheet would look like this:

_rid name age
1 A 1
2 B 2
3 C 3
4 D 4

Field to Google Sheet Column Mapping Layer

The library should have a layer to abstract the underlying Google Sheet column so client can use a more meaningful variable names (e.g. name, age, dob) instead of using Google Sheet column ID directly (e.g. A, B, and C).

The library should handle the field mapping to the underlying Google Sheet column when calling Google Sheet APIs.

About _rid Metadata

_rid column will be used to tell the index of a row. This metadata will make our Google Sheet Formula simpler so that we can utilize Google Visualization API for our needs.

⚠️ Even though _rid can be used as the row identifier (because _rid is unique between each row), we recommend the client to implement their own row identifier mechanism such as UUID or Snowflake because we will not guarantee that _rid will not be reused out-of-the-box (to ensure the _rid is not reused, you need to implement soft-delete mechanism by your own).

Consider this scenario:

  1. Client inserts Row A to the store, which will have _rid=2.
  2. Client deletes Row A from the store.
  3. Client Insert Row B to the store, which will reuse the same _rid as A i.e. B's _rid will be equal to 2.

We did not expose this field by default because if the client is not aware of this behavior it can cause various bugs because of the invalid/dangling IDs.



Inserts new rows into the database. The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
rows Yes List of row objects that will be inserted into the store.

Call spreadsheets.values.append API with the following parameters:

Parameter Name Value
spreadsheetId <current_spreadsheet_id>
range <data_range>
responseValueRenderOption FORMATTED_VALUE
valueInputOption client_ENTERED
includeValuesInResponse true
insertDataOption OVERWRITE

Replace the <current_spreadsheet_id> with the Google Spreadsheet ID that we're going to operate on and <data_range> with the range where the data lives in A1 notation format. It's strongly recommended to select the entire column for the <data_range>, e.g. suppose we have 5 columns (including _rid metadata column) in Sheet1 we should use Sheet1!A:E to select the entire rows.

To construct the value of values parameter (inside the request's body), convert each row into an array where the 1st value (value of the _rid metadata column) equals to "=ROW()" and i-th (1-based index) value contains the value of i-th column of the current row.

Suppose we want to insert the data below:

    Person(name="A", age=1), # 1st row
    Person(name="B", age=2), # 2nd row
    Person(name="C", age=3), # 3rd row
    Person(name="D", age=4)  # 4th row

then the values would look like this:

"values": [
    ["=ROW()", "A", 1],
    ["=ROW()", "B", 2],
    ["=ROW()", "C", 3],
    ["=ROW()", "D", 4],


Returns the number of rows that matched the given condition.

The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
columns No List of columns that we will fetch. Defaults to return all columns if not provided.
conditions No Condition that must be true for the row to be returned in Google Sheet Query Language format. Defaults to return all rows if not provided.
limit No Impose a limit on the number of rows that will be returned. Defaults to no limit if not provided.
offset No Skips the given number of first rows from being returned. Defaults to not skip any rows if not provided.
order_by No Sorts the row based on the given column values in either ascending or descending order. Defaults to not sort the rows.

We will utilise the GViz API to return the matching rows from the spreadsheet by running the Google Query below:

SELECT <column-1>, <column-2>, ..., <column-n> WHERE A IS NOT NULL [AND <condition>] [ORDER BY <ordering-1>, <ordering-2>, ..., <ordering-n>] [LIMIT <limit>] [OFFSET <offset>]


  • Query inside square bracket denotes an optional query, only need to be provided if necessary.

Suppose the client calls Select query with following parameters (using Person schema above):

  • conditions: age > 5
  • order_by: [["age", "DESC"], ["name", "ASC"]]

the actual query that we will run looks like this:


On how to use GViz API can refer to the appendix below.


Update selected rows with the given value.

The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
value Yes A map of column to the updated value that we're going to replace the rows with.
conditions No Condition that must be true in order for the row to be updated in Google Sheet Query Language format. Defaults to update all rows if not provided.

To get the list of affected rows, we need to call GViz API with the following query: SELECT A WHERE A IS NOT NULL [AND <condition>]


  • A column is referring to the _rid column (which contains the row's index).

After we get the list of indices that we need to update, call spreadsheets.values.batchUpdate to update all the affected rows with the given value. Note that we should only update the columns that is specified in the value (suppose value is {"col1": "1", "col3": "2"} and in the spreadsheet we have 3 columns col1, col2 and col3, we should not touch the col2), this means that you need to create 2 update query to update col1 and col3 for each affected rows when calling the API.


Delete rows that matched the given conditions.

The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
conditions No Condition that must be true in order for the row to be deleted in Google Sheet Query Language format. Defaults to delete all rows if not provided.

To get the list of affected rows, we need to call GViz API with the following query: SELECT A WHERE A IS NOT NULL [AND <conditions>]

Note: A column is referring to the _rid column (which contains the row's index).

After we get the list of row indices that we need to delete (by reading the value of _rid column returned by previous query), call spreadsheets.values.clear API to remove all the affected rows.


Return the number of rows that matched the given conditions.

The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
conditions No Condition that must be true in order for the row to be counted in Google Sheet Query Language format. Defaults to count all rows if not provided.

To get the number of rows, we need to call GViz API with the following query: SELECT COUNT(A) WHERE A IS NOT NULL [AND <conditions>]


Calling GViz API

To call the GViz API create a GET request to<spreadsheet_id>/gviz/tq (replace <spreadsheet_id> with the spreadsheet ID that we're going to operate on) with the following query parameters and headers:

Parameter Name Value
sheet <sheet_name>
tqx responseHandler:freeleh
tq <gsheet_query>
headers 1
Header Name Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <auth_token>

Replace <sheet_name> with the sheet name that we're going to operate on, <gsheet_query> with the query that we want to run, and <auth_token> with the token that you use to call the Google Sheet V4 API.

For example, suppose you want to run the "SELECT A" query on Sheet1 of a spreadsheet with ID ABCD with TOKEN as the authorization token the actual request will look like this:

GET /spreadsheets/d/ABCD/gviz/tq?sheet=Sheet1&tqx=responseHandler:freeleh&tq=SELECT%20A&headers=1 HTTP/2
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN

If everything works well, you will get a response like this:

freeleh({"version":"0.6","reqId":"0","status":"ok","sig":"880399325","table":{"cols":[{"id":"B","label":"name","type":"string"},{"id":"C","label":"age","type":"number","pattern":"General"},{"id":"D","label":"date of birth","type":"date","pattern":"m-d-yyyy"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":"name1"},{"v":10.0,"f":"10"},{"v":"Date(1999,0,1)","f":"1-1-1999"}]},{"c":[{"v":"name2"},{"v":11.0,"f":"11"},{"v":"Date(2000,0,1)","f":"1-1-2000"}]},{"c":[{"v":"name3"},{"v":12.0,"f":"12"},{"v":"Date(2001,0,1)","f":"1-1-2001"}]}],"parsedNumHeaders":0}});

Before we can process the response, we need to discard any character that comes before the first { character and those that come after the last } character, after we discard those characters we will get a valid JSON string.

{"version":"0.6","reqId":"0","status":"ok","sig":"880399325","table":{"cols":[{"id":"B","label":"name","type":"string"},{"id":"C","label":"age","type":"number","pattern":"General"},{"id":"D","label":"date of birth","type":"date","pattern":"m-d-yyyy"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":"name1"},{"v":10.0,"f":"10"},{"v":"Date(1999,0,1)","f":"1-1-1999"}]},{"c":[{"v":"name2"},{"v":11.0,"f":"11"},{"v":"Date(2000,0,1)","f":"1-1-2000"}]},{"c":[{"v":"name3"},{"v":12.0,"f":"12"},{"v":"Date(2001,0,1)","f":"1-1-2001"}]}],"parsedNumHeaders":0}}

.table.cols contain the list of column info objects that we included in the SELECT clause in the same order of appearance.

.table.rows contain the list of row objects. The value of a i-th row can be accessed via .table.rows[i].c key. Inside of the row value object you will find v and f key, where v corresponds to the raw value while f corresponds to the formatted value (the value that user can see from the Google Sheet GUI).

To parse the value, use the v value of each cell and convert the value to your language native type.

Data type v Value Example Recommendation
Bool "true" or "false" Treat "true" as truthy boolean value and "false" as falsy.
Number "1234", "1.4", "1.234573E8" Parse them as double-precision floating point value (and then convert to other type if necessary).
String "value" Parse them as string.

Key-Value (KV) Store

KV Store is a data structure that can map a key to a value (similar to a hash map).

We will build KV Store on top of our Row Store. The row data schema for each record looks like this (in PyFreeDB model):

class Entry(models.Model):
    key = models.StringField()
    value = models.StringField()



Set the value of a key to the given value.

The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
key Yes Record's key
value Yes The value that we want to set

For both Default and Append Only mode, simply insert Entry(key=<key>, value=<value>) to the row store.


Get the value of a key from the store.

The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
key Yes Record's key that we want to get
  1. For Default Mode, Get can be done by selecting rows that matched key=<key> condition and applying limit=1.

    • In PyFreeDB syntax, it's equivalent to:"key = ?", <key>).limit(1).execute().
  2. For Append-Only mode, Get can be done by selecting rows that matched key=<key> sorted by _rid value in descending manner and applying limit=1. Note that if we get value="" we must treat it as KeyNotFound.

    • In PyFreeDB syntax, it's equivalent to:"key = ?", key).order_by(Ordering.DESC("_rid")).limit(1).execute().


Deletes the record associated with the given key from the store.

The operation method should expect these parameters:

Parameter Name Required Remarks
key Yes Record's key that we want to delete
  1. For default mode, Delete can be done by deleting row that matched with key=<key>.
    • In PyFreeDB syntax, it's equivalent to row_store.delete().where("key = ?", key).execute().
  2. For Append-Only mode, Delete can be done by inserting Entry(key=<key>, value="") to the store.
    • In PyFreeDB syntax, it's equivalent to row_store.insert(Entry(key=key, value="")).execute()