A curated list of resources for Google Apps Script, a scripting language based on JavaScript that lets you automate tasks and extend Google Workspace.
- 1. Resources
- 2. Development
- 3. Libraries & Modules
- 4. Open Source Apps & Add-ons
- 5. Testing
- 6. Logging
- 7. Snippets and Assorted
A compilation of helpful resources for Google Apps Script users, including communities, blogs, and collections.
- Digital Inspiration Amit Agarwal's site
- mashe.hawksey.info Martin Hawksey's site
- ramblings.mcpher.com Desktop Liberation - the definitive resource for Google Apps Script and Microsoft Office automation
- googleappscripting.com Google Apps Script Tutorials and Examples • Making Google Apps Script Accessible to Everybody
- scriptsexamples A set of code samples and libraries to foster programming in Google AppsScript to be easy
- tanaikech.github.io The
Google Apps Script
tag of the Kanshi's blog - andrewroberts.net The Andrew Roberts's site
- kutil.org The
google apps script
tag of Ivan Kutil's blog - googleappsscript.org Google Apps Script Tutorial
- scriptingwithshiva.blogspot.com Scripting With Shiva It will help those wants to start Google Apps script Development from scratch
- benlcollins.com Ben Collins's site
- pulse.appsscript.info User contributed tutorials and news
- Making a virtual machine in Google Sheets Register of Apps Script consultants
- Easy data scraping with Google Apps Script in 5 minutes
- Send SMS with Google Sheets and your Android Phone
- Apps Script consultants
- Learning Google Apps Script The best resources for learning Google Apps Script, the glue that connects GSuite services including Gmail, Google Drive, Calendar, Maps, Analytics and more
- Google Apps Script Cheat Sheet
- Andrew Roberts' Scripts and Snippets
- ez-clasp A starter kit for building Google Apps Script projects with TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Jest and Rollup support out of the box.
- apps-script-starter A starter kit for building Google Apps Script projects with modern JavaScript ES6, Webpack, Babel and ESLint inside Visual Studio Code
An extensive list of libraries and modules to enhance and extend the functionality of Google Apps Script.
- FirebaseApp The Google Apps Script binding for the Firebase Realtime Database
- oshliaer/alasqlgs AlaSQLGS is a library that enables the use of the AlaSQL.js library in Google Apps Script
- Goodel An ORM for Google Apps scripts
- gs-spreadsheet-manager A slightly more object-oriented, ORM-y, and altogether pleasant way of dealing with Google Spreadsheets when using Google Apps Script
- gas-underscore Underscore for Google Apps Script
- lodashgs Lodash for Google Apps Script is a library that enables the use of the lodash.js library in Google Apps Script
- Apps-Script-htmlparser2-library A browserified version of fb55/htmlparser2 modified to work in Google Apps Script
- cheeriogs HTML manipulation library with jQuery-like interface
- apps-script-oauth1 An OAuth1 library for Google Apps Script
- apps-script-oauth2 An OAuth2 library for Google Apps Script
- ImgApp This is a library of image tools for Google Apps Script
- GPhotosApp This is a Google Photos REST API library for Google Apps scripts
- googledatastudio/community-connectors This repository contains open source content for Google Data Studio
- classroomtechtools/modularLibraries A collection of importable, modular libraries for any Google Apps Script project
A selection of open-source applications and add-ons built using Google Apps Script, serving various purposes.
- google-docs-add-on Publish to WordPress from Google Docs
- email-studio-gmail-addon Gmail add-on for Mail Merge and Email Scheduler
- huan/gast Google Apps Script TAP Testing-framework
- GSUnit is a Google Apps Script based testing framework based on JUnit by Kent Beck and JSUnit by Edward Hieatt.
- huan/gasl Google Apps Script Logging-framework
- BetterLog Logging library that extends the native apps script Logger, mainly to allow logging to a GSheet
Useful code snippets covering various aspects of Google Apps Script, including spreadsheets, XML, and more.
- [Apps Script] Getting the unmerged ranges within a range
- Google Apps Script to fill in a Document template with Spreadsheet data
- xmlToJson A function to convert an XML string to a JSON object in Apps Script, using logic similar to the sunset method Xml.parse()
- GoogleSheets best code I've tested in Google Sheets
- google-docs Libraries and functions used within Google Docs