by Peter Cosemans
Copyright (c) 2017 Euricom nv. Licensed under the MIT license.
- Slides
- Templates
- Examples
- Exercises
- Peter Cosemans (Euricom)
- 12 year Microsoft .NET Development
- 4 year Front-end Development
- Architect, Tech Coach, Trainer
- JavaScript
- Angular, React, VueJS
- NodeJS, MongoDB
- Mobile (hybrid)
- Day 1: Javascript
- Day 2: WebPack & VueJS
- Day 3: VueJS (continue) & Intro Unit Testing
- Day 4: VueJS Unit Testing & QA
- Know your javascript
- Lexical Scope
- Closure
- This
- Prototype
- ES6 and beyond
- TC39
- Linting
- Babel
- ES6+ Features
- WebPack
- Setup
- DevServer
- Rules
- Plugins
- Dev vs Production
- VueJS Intro
- Setup
- Binding
- Events
- Components
- Forms
- VueJS with ES6 & WebPack
- .vue files
- vue-loader (for webpack)
- styling (scoped, less)
- routing
- vuex
- Unit Testing
- Setup: Mocha/Chai
- Async
- Spies & stubs
- Testing API calls
- Unit Testing & VueJS
- Setup (mocha vs karma & WebPack)
- Testing services
- Testing components
- Questions & Answers
Knowledge / Experience
- Javascript (jquery)
- HTML / CSS / BootStrap
- Chrome Dev Tools
System Setup
- GIT client (git cli, SourceTree)
- NodeJS 7.x
- Visual Studio Code
- Chrome
- Optional but usefull
- Know your javascript
- ES6 and beyond
- WebPack
- VueJS Intro
- VueJS with WebPack
- VueJS Router & Vuex
- Unit Testing
- Unit Testing with WebPack
- Unit Testing with VueJS
Powercharge your editor
Plugin | Remark |
EditorConfig for VS Code | - |
ESLint | - |
Git History (git log) | Git commits logs |
Git Blame | See Git Blame info in status bar |
Git Flow | Git Flow Branching commands |
beautify | Format JS, CSS, and HTML |
npm Intellisense | Autocompletes npm modules |
Path Intellisense | Autocompletes path and filenames |
Plugin | Remark |
vetur | Syntax highlighting .vue files |
VueHelper | Vue code snippets |
mssql | Autocomplete & exec sql scripts |
Spelling and Grammer | - |
Document This | JSDoc comments |
ES6 Mocha Snippets | - |
SVG preview | - |
Goto preferences - user settings
// auto save on close
"files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
// let ESlint validate my JS code
"javascript.validate.enable": false,
// default exclude on search
"search.exclude": {
"**/*bundle.js": true,
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/bower_components": true
// don't check typescript version'
"typescript.check.tscVersion": false,
// linting vue files
"files.associations": {
"*.vue": "vue"
// github markdown preview
"markdown.styles": [