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Releases: DOI-USGS/nhdplusTools


27 May 13:26
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v0.5.3 is primarily bug fixes and enhancements.

One notable addition is the addition of the rpu_boundaries and vpu_boundaries datasets which provide simplified polygons around the RPU and VPU subset domains of the nhdplusV2 dataset.

nhdplusTools 0.5.2

08 Apr 16:27
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Mike Johnson is now recognized as an author of nhdplusTools.

New citation:

> citation("nhdplusTools")

To cite nhdplusTools in publications, please use:

  Blodgett, D., Johnson, J.M., 2022, nhdplusTools: Tools for Accessing and
  Working with the NHDPlus,

New Functions

  • map_nhdplus() works much the same as plot_nhdplus() but creates a leaflet map rather than a static plot.
  • get_nldi_index() is used to call the NLDI web service to retrieve a hydrologic location.


  • get_flowline_index() and get_waterbody_index() units and projection handling was altered. Defaults for the search_radius input were changed. Coordinate reference system handling in geoprocessing now relies on the CRS of the provided points rather than the flowlines.
  • get_nldi_basin() now supports precise basin delineation via a logical "split" parameter as well as the option to retrieve un-simplified basin geometry.
  • All network-dependent functions in nhdplusTools now return a warning and NULL if the web servicee is unavailable or fails for other reasons. This is according to CRAN policy.

Plotting scalability and CRAN Fixes

02 Mar 22:24
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This release includes minor updates to plot_nhdplus that improves plots for large basins. Some bug fixes were included in this as well.

Other changes were for CRAN check issues that cropped up in v0.5.0.


22 Feb 14:27
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Back on CRAN

23 Jun 14:22
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CRAN Release

16 May 18:47
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Subset and levelpaths optimizations

08 Dec 02:38
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This is a minor release with primarily performance improvements and validations for compatibility with ArcPro.

  • subset_nhdplus() now validates geometry and ensures all outputs are in NAD83
  • subset_nhdplus() queries the NHDPlus database rather than loading then filtering
  • get_levelpaths() rewritten for performance. Package now uses data.table.


05 Nov 01:00
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  • Added discover_nldi_characteristics() and get_nldi_characteristics()
  • Changed navigate_nldi() to use the new NLDI navigation end point. Distance is now required.
  • Fixed a bug in get_flowline_index() to handle multipart lines.
  • Added flowline_only input to plot_nhdplus() to improve scalability
  • Added streamorder filtering to subset_nhdplus() for download filtering.
  • Default behavior of plot_nhdplus() updated to improve scalability of large downloads.

nhdplusTools 0.3.14

03 Aug 15:53
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  • Added get_node() to get top and bottom of a flowline.
  • Switched geospatial data dependency to use
  • Added subset_rpu() to enable subsetting the NHD by Raster Processing Unit
  • Added get_waterbody_index() to find associations between point locations and waterbodys.
  • Added ability to get multiple matches from get_flowline_index() with max_matches parameter.
  • Added ability to download flowlines in get_flowline_index() rather than requiring data to be loaded locally.

Plotting, NHDPlusHR, and more network attributes.

13 Jan 01:47
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This release has been published on CRAN and includes numerous improvements since the last CRAN release. See package news for details.