// curl -XPOST localhost:5050/person --data "age=18"
class Person {
int age
chain.post("person", { Context ctx ->
ctx.parse(Form) { Form form ->
Person person = form as Person
assert person.age == 18
// curl -XPOST localhost:5050/atomicinteger --data "value=42"
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
chain.post("atomicinteger", { Context ctx ->
ctx.parse(Form) { Form form ->
AtomicInteger atomicInteger = form as AtomicInteger
assert atomicInteger.get() == 42
// curl -XPOST localhost:5050/balloon --data "mass_density=0.179"
import one.chest.ratpack.form.FormProperty
class Balloon {
float massDensity
chain.post("balloon", { Context ctx ->
ctx.parse(Form) { Form form ->
Balloon balloon = form as Balloon
assert balloon.massDesnity == 0.179
// curl -XPOST localhost:5050/book \
// --data "author=Edgar Allan Poe" \
// --data "stories=The Gold-Bug, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Mystery of Marie Roget"
class Book {
String author
List<String> stories
def setStories(String commaSeparatedList) {
stories = commaSeparatedList.split(",")*.trim()
chain.post("book", { Context ctx ->
ctx.parse(Form) { Form form ->
Book book = form as Book
assert book.author == 'Edgar Allan Poe'
assert book.stories == [
'The Gold-Bug',
'The Murders in the Rue Morgue',
'The Mystery of Marie Roget'
To use validation features, you must include one of the libraries that implement JSR 303
// curl -XPOST localhost:5050/person --data "age=15"
class Person {
@Min(value = 18, message = "You must be 18 years or older")
int age
chain.post("person", { Context ctx ->
ctx.parse(Form) { Form form ->
try {
Person person = form as Person
} catch(ValidationException e) {
ctx.render e.message
If you use a shadow library, do not forget to merge the extension module
shadowJar {