This is the source code for bVNC, aRDP, aSPICE and Opaque, four remote desktop clients for Android.
Please see the LICENSE file for information on how the source is licensed.
There are two ways to build the applications. With pre-built libraries, or from scratch.
The build automation of requires Linux at the moment, due to the use of symlinks.
Pick one of I-a, I-b, or I-c below, then move onto II.
Building the projects with pre-built dependencies.
./bVNC/ --skip-build libs nopath
Make sure you're running the commands below from the root of the project. Ensure ANDROID_SDK is set to the path to your SDK.
export ANDROID_SDK=${HOME}/Android/Sdk
echo "USER_UID=$(id -u)" > docker/.env
echo "USER_GID=$(id -g)" >> docker/.env
echo "ANDROID_SDK=${ANDROID_SDK}" >> docker/.env
echo "CURRENT_WORKING_DIR=$(pwd)" >> docker/.env
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Building from scratch and working in Android Studio.
Install some packages. On Ubuntu: apt install gnome-common gobject-introspection nasm
On Linux, install Android Studio
Install Android SDK from Tools -> SDK Tools
Install Android SDK command-line tools and CMake from the SDK Tools tab
Ensure that the path to ANDROID_SDK is ${HOME}/Android/Sdk/ and correct below if necessary
To build the projects
If building a non-custom client, set PROJECT to libs. For a custom VNC client, set PROJECT to a string that stars with Custom and contains Vnc, i.e.
(see III below for details). -
Set the environment variables ANDROID_SDK to your SDK installation. The scripts will install the NDK automatically.
export PROJECT=libs # or CustomSomethingOrOther export ANDROID_SDK=${HOME}/Android/Sdk/ export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_SDK}/platform-tools/ export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_SDK}/tools
Accept all licenses (repeat if you see an error during build)
${ANDROID_SDK}/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses
Then, run the build script which takes hours to run. E.g.:
Switch to Android Studio, select the launch configuration you want to run, and run it on an emulator or device.
If using an emulator, choose x86_64 as the architecture to avoid "has text relocations" errors loading gstreamer on Android.
This should be as simple as selecting "Open an existing Android Studio project" on the Welcome screen, browsing to the remote-desktop-clients directory and selecting it.
One final tweak is necessary to the (external) freeRDPCore project before the project can build. Double-click "Gradle Scripts" on the left, and open build.gradle (Module freeRDPCore). Change minSdkVersion to 11.
Build -> Make Project should now work.
You can add custom CAs for aSPICE and Opaque in remoteClientLib/certificate_authorities/. They will be merged with the ca-bundle.crt provided to the app to validate your self-signed server certs if you have any.
The directory bVNC/layouts
contains a utiliy
that can be used to generate new layouts for the desktop clients.
It is possible to programmatically build additional customized clients based on the VNC client contained in this project without altering any of the source code of the project.
Pick a unique identifier for your app. It will become part of the (application ID)[] of the app. For example, say you pick YourVncClient. The application ID will be com.iiordanov.YourVncClient.
Place a configuration file in yaml format (note - with filename matching your resulting application ID) at
Use the file
as a starting point. The numbers after each field are one of View.INVISIBLE or View.GONE and it controls whether the field is invisible or gone in the customized interface. -
See [] for the numeric value of View.GONE and [] for the numberic value of View.INVISIBLE.
Place an icon at
. -
and set CUSTOM_VNC_APP_NAME toName Of The Custom App
and CUSTOM_VNC_APP_ICON toicon_of_the_custom_app
Follow the build procedure in I-a, I-b, or I-c above, but with the PROJECT environment variable set to anything that starts with
and hasVnc
in its name. For instance, if you set PROJECT toCustomYourVncClient
. ThebVNC/
script will strip "Custom" from that identifier and once the project is built will be com.iiordanov.YourVncClient.
Please post any bugs you find at the github issue tracker:
Questions and general discussion should be posted at the following forum:!forum/bvnc-ardp-aspice-opaque-remote-desktop-clients