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109 lines (74 loc) · 2.74 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (74 loc) · 2.74 KB


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

Environment setup

Nothing easier!

Fork and clone the repository:

git clone
cd unearth

We use pdm to manage the project and dependencies, install PDM if it isn't done yet, then:

pdm install

You now have the dependencies installed.

You can run the tests with pdm run test [ARGS...].

Test against multiple Python versions

This project uses nox as the test runner. See what sessions are list:

nox --list

And run the test suite on specified Python versions:

nox -s tests-3.8

!!! important "TIPS" nox and pre-commit in the following section are not list in the dev-dependencies of the project, because they can be installed separately to the system and used via the external executable. If you are willing to reproduce the development environment without external dependencies. Run pdm add -d nox pre-commit and the corresponding commands should be prefixed with pdm run as well.


As usual:

  1. create a new branch: git checkout -b feature-or-bugfix-name
  2. edit the code and/or the documentation

If you updated the documentation or the project dependencies:

  1. run pdm run doc
  2. go to http://localhost:8000 and check that everything looks good

Before committing:

  1. Make sure you submit a news entry under news/ directory with the name pattern <issue_or_pr_num>.<type>.md where <type> should be one of:

    1. bugfix for bug fixes
    2. feature for features and improvements
    3. doc for documentation improvements
    4. remove for deprecations and removals
    5. dep for dependencies updates
    6. misc for miscellany tasks
  2. Install pre-commit and hooks:

    pre-commit install
  3. Then linter task will be run each time when you commit something. Or you can run it manually:

    pdm run lint

If you are unsure about how to fix or ignore a warning, just let the continuous integration fail, and we will help you during review.

Don't bother updating the changelog, we will take care of this.

Pull requests guidelines

Link to any related issue in the Pull Request message.

During review, we recommend using fixups:

# SHA is the SHA of the commit you want to fix
git commit --fixup=SHA

Once all the changes are approved, you can squash your commits:

git rebase -i --autosquash master

And force-push:

git push -f

If this seems all too complicated, you can push or force-push each new commit, and we will squash them ourselves if needed, before merging.