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Merge pull request #84 from fslaborg/speed
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Add ZipArchiveReader
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HLWeil authored Feb 7, 2024
2 parents 5c18c78 + 8da67c9 commit 6cc4d8d
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Showing 9 changed files with 516 additions and 30 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.fsproj
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
<Compile Include="Workbook.fs" />
<Compile Include="Spreadsheet.fs" />
<Compile Include="Package.fs" />
<Compile Include="ZipArchiveReader.fs" />
<Compile Include="FsExtensions.fs" />

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338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/ZipArchiveReader.fs
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@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
module FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.ZipArchiveReader

open System.IO.Compression
open System.Xml

open FsSpreadsheet

let inline bool (v : string) =
match v with
| null | "0" -> false
| "1" -> true
| _ ->
let v' = v.ToLower()
if v' = "true" then true
elif v' = "false" then false
else failwith "Invalid boolean value"

module DType =
let boolean = "b"
let number = "n"
let error = "e"
let sharedString = "s"
let string = "str"
let inlineString = "5"
let date = "d"

type Relationship =
{ Id : string
Type : string
Target : string }

type WorkBook = ZipArchive

type SharedStrings = string []

type Relationships = Map<string,Relationship>

let dateTimeFormats = Set.ofList [14..22]
let customFormats = Set.ofList [164 .. 180]

type NumberFormat =
{ Id : int
FormatCode : string }

static member isDateTime (numberFormat : NumberFormat) =
let format = numberFormat.FormatCode
let input = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(format, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
let dt = System.DateTime.ParseExact(
dt <> Unchecked.defaultof<System.DateTime>

and CellFormat =
NumberFormatId : int
ApllyNumberFormat : bool

static member isDateTime (styles : Styles) (cf : CellFormat) =
// if numberformatid is between 14 and 18 it is standard date time format.
// custom formats are given in the range of 164 to 180, all none default date time formats fall in there.
if Set.contains cf.NumberFormatId dateTimeFormats then
elif Set.contains cf.NumberFormatId customFormats then
styles.NumberFormats.TryFind cf.NumberFormatId
|> NumberFormat.isDateTime
|> Option.defaultValue true

and Styles =
NumberFormats : Map<int,NumberFormat>
CellFormats : CellFormat []

module XmlReader =
let isElemWithName (reader : System.Xml.XmlReader) (name : string) =
reader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element && (reader.Name = name || reader.Name = "x:" + name)

let parseRelationsships (relationships : ZipArchiveEntry) : Relationships =
use relationshipsStream = relationships.Open()
use relationshipsReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(relationshipsStream)
let mutable rels = [||]
while relationshipsReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName relationshipsReader "Relationship" then
let id = relationshipsReader.GetAttribute("Id")
let typ = relationshipsReader.GetAttribute("Type")
let target =
let t = relationshipsReader.GetAttribute("Target")
if t.StartsWith "xl/" then t
elif t.StartsWith "/xl/" then t.Replace("/xl/","xl/")
elif t.StartsWith "../" then t.Replace("../","xl/")
else "xl/" + t
rels <- Array.append rels [|{Id = id; Type = typ; Target = target}|]
|> (fun r -> r.Id, r) |> Map.ofArray
| _ -> Map.empty

let getWbRelationships (wb : WorkBook) =
|> parseRelationsships

let getWsRelationships (ws : string) (wb : WorkBook) =
|> parseRelationsships

let getSharedStrings (wb : WorkBook) : SharedStrings =

let sharedStrings = wb.GetEntry("xl/sharedStrings.xml")
use sharedStringsStream = sharedStrings.Open()
use sharedStringsReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(sharedStringsStream)
while sharedStringsReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName sharedStringsReader "si" then
use subReader = sharedStringsReader.ReadSubtree()
while subReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName subReader "t" then
yield subReader.ReadElementContentAsString()
| _ -> [||]

let getStyles (wb : WorkBook) =
let styles = wb.GetEntry("xl/styles.xml")
use stylesStream = styles.Open()
use stylesReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stylesStream)
let mutable numberFormats = Map.empty
let mutable cellFormats = Array.empty
while stylesReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName stylesReader "numFmts" then
use subReader = stylesReader.ReadSubtree()
let numFmts =
while subReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName subReader "numFmt" then
let id = subReader.GetAttribute("numFmtId") |> int
let formatCode = subReader.GetAttribute("formatCode")
yield id, {Id = id; FormatCode = formatCode}
numberFormats <- Map.ofArray numFmts
if XmlReader.isElemWithName stylesReader "cellXfs" then
use subReader = stylesReader.ReadSubtree()
let cellFmts =
while subReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName subReader "xf" then
let numFmtId = subReader.GetAttribute("numFmtId") |> int
let applyNumberFormat = subReader.GetAttribute("applyNumberFormat") |> bool
yield {NumberFormatId = numFmtId; ApllyNumberFormat = applyNumberFormat}
cellFormats <- cellFmts
{NumberFormats = numberFormats; CellFormats = cellFormats}

let parseTable (sheet : ZipArchiveEntry) =
use stream = sheet.Open()
use reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stream)
let mutable t = None
while reader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName reader "table" then
let area = reader.GetAttribute("ref")
let ra = FsRangeAddress(area)
let totalsRowShown =
let attribute = reader.GetAttribute("totalsRowShown")
match attribute with
| null
| "0" -> false
| "1" -> true
| _ -> false
let name =
let dn = reader.GetAttribute("displayName")
if dn = null then
else dn
t <- Some (FsTable(name, ra, totalsRowShown, true))
if t.IsNone then
failwith "No table found"
| err -> failwithf "Error while parsing table \"%s\":%s" sheet.FullName err.Message

//|> (fun e -> e.Name)
//|> Seq.toArray

// Apply the parseTable function to every zip entry starting with "xl/tables"
let getTables (wb : WorkBook) =
|> Seq.choose (fun e ->
if e.FullName.StartsWith("xl/tables") && e.FullName <> "xl/tables" && e.FullName <> "xl/tables/" then
parseTable e
|> Some
else None)
|> Seq.toArray

let parseCell (sst : SharedStrings) (styles : Styles) (value : string) (dataType : string) (style : string) (formula : string) : obj*DataType =
// LibreOffice annotates boolean values as formulas instead of boolean datatypes
if formula <> null && formula = "TRUE()" then
elif formula <> null && formula = "FALSE()" then
let cellValueString = if dataType <> null && dataType = DType.sharedString then sst.[int value] else value
// if styleindex is not null and datatype is null we propably have a DateTime field.
// if datatype would not be null it could also be boolean, as far as i tested it ~Kevin F 13.10.2023
if style <> null && (dataType = null || dataType = DType.number) then
let cellFormat : CellFormat = styles.CellFormats.[int style]
if (*cellFormat <> null &&*) CellFormat.isDateTime styles cellFormat then
System.DateTime.FromOADate(float cellValueString), DataType.Date
float value, DataType.Number
| _ -> value, DataType.Number
match dataType with
| DType.boolean ->
match cellValueString.ToLower() with
| "1" | "true" -> true
| "0" | "false" -> false
| _ -> cellValueString
| ->
// datetime is written as float counting days since 1900.
// We use the .NET helper because we really do not want to deal with datetime issues.
System.DateTime.FromOADate(float cellValueString), DataType.Date
| _ -> cellValueString, DataType.Date
| DType.error -> cellValueString, DataType.Empty
| DType.inlineString
| DType.sharedString
| DType.string -> cellValueString, DataType.String
| _ ->
float cellValueString
| _ -> cellValueString

let parseWorksheet (name : string) (styles : Styles) (sharedStrings : SharedStrings) (sheet : ZipArchiveEntry) (wb : WorkBook) =
let ws = FsWorksheet(name)
let relationships = getWsRelationships sheet.FullName wb
use stream = sheet.Open()
use reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stream)
while reader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName reader "c" then
let r = reader.GetAttribute("r")
let t = reader.GetAttribute("t")
let s = reader.GetAttribute("s")

let mutable v = null
let mutable f = null
use cellReader = reader.ReadSubtree()
while cellReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName cellReader "v" then
v <- cellReader.ReadElementContentAsString()
if XmlReader.isElemWithName cellReader "f" then
f <- cellReader.ReadElementContentAsString()
if v <> null && v <> "" || f <> null then
let cellValue,dataType = parseCell sharedStrings styles v t s f
let cell = FsCell(cellValue,dataType = dataType,address = FsAddress(r))
ws.AddCell(cell) |> ignore
if XmlReader.isElemWithName reader "tablePart" then
let id = reader.GetAttribute("r:id")
let rel = relationships.[id]
let table =
|> parseTable
ws.AddTable(table) |> ignore
| err -> failwithf "Error while parsing worksheet \"%s\":%s" name err.Message

let parseWorkbook (wb : ZipArchive) =
let newWb = new FsWorkbook()
let styles = getStyles wb
let sst = getSharedStrings wb
//let tables = getTables wb
let relationships = getWbRelationships wb
let wbPart = wb.GetEntry("xl/workbook.xml")
use wbStream = wbPart.Open()
use wbReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(wbStream)
while wbReader.Read() do
if XmlReader.isElemWithName wbReader "sheet" then
let name = wbReader.GetAttribute("name")
let id = wbReader.GetAttribute("r:id")
let rel = relationships.[id]
let sheet = wb.GetEntry(rel.Target)
let ws = parseWorksheet name styles sst sheet wb
newWb.AddWorksheet (ws) |> ignore

module FsWorkbook =

open System.IO

let fromZipArchive (wb : ZipArchive) =
parseWorkbook wb

let fromStream (stream : Stream) =
use zip = new ZipArchive(stream)
fromZipArchive zip

let fromBytes (bytes : byte []) =
use ms = new MemoryStream(bytes)
fromStream ms

let fromFile (path : string) =
use fs = File.OpenRead(path)
fromStream fs
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions src/FsSpreadsheet/FsAddress.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,16 +37,24 @@ module CellReference =
let ofIndices column (row : uint32) =
sprintf "%s%i" (indexToColAdress column) row

/// Maps a "A1" style excel cell reference to a column * row index tuple (1 Based indices).
let toIndices (reference : string) =
let inp = reference.ToUpper()
let regex = indexRegex.Match(inp)
let charPart = System.Text.StringBuilder()
let numPart = System.Text.StringBuilder()

if regex.Success then
|> fun a -> colAdressToIndex a.[1].Value, uint32 a.[2].Value
failwithf "Reference %s does not match Excel A1-style" reference
|> Seq.iter (fun c ->
if System.Char.IsLetter c then
charPart.Append c |> ignore
elif System.Char.IsDigit c then
numPart.Append c |> ignore
failwithf "Reference %s does not match Excel A1-style" reference
colAdressToIndex (charPart.ToString()), uint32 (numPart.ToString())

/// Maps a "A1" style excel cell reference to a column (1 Based indices).
let toColIndex (reference : string) =
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