Install the docker stack as defined in the tools repository
Connect to the apache container and follow steps :
# Connect to container
docker-compose exec php bash
cd back/
# Composer
composer install --no-interaction
# Install a fresh & empty database
php bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
GrumPHP Documentation.
Be sure that GrumPHP is connected to your commits. Verify that the 2 files into git_hooks/ have been copied
in your project folder .git/hooks/.
If they are not present, copy them :
cp git_hooks/* .git/hooks/
chmod +X .git/hooks/*
When you do a commit, GrumpPHP is triggered and execute some tasks. You can find them in grumphp.yml.
Some tasks have configuration here :
- PHPStan : phpstan.neon
- PHP-CS-Fixer : php_cs
Inside php container
# Running the worker
# use -vv to see details about what's happening
php bin/console messenger:consume async
Dashboard is available to retry or reject failed tasks :
Inside php container
# Execute all tests inside tests directory
php bin/phpunit
# Excecute particular test
php bin/phpunit --filter SecurityControllerTest
Mysql container available here :
# Connect to container
docker-compose exec mysql bash