Releases: AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-android
broker redirectUri format change
Change broker redirectUri requirement to msauth://packagename/
Broker update for Company portal
Intune specific fix: Rollback logic for connecting to authenticator
Add version to logs
Jar files will be available at Maven
Update for broker changes
Broker needs to linked to signature and related packagename will come from AuthenticatorDescription.
Spinner fix at activity
Clean unnecessary icons
Maven release will be available here:
Bug fixes
Update response handling for refresh token request.
Update signature for ssp app
Maven repo:
Signed Jar file with resources are attached.
Bug fixes
AndroidKeyStore related fix
ExpirationTime buffer for token expiration similar to adal.ios
Opening an external link
Cache fix
Shared default cache
maven repo:
V1.0 release
Important Updates:
1- Support for the Microsoft Azure AD Authenticator plug-in for Android, which will be released soon!
2- acquireTokenSilent for token request without activity
3- Idtoken exposure
4- Encryption update to allow usage of user defined key for all versions of SDK
5- Password expire notification in idtoken
6- Bug fixes
You can get binaries from
Microsoft Code signed binaries are also attached.
ADAL Android Preview
Update Groupid:
Update folder for src
Fix AuthenticationActivity layout file for KitKat
Maven release will be
ADAL Android Preview
Maven release
ADAL Android Preview
Azure Active Directory Library to get token, refresh token and use multi Resource Refresh tokens. Built-in persistence cache handles the refresh requests.
Please read the Readme file to get started. It uses Activity to launch prompt screen.
Cache is encrypted and uses AndroidKeyStore for API 4.3 and above. Apps targeting below 4.3 needs to set the keyinfo at AuthenticationSettings to use the encryption.