- I am a student of Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
- I like to do research. As a hobby, I like to do command line tools dev and customising them more and more here and there!
- I am a UG and trying my best to do as much as I can.
- I am currently working on AutoTA, making Yazi Plugins and supporting it all the way, and learning Rust!
- I am not funny at all, cause my jokes are nerdy and that too bad.
I sometimes write some blogs about my work and interests, check them out at: https://anirudhg07.hashnode.dev
const anirudh = {
os : ['MacOS', 'Linux'],
terminal_emulator: ['Ghostty', 'iTerm', 'WezTerm', 'edex-ui'], //edex-ui ROCKS!
shell: ['zsh'], // powered by oh-my-zsh and p10k!,
code_editors: ['NeoVim', 'VS Code'], // VS Code with NeoVim extension :)
languages: ['Python', 'C', 'Rust, 'JS', '`English`', '`Hindi`'], // LOL
hobbies: ["I love Terminal, CLI and TUI's. I have tons of TUI's and if something I want doesn't exist, well I am learning to make 'em",
"I also love doing CTF's when I feel like doing."],
fav_tuis: ['Lazygit', 'Yazi'], // Just my life saviour
my_creation's: ['Cheatshh', 'Typeinc + Typeinc-mini', 'morseet', 'ntfyme']
I wanna explore more and love doing computer coding, math, and make Terminal cooler and cooler!
Fun Fact! I mis-referred my linkedin account Link above, which was corrected by @Demianeen xD!