Using Machine learning models to relation between Student's alcohol consumption and their grades.
Link to the competition: Link to my solution on Kaggle:
Student's alcohol consumption is a serious problem accross the globe. In that situation Kaggle came up with the dataset of predicting the cases.
Now, firstly I started with feature engineering.
There were no null values for Province_Region hence no need for data cleaning.
Some Date feature are of type Object. So, conversion to integet type is done by mapping an object type value with a unique integer using sklearn feature called preprocessing.
Now, I had to replace all the object type data into numericals. Followed by this, I dropped the columns that are ob type object so that the dataframes now have only numerical type features.
Training models on dataframes and generating root mean squared lograthmic error:
After splitting the data into train and test, I have used the following models:
1.Logistic Regression
2.Decision Tree Regressor
Out of all I got the best score with Decision Tree Regressor. Thanks for reading :-)